Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

You don't how close that hits home. Crockett Keller a Texas state CHL instructor warned prospective students of Muslim faith or liberals to not try to take his class. Needless to say, he's a hero in our Central Texas neighborhood. Listen to this shit!



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We better get big daddy gubbermint in there to FORCE that man to give them instruction!!!

I can see it now as Mr Keller instructs a young Muslim man.... " Now son, y'all got to point the muzzle at your face, say 'Allah Akbar' and then pull the trigger. That thar needs ta be done with every firearm you come across to ensure it aint loaded."
How? What the fuck does your GG assets have to do with your grandmother not being able to qualify for welfare? A millionaire can get disability, but your Grandma couldn't get either. I suppose you forgot to tell us she lives in another country or isn't a US Citizen eh?

I seem to recall stating that my grandmother was on federal disability and that they determined she had too many assets due to a shittily handled trust after my GG died. Did you actually read anything I wrote, or just search keywords and hope you could contest shit?

Care to cite these millionaires on federal disability while we are at it? Last I heard, my grandmother is still paying money from every check she gets to make up for trust money she never saw thanks to how shittily her trust was handled. I can guarantee her life and my mother's would be drastically different if she had landed a $million+ trust fund.

Should I hand you the shovel now? I think it might make it easier to dig this hole you seem to be determined to dig yourself into.
You don't how close that hits home. Crockett Keller a Texas state CHL instructor warned prospective students of Muslim faith or liberals to not try to take his class. Needless to say, he's a hero in our Central Texas neighborhood. Listen to this shit!



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Fun fact: You can't be a biblical literalist and support the constitution. Please tell me more about how christians are superior.
We better get big daddy gubbermint in there to FORCE that man to give them instruction!!!

I can see it now as Mr Keller instructs a young Muslim man.... " Now son, y'all got to point the muzzle at your face, say 'Allah Akbar' and then pull the trigger. That thar needs ta be done with every firearm you come across to ensure it aint loaded."

He had better tell any christian to turn that gun on anyone who disrespects their parents.
Matthew 15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Or, he could tell them to respect opposing beliefs as Jesus commanded. You know, like a true follower of Jesuus would.

I also seem to remember Jesus making many statements about judging others. I'll quote one of my favorites: “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

I think there might be another too: "There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" Seriously, who the fuck are you to judge the actions of another sinner?

It's almost like the christian god didn't want his followers to judge others. How about that?

I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
We better get big daddy gubbermint in there to FORCE that man to give them instruction!!!

Well, this is interesting..

Watch how quick your opinion changes..

What if, instead of an arab, the man was black?

...oh, man, did you feel that? How the scenario all of a sudden changed to your racial sensibilities?

You and I both know speaking the same way you do about arabs towards American blacks is undoubtedly racist, no question. Yet, look at you, right there in black and white, against them arabs...

You know what's funny? I agree with you! If some racist white business owner doesn't want to serve black people, I don't think he should have to. If some racist black person doesn't want to serve Italians, I support it! I'm more interested in free markets and letting the market decide good/bad business practices. You want to be racist? More power to you, seclude yourself in some corner of society I'll never choose to visit! Racist organizations won't make it in mainstream society, you will never see someone as big as Walmart or McDonalds who is racist, I guarantee it. Just stop being so phony about it.. own it and accept it, the lies are what cause the damage..
Well, this is interesting..

Watch how quick your opinion changes..

What if, instead of an arab, the man was black?

...oh, man, did you feel that? How the scenario all of a sudden changed to your racial sensibilities?

You and I both know speaking the same way you do about arabs towards American blacks is undoubtedly racist, no question. Yet, look at you, right there in black and white, against them arabs...

You know what's funny? I agree with you! If some racist white business owner doesn't want to serve black people, I don't think he should have to. If some racist black person doesn't want to serve Italians, I support it! I'm more interested in free markets and letting the market decide good/bad business practices. You want to be racist? More power to you, seclude yourself in some corner of society I'll never choose to visit! Racist organizations won't make it in mainstream society, you will never see someone as big as Walmart or McDonalds who is racist, I guarantee it. Just stop being so phony about it.. own it and accept it, the lies are what cause the damage..

I think the fact that some states have specifically allowed discrimination against homosexuals has soundly discredited your faith in mainstream society.
I think the fact that some states have specifically allowed discrimination against homosexuals has soundly discredited your faith in mainstream society.

