Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

i'm sure blacks in the south were very opposed to the civil rights act and that all those photos of police beating blacks or shooting them with fire hoses were just innocent misunderstandings on the part of presumptuous police officers.

You said it had to do with north vs south, people in the south were racist, or was it just the politicians that were racist? I mean you did say that voting against the civil rights act made one a racist did you not?
You said it had to do with north vs south, people in the south were racist, or was it just the politicians that were racist? I mean you did say that voting against the civil rights act made one a racist did you not?

i've yet to see anyone articulate an argument against the civil rights act that was not either racist or woefully ignorant of historical facts. usually, the arguments against civil rights are both.

you're trying to conflate the racism of the south which made civil rights necessary with the fact that a lot of blacks lived in the south, in a clumsy and idiotic attempt to paint blacks as the racists. i am highlighting your retarded mistake by pointing out that the black population of the south was not fighting against civil rights, they were fighting for civil rights.

brb, gonna go search for what you have had to say on this issue in the past.
you're trying to conflate the racism of the south which made civil rights necessary with the fact that a lot of blacks lived in the south, in a clumsy and idiotic attempt to paint blacks as the racists.

I am not the one who is painting people from the south as racists, you did that all by yourself, i just want to make sure of your stance is all. Your stance being, people from the south are all racists. You could have at least pardoned all the blacks first with a disclaimer, but you're too busy trying to figure a way out. A lot of people have suggested that YOU might indeed be a closeted racist, I am not quite convinced yet though.
I am not the one who is painting people from the south as racists, you did that all by yourself

to be fair, i've had a lot of help from white southerners who oppose codifying basic civil rights for black southerners.

not to mention how these same people now mock and oppose civil rights for gay people nowadays.

i just want to make sure of your stance is all. Your stance being, people from the south are all racists.

i have never said that all people from the south are racists, just that it is much more common. shockingly common.

now if i predicate that belief on the unwillingness of southerners to codify basic civil rights for black people and gays, do you really think i am singling out the blacks and the gays as backwards, hateful racists?

use your goddamn thick skull to figure that one out.
Buck should spend his wifes summer vacation in the deep south then bless us with a report.

i'll leave any and all blessing up to that imaginary sky daddy that you believe in and cite to justify your racism and homphobia.

and i'll reserve my vacation dollars for a less backwards and hateful part of the nation.

but nice plug.
You are racist towards many areas of the USA.

Don't judge those places until you lived there a few days.

I just may surprise you.

why do i have to live there when i can see the laws in place?

are you saying that these laws that you have are somehow not representative of your value system?
How many times did you get got, bruh?

Well Bruh! How many times have I been got? Never! Maybe because I'm not stupid enough to stick my head through strangers windows with the sole intent of being a fucking low life, and taking shit that doesn't belong to me...

"How many times did you get got, bruh?" Shit I wish a Mother Fucker would!
Were gonna need these same rules for knives too, and clubs, and cars, heavy machinery, plastic bags, fists, feet, elbows etc etc etc

You can kill with anything, its not the gun's fault. Yet you want people to maintain attendance at a range and practice? We don't put that kind of duty upon soldiers or police officers? why should we do that for the average person?

Government cannot make any laws which would interfere with my right to bear arms. Its just that simple, 100% prohibited.

No one ever gets attacked when the babysitter is there.


No we're not. No other country regulates clubs, bats, knives, and heavy machinery, and no other developed country has gun homicide rates like the USA. Reducito ad absurdum.... useless.

It's people attitudes towards guns and violence that are the problem, yourself included. This 'The government can't make any laws which interfere with gun ownership in any way, shape, or form", is an issue. Considering that the government already does 'interfere' by requiring a CCW permit; requiring proper storage and regular training isn't much of a stretch.

You're more upset that someone would be requiring you to do something, than upset because of the action itself.

Just silly.

If the babysitter is so worried that she's going to get attacked; she should have her own firearm, and do her own training, and get her own CCW permit. Simple.
You don't have to work a single day of your life to get disability.

Sounds like granny had all sorts of valuables, gold , jewels, silver etc etc. The money to ship a car, the money to have a mechanic work on it, since that particular 4 year old car was so old and beat up it was not drivable. And then another family member STOLE everything, yet granny had to take the fall for it all.

God damn this story has everything.
Don't have to work day in their lives? Are you sure about that? I'll throw up that link again.
"Social Security pays disability benefits to you and certain members of your family if you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that has prevented you from working or is expected to prevent you from working for at least 12 months or end in death. " http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

It doesn't take a fortune to ship a car if someone drives it, and the only reason it was affordable to get running is because my family knew a few mechanics. It still didn't make it free.

And I'm sorry if I was unclear, GG=Great Grandmother. She was the one who was robbed and gave my grandmother the car. I didn't realize that was tough to decipher.
Don't have to work day in their lives? Are you sure about that? I'll throw up that link again.
"Social Security pays disability benefits to you and certain members of your family if you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that has prevented you from working or is expected to prevent you from working for at least 12 months or end in death. " http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

It doesn't take a fortune to ship a car if someone drives it, and the only reason it was affordable to get running is because my family knew a few mechanics. It still didn't make it free.

And I'm sorry if I was unclear, GG=Great Grandmother. She was the one who was robbed and gave my grandmother the car. I didn't realize that was tough to decipher.

You are correct, sir.

Rules for work needed for the “recent work test”.

If you become disabled then you generally need:

In or before the quarter you turn age 24,
1.5 years of work during the three-year period ending with the quarter your disability began.

In the quarter after you turn age 24 but before the quarter you turn age 31,
Work during half the time for the period beginning with the quarter after you turned 21 and ending with the quarter you became disabled.

Example: If you become disabled in the quarter you turned age 27, then you would need three years of work out of the six-year period ending with the quarter you became disabled.

In the quarter you turn age 31 or later,
Work during five years out of the 10-year period ending with the quarter your disability began.

Those are the requirements. ;)


Pg 5
Don't have to work day in their lives? Are you sure about that? I'll throw up that link again.
"Social Security pays disability benefits to you and certain members of your family if you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that has prevented you from working or is expected to prevent you from working for at least 12 months or end in death. " http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/disability.htm

It doesn't take a fortune to ship a car if someone drives it, and the only reason it was affordable to get running is because my family knew a few mechanics. It still didn't make it free.

And I'm sorry if I was unclear, GG=Great Grandmother. She was the one who was robbed and gave my grandmother the car. I didn't realize that was tough to decipher.

Hmm, thats odd, developmentally disabled people who were born that way get all sorts of disability, and they never worked a day.

From http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/EN-05-10026.pdf
The SSDI program pays benefits
to adults who have a disability that
began before they became 22 years
old. We consider this SSDI benefit
as a “child’s” benefit because it is
paid on a parent’s Social Security
earnings record.

So your GREAT GRandmother had all the jewelry, gold , diamonds etc and because of that, your Grandmother could not get disability.

so what your saying is that you can't get disability if you have any rich relatives.

This story is getting better, are there any car crashes off of cliffs that end in an explosion or anything? Also this story needs a love interest to be successful with the mass audience.

ps. if the car was so cheap to fix and a mere pittance to ship, why bring up the cost as a major factor in your Grandmothers finances?
Hmm, thats odd, developmentally disabled people who were born that way get all sorts of disability, and they never worked a day.

From http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/EN-05-10026.pdf

So your GREAT GRandmother had all the jewelry, gold , diamonds etc and because of that, your Grandmother could not get disability.

so what your saying is that you can't get disability if you have any rich relatives.

This story is getting better, are there any car crashes off of cliffs that end in an explosion or anything? Also this story needs a love interest to be successful with the mass audience.

ps. if the car was so cheap to fix and a mere pittance to ship, why bring up the cost as a major factor in your Grandmothers finances?

Wow dude, you're bad at reading.
Wow dude, you're bad at reading.

How? What the fuck does your GG assets have to do with your grandmother not being able to qualify for welfare? A millionaire can get disability, but your Grandma couldn't get either. I suppose you forgot to tell us she lives in another country or isn't a US Citizen eh?
Everyone knows that progressives should not be allowed to have guns. Heck, your wife won't let you have one because you are a progressive and she knows you are just a twitch away from a shooting spree.

You don't how close that hits home. Crockett Keller a Texas state CHL instructor warned prospective students of Muslim faith or liberals to not try to take his class. Needless to say, he's a hero in our Central Texas neighborhood. Listen to this shit!

In a radio advertisement that could cost him his ability to teach concealed handgun safety classes, Keller made it clear that an Oct. 26 course at Keller's Riverside Store in Mason wouldn't be open to people who voted for President Obama and Muslims.

"If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class," Keller says in the advertisement, which is described as "controversial" on his own website. "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

"Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. Once again, with no shame; I am Crockett Keller ... thank you and God bless America," the radio spot concludes.

Keller's restrictions could infringe on the rights of Texans seeking to acquire concealed weapons permits, but the 65-year-old told KVUE that he is just trying to protect his rights as a teacher.

"I call it exercising my right to choose who I instruct in how to use a dangerous weapon," Keller said, according to the news station.

"The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American," Keller reportedly added. "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide."


