Busted When I Was in High School ha!


Active Member
Alright so its like 7 in the morning and I'm smokin a joint at the bus stop before school and I had a gram with me and so did my 2 friends, and it started raining so I decided it was a bad idea to stash my shit under the rock and i brought it with me a long with a sheet of foil so i could smoke after P.E. which was a regular thing to do cause you can just pack a fat bowl and throw the pipe away. The bus arrives and we got on and the whole bus says "You wreak!" and a few days earlier this little bastard told the bus driver we were smokin in the woods because he had asked why 3 kids weren't at the stop. so stupidly we decide to smoke at the stop again but we didn't miss the bus this time but with the catch of we didn't spray any deoderant so the bus driver says in reply to the bus "Whats wrong weeds good!" and the part thats weirdest is hes a cop and to make things worse hes a narcotics cop so now im just weirded out but he didn't seem to care he used to joke around and say that he found a bag of weed and hold a baggie up and ask who wanted it. and when we got to school we met up with a few more friends and go to the tennis court and deicde to smoke a bowl of hash from another friend and i was going to load a bowl and as soon as i started making another foil pipe the bell is fixing to ring so i put it into my back pack and then a school principle comes out of nowhere behind us and says "We've been looking for 5 kids that meet your description." and then he takes us all into a hall and this is when i regret not running because then the cop and 4 other principles come along and start searching us and then the priciple i hate the most takes me into a room and asks if i mind if he takes a look and i told him "Yes I do, you may not search me or my bag I've got a ap algebra II test to goto." and that was the truth but he stuck his hands in anyways and pulls out some munchies and asks what they are in a voice as if he determined it may be crack, it was cheerios. and then he finds the pipe i had just made but not used and then says "Wow thats artistic." and me being a smart ass said "Oh, thanks." i was stoned the whole time and then asks me to empty my pockets and so i did but not my bud and then he pats me down and feels the baggie and says well whats that and pulled it out. I was fucked at that point and just started laughing at them because i used it for my ADHD my dad who thought it was recreational, but i would score better on all my schooling when i was stoned because i would take my time. When i got handcuffed the cop put them as tight as possible and when he put me and my best friend in the car the first thing my friend said was "I swear I didn't tell on you!" crying while hes telling me this then says "Don't tell anyone I was crying." and I couldn't help but bust out laughing and then we got into the cops office at the school and he has fake marijuana plant decorations all over the room and then i cant stop laughing again and so It takes them 4 hours to do the paper work then I get taken to the Academy (Juvenile detention center) and 3 kids who were already in there told me to hold it as long as i can so i don't have to piss dirty and when i tried that they told me that they were going to get a drill Sargent to make me work out until i pissed and that was enough to get me to piss and the correctional officer just tells me "Positive for blunt smokin!" cause it was instantly positive for THC. anyways later that night i still had an ounce of some shwiggity schwag and i smoked it all that night but that was an unforgettable day.

sorry its such a long story, probably not as funny to you guys as it is to me but oh well just the last days i was in highschool.


Active Member
schwag man its that mexican shit you know dirt weed, and it was not by my self it was with one of my friends who didn't even goto the high school and we smoked blunts on his roof. but oh well if you guys don't believe it suit your self, but who are you to test credibility when you don't even know me or where I used to live? I used to live in the middle of no where by the way. but what ever man. keep smokin' and keep peace.:joint:


Active Member
yea ive also smoke an ounce before. its completely possible. just long exhausting n intense.lol

but yea so is it your bus driver that arrested you and brought you back or what


Whoo, my eyes hurt :shock:

Phenomenal story, that's why I never took my shit to school when I was in highschool. My school always had cops on campus, but there still were kids I was friends with that smoked there, I'd always just smoke before school.


Active Member
this story is believable. so many kids smoke O N school grounds. and go to school with bloodshot eyes.
and he probably didn't smoke a whole ounce. rather stretching the story...


Well-Known Member
goin to skool blazed was easy, smoking an ounze DEFFINATELY aint hard, shit wen i was twisting the P, an O would b a gone b4 u funkin knew it! even better me and 2 others had no problem with a O and a half of TW a year or so back wen we drop a few drizzles of CID. my whole question is...wat possessed u to post this? lol.