I haven't payed much attention to mainstream.. anything, lately.. From what I've seen, acceptance towards the homosexual community has been higher than ever. Mainstream acceptance or not has no effect on my opinions. I think personal freedom trumps everything else, with regards to other free peoples freedom - meaning I believe I should be allowed to do anything I want until I encroach on your right to do whatever you want. Lots of gray areas, but that's what courts are for. I believe you should have the right to use as many illegal drugs as you want, regardless of their potential harm they might cause you, hey, it's your body! Likewise, I think you should be able to be as racist as you want to be and serve whoever you want as long as you don't hurt, or advocate violence against anyone. I think your stupid tactics will inevitably result in the closure of your business, and if not, you've highlighted a part of the country I never wish to visit! Win/Win! Let the racist fucks flock to wherever they want!

My faith is mainstream American society has looooong been eroding.. No homosexuals needed.
I haven't payed much attention to mainstream.. anything, lately.. From what I've seen, acceptance towards the homosexual community has been higher than ever. Mainstream acceptance or not has no effect on my opinions. I think personal freedom trumps everything else, with regards to other free peoples freedom - meaning I believe I should be allowed to do anything I want until I encroach on your right to do whatever you want. Lots of gray areas, but that's what courts are for. I believe you should have the right to use as many illegal drugs as you want, regardless of their potential harm they might cause you, hey, it's your body! Likewise, I think you should be able to be as racist as you want to be and serve whoever you want as long as you don't hurt, or advocate violence against anyone. I think your stupid tactics will inevitably result in the closure of your business, and if not, you've highlighted a part of the country I never wish to visit! Win/Win! Let the racist fucks flock to wherever they want!

My faith is mainstream American society has looooong been eroding.. No homosexuals needed.

Over half the states in the union have banned homosexual marriages in their state constitutions starting in 2004. What is your response to that?
Over half the states in the union have banned homosexual marriages in their state constitutions starting in 2004. What is your response to that?

My response to that would be the same as any thinking man, absurd...

Hey, let me ban green eyes, Hey! let me ban left handed people! HEY! Lets ban cotton wearers over polyester..

Using abstract justifications for pragmatic bans is as smart as using foreign languages to ban domestic words.. I say fuck you and fuck where you came from, welcome to the American way! Get used to it!!

My response to that would be the same as any thinking man, absurd...

Hey, let me ban green eyes, Hey! let me ban left handed people! HEY! Lets ban cotton wearers over polyester..

Using abstract justifications for pragmatic bans is as smart as using foreign languages to ban domestic words.. I say fuck you and fuck where you came from, welcome to the American way! Get used to it!!

That doesn't change the fact that 26 states say homosexuals aren't entitled to full legal protection.
That doesn't change the fact that 26 states say homosexuals aren't entitled to full legal protection.

Your argument is false. Homosexuals are entitled to full legal protection and I would argue have special status due to hate crimes not attributable to straight people.
Your argument is false. Homosexuals are entitled to full legal protection and I would argue have special status due to hate crimes not attributable to straight people.

Homosexual marriages aren't recognized in all states, and some states allow government workers to deny them access to services based on said homosexuality.

I'd say your argument is false. Feel free to demonstrate how I'm wrong though.
We better get big daddy gubbermint in there to FORCE that man to give them instruction!!!

That actually happened. TXDOT threatened to pull his license saying he couldn't discriminate. He took down the ad, but not until it was too late LOL. :)

Queers, ragheads and fear, that's what this country has come to. The dumbing down has gone far enough!
That actually happened. TXDOT threatened to pull his license saying he couldn't discriminate. He took down the ad, but not until it was too late LOL. :)

Queers, ragheads and fear, that's what this country has come to. The dumbing down has gone far enough!

Ragheads? Really? As someone who served in the Marines beside some of those "ragheads" you speak of: you are a true shitbag.
Fact - 99% of terrorists are of the Muslim faith, usually unemployed young males who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by their sick culture. It's my right to dislike the Muslim community in general.

Sorry, but I'm in the Crockett Keller camp - "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American," Keller reportedly added. "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide."

He's such a wise old hoot. ;)
Fact - 99% of terrorists are of the Muslim faith, usually unemployed young males who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by their sick culture. It's my right to dislike the Muslim community in general.

Sorry, but I'm in the Crockett Keller camp - "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American," Keller reportedly added. "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide."

He's such a wise old hoot. ;)

Tell a Muslim Marine that he/she isn't a real Marine sometime, I triple dog dare you.
Ragheads? Really? As someone who served in the Marines beside some of those "ragheads" you speak of: you are a true shitbag.

1. Let's see your dogtags,

2. If true, you're lucky to be alive. Quite a few of those ragheads turned on our own, ambushing them during mess hall, barracks, latrine, etc.

Let's see if any of the victims of the Fort Hood massacre by Major Nidal Malik Hasan share your sympathy.

Many Muslims join the military to kill fellow soldiers. No different than American born and raised Muslim terrorists who indulge in murder to satisfy their sick Muslim ideology.