Can someone ID this problem?


Active Member
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Three clones (Nirvana white widow 1st gen clones), taken 2 weeks into flowering, vegging now in week 3, feeding BioBizz starter kit according to recommendations. Pics are of two of the clones, the third has two small marks on one leaf but hard to see so no picture.

I'm growing in soil for tomatoes with 30% leca balls (clay balls). My water is soft and I adjust PH from about 7 to 6,5 and always let it stand on the bench for about an hour to damp off chlorine and such before I water.

Anything else you need to know to help clear this before it becomes a problem?


Active Member
I did suspect nute burn on that one leaf. However these other spots look a bit like phosphorus def, but I want it confirmed before I do anything drastic about it. Thanks for the response and the link ;-)

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Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
that small its not phos def. its almost certainly nute burn.... its nute burn.. lol sorry .. cut you nutes in half . At that size they really dont need much. Manus always overdose little ones.. helps them sell more


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I do not see any problems ABOVE the zone of the plant that had the problem.
Your new growth looks fine.....the problem has been corrected.
I do see MINOR signs of overfeeding. NOT to a level that would REQUIRE correction. They should run out just fine.
Keep going and watch it go.


Well-Known Member
I'm brand new here, but just want to share this experience with you. When I first started out I was watering my plants with a 1 gallon milk jug. Sometimes I would spill a little nutrient concentrate on the side of the jug, and I didn't always clean it all off before watering. Of course, the jug would brush the lower leaves of my plants, and I started getting burnt looking leaves.


Active Member
Sounds just about right with nute burn I guess. I did feed them twise in week 2, guess that might be the problem then. Thanks people :)

@bamboofarmer : I'll take this tip with me. Definitely not something I'd think of automatically ^^


Def not overwatered the soil was dry as a bone, I had actually just watered when I took the pic.....however it could be the medium organic choice mixed with perlite
i noticed after a few waterings it turns to a rock like texture...the last watering I did about 5 days ago seemed to run right thru it and run off green? I made a water bottle rig to slow water them from now on

Was the "green" my nutes cause it was so dry?


Well-Known Member
My water is soft and I adjust PH from about 7 to 6,5 and always let it stand on the bench for about an hour to damp off chlorine and such before I water.
i can't comment on your selection of nute choice...i will say i'm sure you're having calcium issues because of the leaf spots in your pix. to fix it add 1tbsp/gal dolo lime as a drench.
also to get rid of chlorine let the water sit out overnight. the chlorine only harms soil microbes anyway not the plant itself unless its a lot of chlorine.


Could this be my problem...looks like white powdery mold but only on the bottom of the drainage spots on my pot???

is this from over watering?



New Member
It won't harm I'd balance ph with dolomitic lyme powder if u haven't. I'm a noob too but got friends using cal mag anytime they have a prob.