500 watts of cfls


actual wattage 525 not equivalent plus 4ft 8bulb T5HO(dont know how many watts it is), plants are loving it and making huge growth daily have to move the lights all the time its like a magnet for buds.

just wanted to put it out there lol

happy smoking yall!!!


hey thanks man seen the hps/mh work great! but.......... if nobody experiments how are new ways going to evolve? and i spend WAY less in elec then using a 600 hps

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
hey thanks man seen the hps/mh work great! but.......... if nobody experiments how are new ways going to evolve? and i spend WAY less in elec then using a 600 hps
my friend, a watt is a watt. 600w is only 75w (a single incandescent bulb) from all of your fluorescent. unless it's not actual wattage your considering, but equivalent wattage?

the experiments are done, almost anyone new to growing has started small and moved up. you can't beat hid, unless you grow outdoors. that's the ultimate truth. however, you can do well enough with low intensity, most certainly. i wish you the best results possible!

any pics?


i have 4 plants in there right now lst'ed right out and i have 5 more clones ready in veg to come over too

ive seen this debated before and your right a watt is a watt but i explained pretty clearly in the first post, you are very correct all the way around thanks for the comments

havent gotten any new pics just pics of the flip and a week after before the cfl addition lights are out now but i will get some tmrw


Well-Known Member
Yea I have a 650 watt cfl cab..love it
And no a 600watt hps isn't 600 watts....but I have those too


Active Member
hey thanks man seen the hps/mh work great! but.......... if nobody experiments how are new ways going to evolve? and i spend WAY less in elec then using a 600 hps
just asking for more clarification than skepticism; but how is 525watts of CFL way less in electricity than a 600w HPS ?
thats >75watts no?


Well-Known Member
so 525watt cfl and another 400-450 watts give or take a few for the 4ft 8bulb t5 so on the low end your using 900 watts of electricity. Being said I am sure the plants are loving it eitherway since 900watts of cfl or hid tent to make a happy plant.


Well-Known Member
i just dont think its possible to produce light without generating alot of heat as well... lumens are based off of candlelight spreading for one foot right? candles are hot :P
either way your gonna have to use appliances (xtra wattage) to ventilate .


A 600 watt hps easily draws 800 with the ballast.. another 150 for extra ventilation
with an hps its an easy 150-400 watts min. for cooling and i dont have that problem at all
we could sit and argue topics all day i was just stating what im growing with
stay in touch new pics later today


Well-Known Member
Well yeah of course the fans are gonna draw more power... duh.
How does a 600 w ballast draw 800 though? lol why wouldnt they just call it an 800 then?
Or 600 watts is the amount right to the bulb and it consumes more to have 600 watts of light so to speak?