1925ma is harder than I would suggest running the 3070 for our purposes (long term use) because there is a significant efficiency penalty. I run at 700 and 1.4A is also popular. I am at a friends but later I will post a chart that shows the change in efficiency and wattage based on qhich current you choose to run at.
The lowest hanging fruit IMO is led for vegging. Separate vegging area is a great idea and will supercharge your yield over time. You could veg with as little as 30W LED. In a 5x5 flowering canopy Id use 600HPS + 300 LED or 600W LED.
Again great info! Thanks Supra. I had to burn some nag champa and think about it for a minute but I think I get your efficiency argument now. When I first read the thread I was under the impression that your reasoning for running under powered was long term use. I now see that your argument for running under powered is efficiency i.e. lumens per watt and the long term use is kind of a side effect. Originally I was thinking I don't need these things to last 60 years its fine if they only last 30 years so I started to look at fewer cobs at higher amps and watts but now that I see your arguments I'm starting to rethink my whole setup. I just have one lingering question in my mind because I think the datasheet says @1925mA you would get ~7000lumens(it doesn't say how many watts though) and I believe you said that at 25w 720mA-740mA that you would get ~3500lumens. So, I could run 8 3070s at 400w 15.4A (50w 1925mA each) and if each cob puts out 7000lumens for a total of 5600lumens or I could run 16 3070s at 400w 11.84A (25w 740mA each) and if each cob puts out 3500lumens then that's still a total of 5600lumens. What am I missing here?