Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

You are, not me.

Shooting your neighbors thieves might be a bit much, but in Texas looks like its ok.

If my neighbor was getting robbed, I would shoot those thieves too, but not call 911, no no, dig a deep hole and never worry.

Fuck it, let's shoot two men in the back. After all, that's what our founding fathers wanted.
You are, not me.

Shooting your neighbors thieves might be a bit much, but in Texas looks like its ok.

If my neighbor was getting robbed, I would shoot those thieves too, but not call 911, no no, dig a deep hole and never worry.
YOU jumped into the conversation, WE were having about Joe Horn.

We already covered the OP.

Better late than never, eh?
Is that the equivalent of killing?

If someone held a knife to your throat, would you feel killing them was self defense? I would. That movie was a message about PTSD; glad to hear people love our troops up to the point of actually receiving a message about them.

PSA: If you were a soldier, holding deadly weapons to people's throats is cool.
Its a matter of timing. If I get my gun and you are still in my house, I'll hunt you like a fucking dog and purposefully put you down, my family sleeps here and I dont give a shit about warning shots for criminals who have crossed what I believe is an unforgivable threshold.

Change the laws, and I'll shoot them in the back too while they run down the road. Fuck these types, I have zero empathy for shit bags, but maybe a little sympathy for their family if they are descent people but that isn't gonna stop me from ending their piece of shit relative, might send them a card afterwards or something, tell them what a great shot it was.
Fuck it, let's shoot two men in the back. After all, that's what our founding fathers wanted.

I would actually shoot them in the face, many times so an identification would be impossible. Shooting them in the back is no fun.

How many people have you killed?
Its a matter of timing and only because of current laws. If I get my gun and you are still in my house, I'll hunt you like a fucking dog and purposefully put you down, my family sleeps here and I dont give a shit about warning shots for criminals who have crossed what I believe is an unforgivable threshold.

Change the laws, and I'll shoot them in the back too while they run down the road. Fuck these types, I have zero empathy for shit bags, but maybe a little sympathy for their family if they are descent people but that isn't gonna stop me from ending their piece of shit relative, might send them a card afterwards or something, tell them what a great shot it was.

Cause that's what MURICA is about; having the ability to shoot people that wrong you in trivial ways.

Now that is Liberty.
I would actually shoot them in the face, many times so an identification would be impossible. Shooting them in the back is no fun.

How many people have you killed?

I have killed nobody, despite several entirely legal opportunities. Self control, try it sometime.
Cause that's what MURICA is about; having the ability to shoot people that wrong you in trivial ways.

LOL, if I were hungry? No one in the USA is hungry, in the USA poor people are many times FAT. In the USA you can get welfare and foodstamps. People do not steal TV's because they are hungry. They do it for the money.

If you are hungry and need to steal to feed yourself, a grocery store is a MUCH SAFER AND BETTER PLACE. #1, they don't shoot shoplifters, #2 the selection is much better than some dude's home, #3 Often times the grocer has hot food ready to serve, no cooking necessary.

People don't rob homes for food in the western world. In Canadian Fantasy land is where that happens.
LOL, if I were hungry? No one in the USA is hungry, in the USA poor people are many times FAT. In the USA you can get welfare and foodstamps. People do not steal TV's because they are hungry. They do it for the money.

If you are hungry and need to steal to feed yourself, a grocery store is a MUCH SAFER AND BETTER PLACE. #1, they don't shoot shoplifters, #2 the selection is much better than some dude's home, #3 Often times the grocer has hot food ready to serve, no cooking necessary.

People don't rob homes for food in the western world. In Canadian Fantasy land is where that happens.

That's why there's homeless people right? Because the government takes such good care of indigent people.

So what? Maybe they did do it for money. Without anyway of knowing why they needed money, it's all hearsay.

The point is that theft =/= murder in the brain of anyone with a hint of common sense, and human decency.
LOL, if I were hungry? No one in the USA is hungry, in the USA poor people are many times FAT. In the USA you can get welfare and foodstamps. People do not steal TV's because they are hungry. They do it for the money.

If you are hungry and need to steal to feed yourself, a grocery store is a MUCH SAFER AND BETTER PLACE. #1, they don't shoot shoplifters, #2 the selection is much better than some dude's home, #3 Often times the grocer has hot food ready to serve, no cooking necessary.

People don't rob homes for food in the western world. In Canadian Fantasy land is where that happens.

When you have no place of residence, or don't qualify for welfare. your argument loses a large amount of validity.
You have had SEVERAL opportunities to legally kill people?

Oh man, I better put my boots on.

Why? I'm a gun owner that doesn't shoot teens carrying skittles, teens blaring rap, people texting in movies, or people that bear me and others no harm. In context of society and the news, I'm a goddamn teddy bear.
When you have no place of residence, or don't qualify for welfare. your argument loses a large amount of validity.

If you don't qualify for welfare it's because you have too many assets or make too much money, it really is that simple. Do you know of other reasons why they would deny someone?

If I sold my property tomorrow, I could claim homelessness.
Why? I'm a gun owner that doesn't shoot teens carrying skittles, teens blaring rap, people texting in movies, or people that bear me and others no harm. In context of society and the news, I'm a goddamn teddy bear.

Would you shoot someone who jumped out of some bushes at night and started busting your face up?