Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Remember that jackass that said "corporations will simply absorb the cost of minimum wage"?
Making your Big Mac the same price.

I f you need a calculator to figure out what your
minimum wage might be, you need to GET A JOB.

Stupid thread.
why are you asking if i know what they cost when it is clear that i do and am happy to use it to prove my point?

and is median wage anything like minimum wage, by the way? just thought i'd ask that question about your unattributed graph.

Why do you spend more time jacking me off than just spitting it out?
no it doesn't, it HURTS workers.

If what you say were really true, then the states with the highest min wage would have the least unemployment, unfortunately the opposite is true. High minimum-wage states have among the highest unemployment rates.

All costs are born by the consumer.

especially when big corporate refuses to pay a "living wage", and/or offer "full-time hours" thereby having consumers pick up the tab for social safety net programs..for BASIC, hud housing and health insurance.
Ok lets compare. Under a stable money supply, the prices of most commodities actually declined over a 130 year period, while wages stayed the same, increasing the purchasing power and the quality of life of everyone.

but since we moved to a fiat system, we have increasing prices on commodities, but wages that only increase by half as much, decreasing the quality of life of everyone.

If you employ 10 people , 8 of which make min wage, 1 makes $2 an hour more, and 1 makes $5 an hour more. What is the outcome when government forces you to pay your min wage folks $2 an hour more per hour? The employer is FORCED to make production changes OR charge more for the product. You don't think the guy he gets his lettuce and tomatoes from had to pay more for each employee too? Where do you think it starts? You think everyone all of a sudden has to pay such an increase ( lets not forget that its not JUST wages that increase, its also 401k Match plans, insurance plans, child support, welfare and other things that also increase with that min wage increase) that this employer and ALL of his suppliers have to pay now won't increase prices?
Every corporation in the USA works on margins, ALL OF THEM. Companies don't just raise prices because they want to, companies would LOVE to LOWER prices, but when costs go up, your prices MUST RISE. Law of economics bub.
I have never seen a corporation raise prices on something just because they think it will make them more money, it never makes them more money, it makes them less. There are substitutes available that cost less and there are substitutes for labor as well. When prices go up, you lose more business than you make up with in increased per-item profit. You don't make more, whomever taught you that was wrong and never ran a business.

Corporations are always looking for ways to make a better product with less inputs to deliver that value to the customer. If smartphones cost $2,000 each, no one would have them. You understand how that works don't you? I mean YOU are the guy who is still roving around town looking for the $1 per loaf of bread aren't you? You never buy the $5 bread do you? Why not? Aren;t you being FORCED to buy that bread by the mean corporation who only made it cost so much just cuz they are greedy.

Same with organic food, they have no right to charge more for their product, their costs couldn't possibly be more because they all use the same ingredients and use the same amount of labor anyways. Right?

if the raise of $2/hour breaks a business owner..perhaps they shouldn't be in business..

yes, they MUST be FORCED because they will NOT do of their own employment conditions circa 1900.
especially when big corporate refuses to pay a "living wage", and/or offer "full-time hours" thereby having consumers pick up the tab for social safety net programs..for BASIC, hud housing and health insurance.

Housing costs are driven up by government regulations. Why do you seek relief from the entity that caused a problem in the first place? That's just not realistic.

Also, how do you explain inflation? Do you have any idea what causes that and how it can be prevented? No, I didn't think so. Rubbing skin cream all over yourself might be fun, but it doesn't mean you understand how markets work or should work.

It seems that government is the biggest corporation, how do you expect them to fix things, by intervening in everyone's life? BTW, you can't fly with skin cream mam, you might cause the plane to crash, sorry.
if the raise of $2/hour breaks a business owner..perhaps they shouldn't be in business..

yes, they MUST be FORCED because they will NOT do of their own employment conditions circa 1900.

At least you don't pretend that you are peaceful. Why do you advocate using the same tactics as murderers, rapists, thieves and prohibitionists?

Putting your rationalizations into action will always create unintended consequences. Best to let people interact peacefully and keep your forceful shit out of it.
At least you don't pretend that you are peaceful. Why do you advocate using the same tactics as murderers, rapists, thieves and prohibitionists?

Putting your rationalizations into action will always create unintended consequences. Best to let people interact peacefully and keep your forceful shit out of it.

MY "forceful" shit?..why do you keep perpetuating the "myth" that all things will be wonderful should we not have's called REGULATION for a reason..apparently you missed this statement:

if the business owner could be trusted to not cheat their employees, we would have no use for regulations..however, HISTORICALLY this is NOT the case..
given the chance even the best employer would take advantage of their employee..the employee may not even be aware..

asking someone to live on 7.25 is crazy. I say 10.50 would be a fair start.

You're not addressing the root causes. The root causes of inflation and high costs of housing etc. are created by government meddling. Asking the pedophile to watch your kids is a big mistake.

It's sort of like you lost your car keys. You lost them in the dark driveway, but decide to look for them in the living room because there's more light there. That won't work, but at least you feel like you're doing something by lifting couch cushions and waving your arms around.
You're not addressing the root causes. The root causes of inflation and high costs of housing etc. are created by government meddling. Asking the pedophile to watch your kids is a big mistake.

It's sort of like you lost your car keys. You lost them in the dark driveway, but decide to look for them in the living room because there's more light there. That won't work, but at least you feel like you're doing something by lifting couch cushions and waving your arms around.

really like they "meddled" me out of 20% value of my 401k? fail.

car key analogy maybe that's how they do things in the GWN not in the US

EDIT: if you've never caught "Too Big to Fail" should.
^^^^ No need to shout. A woman standing there shouting incoherently in her bathrobe talking about helping people out of one side of her mouth and then advocating using force out out of the other is a scary vision. Please stop scaring me and get some new slippers too, okay?
MY "forceful" shit?..why do you keep perpetuating the "myth" that all things will be wonderful should we not have's called REGULATION for a reason..apparently you missed this statement:

if the business owner could be trusted to not cheat their employees, we would have no use for regulations..however, HISTORICALLY this is NOT the case..
given the chance even the best employer would take advantage of their employee..the employee may not even be aware..

Oh my, you are so forceful. Ummmm....hey? You work out?