Terrible cannabutter experience AHHHH (lesson to be learned here)


Too many brownies
Ok so last night at about 11 I decided to make some god cannabutter. I loaded a ton of bud clippings (im gonna guess almost an oz of some very frosty trimmings, with 2 sticks of butter in a pot. I first let it get nice and hot without burning the butter then reduced it to a simmer and let it simmer for a good 30 minutes. I decided I wanted to make chicken wings with some good potent buffalo sauce. I grab my bottle of Louisiana hot sauce and split it almost 50/50 with cannabutter! (WHAT WAS I THINKING!?) I drench my wings in sauce every bight and let me tell you I used up most of the big bowl of wing sauce. Im feling pretty fucking stoned when I decide its time to lay down and go to sleep.

I woke up 2 hours later drenched in sweat and feeling nauseas as hell. I also had a loud ass ringing in my ears that would not go away. The room was swirling around and moving non stop! MY mouth was just absolutely bone dry and gross as fuck. It felt like a shroom trip gone horribley wrong.

I kept falling in and out of consciousness for a couple hours. And my head felt like it was in a VICE.

Finally I gathered enough strength and dexterity (just barely enough) and went to the fucking bathroom. I felt like I had to puke and shit but of course I could not puke or shit. As I passed by the mirror I noticed my eyes were deep red and just little slits on my face.

My body felt like jell-o and I swear for a bit during the night I thought I was dying. I made my girlfriend go get me some water and after that I fell deep a sleep.

I woke up at 4:00pm the next day and still could barely get out of bed. I dragged my sorry ass out into the kitchen grabbed a drink and went and fell asleep on the couch

Finally at about 7:30pm I woke up.... Its 8:45pm now


Ok so the lesson to be learned is. BE FUCKING CAREFUL WITH CANNABIS EDIBLES!
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Well-Known Member
I kind of enjoyed it besides being groggy, it was fustrating because whenever I smoked a bowl I never got any higher!


Well-Known Member
my friend makes cookies that will give you those symptoms if you eat a whole one, now i believe them..lol


Well-Known Member
long long time ago. Mrsmcgreggor went to her kitchen and prepared a pan of fresh home made brownies.. She ground her own flour, whipped the eggs to a lemon yellow.
added fancy chocolates from germany Then with a knife she carved a woven design of peanutbutter to meld into the chocolate goodness,
All the time telling Mr mcgreggor he had best stay out of the brownies,,,
MrMcgreggor would nod yes dear in compliance. As MrMcGreggor often will.....
OOOOO the aroma of warm slow baking brownies filled the air. AND again MrsMcGreggor said MrMcGreggor if you know whats good for you ... YOU best say out of the brownies, MrMcGreggor hiding behind his newspaper grunted ya ya ya again.
when the brownies were done MrsMcGreggor ever so carefully Cut one brownie from the pan. the chocolate ritchness melted in her mouth. she smiled at mrmcgreggor still hiding behind his paper. and said "Honey I love Ya..... I gotta to go Lay down...... STAY OUT OF THE BROWNIES IF YA KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU!" MrMcGreggor again grunted in compliance and MrsMcGreggor stumbled off to her bed. and passed out cold.
Some time latter MrsMcGreggor woke in somewhat a cloud of stupor an went out to see if All was well with the world.
What she Found when she opened Her bedroom door was more funny that anything one could imagine. FOR there was MrMcGreggor
CRAWLING across the floor in his Underwear, A Brownie Cliched Tight in his little hand.
with the most Pathetic look on his face.
MrsMcGreggor sized up the situation real FAST when she saw even the crumbs in the pan were missing.. MrMcGreggor groaned....."Oh Honey I THINK I HAVE VIRTIGO!"
Laughing for thats all she Could really do. MrsMcGreggor helped his sorry underwear clad bottom from the floor and tucked him off to bed.
and told Em...." Honey You aint got Vertigo... you got a good case of eating ALL MY brownies..."

Happy 4th Of July To All
And Stay Safe........


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have to be very carful. I ate about 2 grams of swag, then smoked about another 2 grams of granddaddy purp and northern lights, I was sick for the next day, I talked to a basketball while watching Forest gump and started thinking I was talking to Wilson's basketball cousin, Wilson. I couldn't do anything... Wow!

I think I might have fucked myself tonight with 2 waterfalls and 3 gravity bong hits, two bong hits, and a joint. All together wo smoke about a quarter of swag, two grams of Purple kush, and 2 grams of KB, and a gram of Northern Lights.
I'm fucking having an out of body experience!!!


