Why do you honestly love weed?

I smoke weed so me and my girlfriend can get along lol. When i was younger i smoked to have friends, you always have people to hang with when ur the guy with the weed, then during my early twenties when i spent a lot of time being homeless i smoked weed to get through the day, now that im almost 30 with 2 kids i smoke it just to relax
I respect weed so much as to stand up in front of the whole town where I live and tell them all how Marijuana has made my life better.
This is going to happen within the week, film at 9.
Crushed the disks in my spine C4-C7,T5-T7 and L5 it's the result of a head on collision with a truck while riding my bicycle, Dr's say they want to fuse my spine and I've so far said no, cannabis is the only medication that helps with the constant pain and migraines. But the truth is I've been a user since my early teens and find it to be a better choice for me, I've been fall down drunk many times and still enjoy a good drunk but they are very few and far between now a days.

Ya know, I took pain killers for years for my back and smoked but noticed no pain relief. Now, no opiates and I notice when I smoke it actually relieves pain. Who knew.
Yo, My mom's doctor is talking about fusing her spine.

What strains help the most for spinal nerve pain and the muscle pain associated with it?
Wow so many spine stories people , and i thought there wasn't that many like my dad ! I thought wrong .
I feel sorry for all of you with any kind of spine damage and other things .
My dad's neck shakes all the time now , i feel sorry for him :sad:
FP i don't know what strain dad uses , i think it's what eva his mates have got at the time .
He just has 1 joint with his lady just before they go to bed . so he can sleep .
I have fuckin caught him camping having one through the day though .
Yo, My mom's doctor is talking about fusing her spine.

What strains help the most for spinal nerve pain and the muscle pain associated with it?
I prefer a heady high from my smoke but the blueberry kush I grew last year was working fine for my pain, I did let them mature a little longer for that purpose, tried a nice indica {forget the name} very mellow and great at relaxing my muscles, but to honest I've yet to find a strain that removes all the pain...too much damage done for that I'm afraid.
Weed keeps me equalized. It's like an active meditation. Where I get new kinds of thoughts, feelings and emotions. And where I learn from all those things.

In result, weed makes me appreciate life more. Not just while high. The "being high" makes me realize we get so insensitive about most things of our normal lives.

Since I began smoking pot, I can say I'm a better person, because I pay more attention and am grateful for everything more than ever.
Kinda funny how they talk about Marijuana being addictive and every one here
used it to get off meds that poison, alcohol, hard drugs, even cigarettes.
Gateway drug indeed!!
Kinda funny how they talk about Marijuana being addictive and every one here
used it to get off meds that poison, alcohol, hard drugs, even cigarettes.
Gateway drug indeed!!

Used it to quit crack cocaine and alcohol. Amazingly, I lost 150 pounds and became more creative, wrote and published five books. I found out it did wonders for PTSD and Anxiety disorder. They've known for decades it works for these things, but they don't want people growing their own meds, and pot has no side effects, so they don't get to write you several prescriptions.
Same here. Weed makes me a better person, hands down. Without it I'm a jerk, no thought for others, uncreative, drink too much, bored easily, lazy, no motivation, open to thoughts of homicide/genocide.

With it I am the person I want to be, a fairly nice guy. Most of the time. It's a pretty good trade off.
Same here. Weed makes me a better person, hands down. Without it I'm a jerk, no thought for others, uncreative, drink too much, bored easily, lazy, no motivation, open to thoughts of homicide/genocide.

With it I am the person I want to be, a fairly nice guy. Most of the time. It's a pretty good trade off.

glad im not thw only one like this ha. Thank you to ganjaa ^.^
Cannabis is the most beautiful life/love giving plant. I love you and your plants, too. Let's make our little community stronger. <3