Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me


Well-Known Member
whoa!! chill winston!!! i like northeners more than i like southern shandy drinkin fairies. im scottish mate. dont get muchmore northern than me!! lol:peace::peace::peace:
i used to live up north when i was little, Bradford to be precise.

Now i live south.

The way i see it..

Northern born,
Northern bred,
Strong in the arms,
Thick in the head!



Well-Known Member
I don't quite know what the random h is at the bottom of my post.


-wonders what it means-


Active Member
Haw Haw Haw, thanks for judging me from two posts guys, and stereotyping me, and discriminating against kids, how 'bout before you start da judgin', ya gwaan and read some Plato, or some Heidigger, or a lil Neitzche... Well maybe not the Neitzche, because most of what he said was about God not existing. But those people, the smartest people in the world, said that the people who judge and discriminate were the people who make this world a bad place, and i mean, i'd say that's you, but i try not to judge my darrrrliiinngsss. So why don't you go read The Stand, then you'd know what i was talking about, hell, maybe you'd even learn something from those 1400 pages.

"peace" - haha, irony.


Well-Known Member
No way in Hades im reading that thick piece of tripe book again,Mr.King did wonders getting me through it the first time....in the 7th grade.:blsmoke:


Active Member
GUYS, me and my friend jhust bought a Q and rolled 16 spliff out of it, so what i need right now mary jane piss in your face fun time is a website where i can upload the pics and then post links here to show you think crazy weed hat man and the 16 jays? HUH? waddya know is stu redman and rita, hey guys. I am the tramp of the night roads. Eat your cake Frannie. I am the warlord of the charnel house, the apostate of death. holy gee mister, you took a tumble, sure did. i am randall flagg. i am ronald fin. i am russel farraday. i am everything your ever hated. i came from time itself.
i am the eater of worlds.
i am from the fabric of eternity.
So what are you telling us?? if plato was to read this he would make more sense out of it than any of us??? and gosh golly it looks like banter hasn't reached leeds yet then. i would rather read something a little more modern dude! liking richard dawkins work even though he also goes on about there being no god. but lets face it, he's right. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Haw Haw Haw, thanks for judging me from two posts guys, and stereotyping me, and discriminating against kids, how 'bout before you start da judgin', ya gwaan and read some Plato, or some Heidigger, or a lil Neitzche... Well maybe not the Neitzche, because most of what he said was about God not existing. But those people, the smartest people in the world, said that the people who judge and discriminate were the people who make this world a bad place, and i mean, i'd say that's you, but i try not to judge my darrrrliiinngsss. So why don't you go read The Stand, then you'd know what i was talking about, hell, maybe you'd even learn something from those 1400 pages.

"peace" - haha, irony.
What ya want with all them there fancy word books anyhow,schoolin & learnins is for them sissy boys :mrgreen:


Active Member
No way in Hades im reading that thick piece of tripe book again,Mr.King did wonders getting me through it the first time....in the 7th grade.:blsmoke:
Amazing book though, you have to admit :P

What ya want with all them there fancy word books anyhow,schoolin & learnins is for them sissy boys :mrgreen:
Then i guess i best be a sissy boy, shucks, i didn't mean no baaad things