Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Thanks. ;) So basically once your water in your tub drys up, you add more ie' flush to get more shrooms :??: would you have to add more spores or no :??:
Also, what did you use for your lighting :??: I was reading that all they need is 6 hours, and you could get by with as little as 30 minutes! How true is that :??: I was thinking about using my LED light system to grow um.

Mushrooms are not plants, so they do not require the type and amount of light to grow like plants do.

Colonizing substrate should be kept in dark to make sure the substrate doesn't pin prematurely.

Fully colonized substrate should be introduced to light to initiate pinning - light "tells" the substrate that the conditions are right for forming fruit bodies.(light is only one of the factors though, the others are lack of uncolonized substate, drop in temperature and lower CO[SUB]2[/SUB] levels.

Only a dim light is needed, anything too bright or warm will harm the cakes. A fluorescent lamp or indirect sunlight is plenty of light. But basically any kind of visible light will do.
A few hours of light per day is all that is needed, 10 hours is probably an overkill. ( the book Mushroom Cultivator states that 12-16 hours of light is recommended, but the experience shows that much less is sufficient).
A source with a wide spectrum of light, especially containing lots of bluish light (natural daylight or white fluorescent lights are very good examples of light with lots of blue) is best, but a low wattage incandescent light (25 watts is plenty) not too close to the terrarium will work well too. Also the use of x-mass lights has been reported successful.

I found this for you. i get the kit myslef that is already done and follow theri directions. if you are doing from scratch its diff.
Ns thread Dank.I never grew shrooms.maybe i'll learn something here..tho shrooms grow crazy around here come april.peace.
Mushrooms are not plants, so they do not require the type and amount of light to grow like plants do.

Colonizing substrate should be kept in dark to make sure the substrate doesn't pin prematurely.

Fully colonized substrate should be introduced to light to initiate pinning - light "tells" the substrate that the conditions are right for forming fruit bodies.(light is only one of the factors though, the others are lack of uncolonized substate, drop in temperature and lower CO[SUB]2[/SUB] levels.

Only a dim light is needed, anything too bright or warm will harm the cakes. A fluorescent lamp or indirect sunlight is plenty of light. But basically any kind of visible light will do.
A few hours of light per day is all that is needed, 10 hours is probably an overkill. ( the book Mushroom Cultivator states that 12-16 hours of light is recommended, but the experience shows that much less is sufficient).
A source with a wide spectrum of light, especially containing lots of bluish light (natural daylight or white fluorescent lights are very good examples of light with lots of blue) is best, but a low wattage incandescent light (25 watts is plenty) not too close to the terrarium will work well too. Also the use of x-mass lights has been reported successful.

I found this for you. i get the kit myslef that is already done and follow theri directions. if you are doing from scratch its diff.
Thanks bro. Oh of course I know Shrooms are not plants. ;) And yeah I figured my LED system would be overkill. I may just use this little t5 setup I have. I think its like 18 watts blue spectrum for vegging plants. Should work just fine.
Hey man just wanted to chime in and say that the "lets grow mushrooms" series taught me all the basics that I needed to know. Its a bit corny but extremely informative! Good luck Dank! I'll be watchin' :clap:

P.s. You can find the whole series on Youtube.. I think there are 6 parts? Either way, good luck!
Ns thread Dank.I never grew shrooms.maybe i'll learn something here..tho shrooms grow crazy around here come april.peace.
Thanks 4 subbing up bro. Look forward to having you around.

Subbed and watching! this should be interesting :mrgreen:
Yup. I would like to set up a time laps video, but wouldn't want to tie my cam up, wouldn't be able to take update pictures of my ladies flowering..
Thanks 4 subbing up bro. Look forward to having you around.

Yup. I would like to set up a time laps video, but wouldn't want to tie my cam up, wouldn't be able to take update pictures of my ladies flowering..

Once you're flushing the growth is really fast so you wouldn't be tying up your camera for very long.
Mushrooms are not plants, so they do not require the type and amount of light to grow like plants do.

Colonizing substrate should be kept in dark to make sure the substrate doesn't pin prematurely.

Fully colonized substrate should be introduced to light to initiate pinning - light "tells" the substrate that the conditions are right for forming fruit bodies.(light is only one of the factors though, the others are lack of uncolonized substate, drop in temperature and lower CO[SUB]2[/SUB] levels.

