correct? Just making sure I wasn't duped. I havent heard back from bonza yet, which im surprised because they usually respond in minutes. I can understand the cracked seeds, mail men handling the shit rough, but what I think is inexcusable is white immature seeds that have no way to germinate, out of like 10 seeds (or maybe 9?) I had one germ, shes a beauty right now. I bought seeds from herbies, and 5/5 germ'd no problem. I hope we can work something out, but if not, I don't really care, a loss of reputation for them and an unhappy customer. Bonza, i'd strongly recommend bubble wrap in your stealth to prevent seed damage. Your stealth is A++ but the quality of the seeds from the companies of seeds I bought from would be an F in my book. Like I said, I don't know if its you guys, or the supplier, but whatever it is, sucks majorly. As I stated before, and read other peoples comments, it seems I am unlucky; and Bonzaseeds in my opinion isnt bad, I'd recommend them after all the great reviews I read up, but it's just not my cup of tea. Thanks Bonza for trying.