Well-Known Member
I know dude, it was amazing. I didn't know what a waterfall was, I knew a gravity bong, and from that I though that it would work in the same way. So I made it, a friend was like shit dude, a waterfall.

Still, last night was nothing like the eating 2 grams. Head high and body high are two way diffrent things!


Well-Known Member
Ok so last night at about 11 I decided to make some god cannabutter. I loaded a ton of bud clippings (im gonna guess almost an oz of some very frosty trimmings, with 2 sticks of butter in a pot. I first let it get nice and hot without burning the butter then reduced it to a simmer and let it simmer for a good 30 minutes. I decided I wanted to make chicken wings with some good potent buffalo sauce. I grab my bottle of Louisiana hot sauce and split it almost 50/50 with cannabutter! (WHAT WAS I THINKING!?) I drench my wings in sauce every bight and let me tell you I used up most of the big bowl of wing sauce. Im feling pretty fucking stoned when I decide its time to lay down and go to sleep.

I woke up 2 hours later drenched in sweat and feeling nauseas as hell. I also had a loud ass ringing in my ears that would not go away. The room was swirling around and moving non stop! MY mouth was just absolutely bone dry and gross as fuck. It felt like a shroom trip gone horribley wrong.

I kept falling in and out of consciousness for a couple hours. And my head felt like it was in a VICE.

Finally I gathered enough strength and dexterity (just barely enough) and went to the fucking bathroom. I felt like I had to puke and shit but of course I could not puke or shit. As I passed by the mirror I noticed my eyes were deep red and just little slits on my face.

My body felt like jell-o and I swear for a bit during the night I thought I was dying. I made my girlfriend go get me some water and after that I fell deep a sleep.

I woke up at 4:00pm the next day and still could barely get out of bed. I dragged my sorry ass out into the kitchen grabbed a drink and went and fell asleep on the couch

Finally at about 7:30pm I woke up.... Its 8:45pm now


Ok so the lesson to be learned is. BE FUCKING CAREFUL WITH CANNABIS EDIBLES!

Hehehe every 1 thinks 1g per 100 of butter is to little amount

Overdosing on cannabis could be enough to put Bob marley off weed
I overdosed once also worse that a normal whitey by far


Well-Known Member
no bullshit.. A scientific journal recently reported that drinking 1-1/2 quarts of Louisiana hot sauce, if you weigh 140 pounds or less, will cause death by respiratory failure.

some bullshit.. the heat in peppers (capsaicin) is oil based and thus a good transport mechanism for thc. hot sauce is blended with vinegar which opens up the taste buds.. it brings blood vessels to the surface.. you absorb the heat and flavor (and in your case thc) faster. peppers increase metabolism.. further increasing the rate which you process the thc.

now.. had you shared the wings with me we might have both been sufficiently high and neither one of us sick as fuck, bottom line your a selfsh bastard! =)


Well-Known Member
Just smoke half a joint and you'll start to feel a little better. haha j/k

Just drink a lot of water and eat something that's easy on the stomach like white bread or crackers with a sprite. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
The ratio for weed and butter is 1 ounce for every pound of butter. If you want to get high on half a stick of butter that will be 2 grams. If you then mix it with Mac and Cheese it'll get you high!

I ate 3 bites of the stuff I made and was high for 8 hours. About 3 hours into I took two hits of Northern Lights, That was the biggest mistake of my life. I was so sick. But I tried the next night just eating a bowl of mac and cheese weed, I didn't get sick. So I learned never to eat and smoke weed!


Too many brownies
no bullshit.. A scientific journal recently reported that drinking 1-1/2 quarts of Louisiana hot sauce, if you weigh 140 pounds or less, will cause death by respiratory failure.

some bullshit.. the heat in peppers (capsaicin) is oil based and thus a good transport mechanism for thc. hot sauce is blended with vinegar which opens up the taste buds.. it brings blood vessels to the surface.. you absorb the heat and flavor (and in your case thc) faster. peppers increase metabolism.. further increasing the rate which you process the thc.

now.. had you shared the wings with me we might have both been sufficiently high and neither one of us sick as fuck, bottom line your a selfsh bastard! =)
You know I would have been down to share man, I love chicken wings. :mrgreen::peace::blsmoke:

Now Thats some interesting info....It definitely hit me fast and like a boulder!


Too many brownies
Ok since this has happened Ive been smoking twice as much and getting half as high :evil:

I may need to take a very quick break to lower my tolerance.