Only a dim light is needed, anything too bright or warm will harm the cakes. A fluorescent lamp or indirect sunlight is plenty of light. But basically any kind of visible light will do.
A few hours of light per day is all that is needed, 10 hours is probably an overkill. ( the book Mushroom Cultivator states that 12-16 hours of light is recommended, but the experience shows that much less is sufficient).
A source with a wide spectrum of light, especially containing lots of bluish light (natural daylight or white fluorescent lights are very good examples of light with lots of blue) is best, but a low wattage incandescent light (25 watts is plenty) not too close to the terrarium will work well too. Also the use of x-mass lights has been reported successful.

I found this for you. i get the kit myslef that is already done and follow theri directions. if you are doing from scratch its diff.

Im gonna disagree with you on keeping substrate or even jars in darkness for that matter during colonization. Mycelium is a living being and like all living beings we posses circadian rythms. The earlier the mycelium gets familiarized with a light and darkness period the better, i have a tiny led in my incubator on a timer same period as the light in fruiting room so it doesnt feel a change. i wouldnt worry about having a pin or two on the substrate before fruiting, especially working with clones or isolations bnut even MS is negligeble id say maybe just a couple of more aborts worst case scenario.
Also id have the light as close to the tub as possible without it heating up. Mushrooms that recieve sufficient lighting will be heavier and have fatter stems. remember fluorecents dont penetrate much and cubensis do like the light just no more than like 30 w id say like max. Also once i forgot some grain in a jar that i left open in a cupboard and guess what when i went to check it there were small mushrooms pinning about confused not knowing ehre to turn but it pinned and had little fuckers no light so go figure! prolific species cubes.
Im gonna disagree with you on keeping substrate or even jars in darkness for that matter during colonization. Mycelium is a living being and like all living beings we posses circadian rythms. The earlier the mycelium gets familiarized with a light and darkness period the better, i have a tiny led in my incubator on a timer same period as the light in fruiting room so it doesnt feel a change. i wouldnt worry about having a pin or two on the substrate before fruiting, especially working with clones or isolations bnut even MS is negligeble id say maybe just a couple of more aborts worst case scenario.
Also id have the light as close to the tub as possible without it heating up. Mushrooms that recieve sufficient lighting will be heavier and have fatter stems. remember fluorecents dont penetrate much and cubensis do like the light just no more than like 30 w id say like max. Also once i forgot some grain in a jar that i left open in a cupboard and guess what when i went to check it there were small mushrooms pinning about confused not knowing ehre to turn but it pinned and had little fuckers no light so go figure! prolific species cubes.

This is inaccurate.

Mycelium for most mushrooms in nature grow in the dark. Most mycelium grows underground, under cow pies, at the interface between earth and logs, in the space between wood and bark. It is only when the mycelium senses an ability to send up fruit that has a chance of releasing spores to the outside world that it will fruit. This many times involves light, both as a means of orienting the fruiting body and as a trigger for fruition.

And it does so when the conditions are optimal for the spores the fruit releases to germinate when those spores lite upon a suitable substrate.

Mycelium needs a "chance to aclimiatize to light" as much as a mole does. Aborts or border breaks indicate that one has not provided this particular mushrooms with the exact conditions it needs to fruit most prolificaly.

P. Cubensis is so viable that it will fruit in spite of the grower's short falls and this is what introduces falacies about it's requirements.

Anyone can cause this organism to fruit but in order to get the maximum yield - that is the first three flushes which ordinarily will give the grower the 80 percent potential there must be an orchestration of several factors

nutrition and a signaling of the end of that nutrition
light or the absence of light
CO2 commensurate to the cycles of the organism.
Temperature and temperature differential.

Not all of these conditons are critical for P. Cubensis but a few are, when all of them are orchestrated, one can get a maximum return on the investments made in persuit of this sort of magic.
Hey dank sweet to see you delving into the mushroom world! I had soo much fun growing mushrooms, and can't wait till I get around to setting up again. I've still got a bunch of spores and stuff when it happens. All of my last mushroom grow is in my journal I think it starts about page 25, and gives the step by step on what I did. I have grown out 5 different strains now, and my favorite was a mushroom called Koh Samoi (or just KS), it grew great, yielded well, and had a awesome trip. There is a newer version of it called KSSS( Koh Samoi super strain) which is supposed to be even better, kinda like that killer keeper pheno you find in a pack of seeds.

