This doesn't look like a weed plant

It is a neat looking plant

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
more then likely the soil you used had some sort of seed(s) in it, and the cannabis seed(s) didn't grow, but the weed seed(s) did...

next time try and germ your cannabis seed in a paper towel before throwing it into the soil... the weird thing is both plants look like the same kinda weed..
This is what I do before planting them
There is also a good chance that soil is killing your weed.
Save a few bucks and buy some soil that is safe for seedlings.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
lol I want to see a picture of what he has been smoking and now his growing it to smoke it again lol

aint prohibition a bitch? Har Har.. as ironic as it may be, toxic "weeds" and prescription drugs may be easier for this guy to get than a small bag of grass.. shitty.. :weed: