Well-Known Member
He's facing a mandatory 60 years on the 4 guilty verdicts. He's 47 years old. 60+47= life sentence....
He will be out within 5 years.
Dead of course
He's facing a mandatory 60 years on the 4 guilty verdicts. He's 47 years old. 60+47= life sentence....
taking two flashlights and a gun to search for those assholes who always get away is the very definition of self defense.
He will be out within 5 years.
Dead of course
shit 47? dude, he looks close to 60 imo
Even with good time, he won't be coming out until he's an old, old man.He's facing a mandatory 60 years on the 4 guilty verdicts. He's 47 years old. 60+47= life sentence....
Even with good time, he won't be coming out until he's an old, old man.
He got what he deserves IMO, the only problem I have with the case is the prosecutor wants to push for another murder trail because of the hung jury.
Waste of time and money if you ask me.
He will be looking face down into a toilet as his ass gets violated by a bunch of black dudes soon
chasing after somoene who runs away is CLEARLY a self defense move.
are you following him?
^^^^clearly a self defense move by zimmerman
Spam much?
Oh right its you....special rules....if I call you a bitch not cool though right?
So you're sexist now too? Good to know.
He will be looking face down into a toilet as his ass gets violated by a bunch of black dudes soon
take the stick out of your asshole, go cry on your mommy's shoulder, wipe the boogers away, and try again.
Tell us more about your prison rape fantasies, Cheesy. Do they all involve burly black men?
Those would only be if I am a racist douche bag that shoots teenagers becuase of the color of their skin
Like Zimmerman and Dunn
So, your prison rape fantasies normally involve white guys? What are you, a Canadian?
Take it easy, eh.
The statistics are what they are. Canadians love them some rape.
Those would only be if I am a racist douche bag that shoots teenagers becuase of the color of their skin
Like Zimmerman and Dunn