Canndo has fantastic info on mushrooms, as does javadog listen to everything they tell you!!!! This first grow will teach you alot about this fungus. If this is gonna be the first time you eat mushrooms to, it will teach you alot about yourself :).
Hey dank sweet to see you delving into the mushroom world! I had soo much fun growing mushrooms, and can't wait till I get around to setting up again. I've still got a bunch of spores and stuff when it happens. All of my last mushroom grow is in my journal I think it starts about page 25, and gives the step by step on what I did. I have grown out 5 different strains now, and my favorite was a mushroom called Koh Samoi (or just KS), it grew great, yielded well, and had a awesome trip. There is a newer version of it called KSSS( Koh Samoi super strain) which is supposed to be even better, kinda like that killer keeper pheno you find in a pack of seeds.

Canndo has fantastic info on mushrooms, as does javadog listen to everything they tell you!!!! This first grow will teach you alot about this fungus. If this is gonna be the first time you eat mushrooms to, it will teach you alot about yourself :).

i like. Ill have to find your shroom grow. thanks for telling the one you liked the best. have you grown the (Thia).
The Koh samoi is a Thailand strain, but I havn't grown one just refered to as thai (or thia if that is the name). My last shroom grow is documented in my regular grow journal in my sig line. I believe the mushroom project started about page 25 and continued to around page 70. That was the first time I did it all DYI. It worked out well, and I was able to get a ton of mushrooms with only about $100 total investment to get started. Literally 30 days later I was harvesting and eating some fresh homegrown mushies :). Before going DYI, I had grown with a kit and it took alot longer because I didn't know much about temps or light or anything, but it also worked great. It was the kit that is advertised just about in the middle of every hightimes magazine. It cost about $100 and I definitely got my monies worth. I didn't dry and weigh the flushes at the time, we ate them all fresh but I'm positive that kit grew what would have been well over an oz of dried mushrooms based off what I've learned since then. I would use that kit again in a heart beat.

I thought I would use a short cut at one point while doing mostly DYI, I bought some premade 5 lb spawn bags. Well long story short after successfully inoculating jars for months, the premade grain bags did nothing but rot. I'm guessing from how it went down, that the bags had a bacterial contamination.

Anyway just thought I'd share a bit. Hope everyone is having a good day. I really need to get back to growing mushrooms again, just havn't had a good space the last couple years. I was just saying the other day that the only way I'm gonna get any mushrooms anytime soon is to grow them.
Ok so I guess it technically starts here https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/131193-thundercats-groooooooow-7.html. That was the first set of pictures and where most of the discussion on technique and such began.

When the mushrooms really start to grow it will only take 24-36 prolly to go from small little fruits, to full size spore dropping beauties. I've checked on my grow before and it will just look like little pins one day, and the next morning they are 2-3 inchs tall. By the time i got off work that night some had already dropped spores.
If you are going to time lapse, you should set the camera at two pics a day until you think you are about to pin, then you would be best taking one shot every few minutes. I have sat and watched my mushrooms grow. I always wondered how they could go from about half an inch high to 8 inches in the course of a day or at most two and I have often been caught unaware as I went out for a beer or something and came back only to find all the veils hanging and purple crap all over the caps - I used to hate that and went so far as to wash the caps - when you do that, using a moist paper towel, it brings out the golden glisten when they dry. But that was a lot of work. i finally got to a strain that did not sporulate at all and thought I was a genius. It turned out that it was sencience and a few generations of clones from fruit finally left me with a lifeless, un energetic, slow growing low producing strain of crap - too bad as they were giant amazonians that had addapted themselves very well to my conditions.

I finally did manage to do a cross between an old amazonian strain and B+. The pin set was unique, looking like a plane of blisters that seemed to boil with primordia before each and every pin grew in thickets of solid stem monsters. True crosses aren't as hard to do as everyone claims if you have your agar teqnique down and are very patient as each cross needs to be grown out - very few actually get to fruit.

Anyway, your one picture a day won't really work on pins. Oh, and I always wondered how anything could grow THAT fast. It seems that the celular structure of the fruit is set at a certain number and after that number is assembled by the organism, the cells simply expand. If I recall, this particular mushroom will expell it's spores at ultra high velocities where the basidia shoots the spores away under great pressure, the spores experiencing many hundreds of gs of acceleration (or something along that order, maybe dozens - hundreds seems high).