Random Jibber Jabber Thread

damn you clint

Beer built this beautiful body
I do not get older , just better
Smokers are people too , but not as long
If I had more arms , I Would drink more beer
I woke up this morning , and the day was ruined
I'm not perfect , but some parts are exquisite
Absolut alcohol , booze kills slowly but who the hell is in a hurry
Coffee breaks daily 9-17
I 'm fat , you're ugly , I can go on a diet
I am a virgin but this sweater is old
The world's best mom
Real men has a weight of over 90kg
When I need your oppinion I'll tell you
When the working day is over , then wake me
It's not easy to be humble when you are always right
One must not be crazy to work here but it helps
An obedient man is a happy man
Enjoy life , there will be no replay
Sexcoach , first lesson free!
Cursed gulls , today I'm dangerous
Smasher...we need details. What about mom and her asshole friends getting paid for not working.
So I had the meeting yesterday but was having issues with my phone plus I'm very nervous I feel like I'm snitching/doing something horrible. I think everything will come out like word vomit. I rescheduled my meeting for tomorrow and by friends you mean people who were strangers before they were hired by the company to work with my mother than yes friends :-)
Well, I called them friends since mom appears to favor them over you. Anyway, the meet is with the company? If so then they have alternate intel, and I don't think you'd be snitching esp. if you say you won't volunteer info but will answer specific questions
Well, I called them friends since mom appears to favor them over you. Anyway, the meet is with the company? If so then they have alternate intel, and I don't think you'd be snitching esp. if you say you won't volunteer info but will answer specific questions
I felt terrible leaving the other night but it's not my job I have to keep telling myself that or else I'll feel guilty