Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

Inferior genetics? So, which gene is the 'theft' gene? You moron....

That's an interesting question, however, I don't believe research has nailed down the genetic code to that extent...yet.

Just as there are specific genes that determine traits such as hair, eye color, and complexion, there are certainly genes that influence, if not MANDATE, human behaviors, and it's the behaviors we are actually concerned with, not "race".

It could be that a specific gene has an abnormal impact on neural chemistry that reduces empathy, and enhances hostility, which leads to criminal behaviors.

Regardless, it would be nice to know, and an excellent tool to screen and identify motherfuckers that shouldn't be breeding.
That's an interesting question, however, I don't believe research has nailed down the genetic code to that extent...yet.

Just as there are specific genes that determine traits such as hair, eye color, and complexion, there are certainly genes that influence, if not MANDATE, human behaviors, and it's the behaviors we are actually concerned with, not "race".

It could be that a specific gene has an abnormal impact on neural chemistry that reduces empathy, and enhances hostility, which leads to criminal behaviors.

Regardless, it would be nice to know, and an excellent tool to screen and identify motherfuckers that shouldn't be breeding.

It could have absolutely nothing to do with genetics, and the mother fucker that stole the TV could have just been hungry and needed cash. Maybe he can't get a job, maybe he went bankrupt, no one knows why he did it, and no one ever will because someone ended his life over a purse/loot bag.

Way to talk out your ass though.
It could have absolutely nothing to do with genetics, and the mother fucker that stole the TV could have just been hungry and needed cash. Maybe he can't get a job, maybe he went bankrupt, no one knows why he did it, and no one ever will because someone ended his life over a purse/loot bag.

Way to talk out your ass though.
I am poor and need food, don't shoot me when i come and steal everything you worked for, my needs are greater than yours.
I am poor and need food, don't shoot me when i come and steal everything you worked for, my needs are greater than yours.

Fuck consideration for your fellow man if he's not presenting a risk of death or severe harm to a person, right?

I was mocking how narrow and inconsiderate your point was, by the way.
I am poor and need food, don't shoot me when i come and steal everything you worked for, my needs are greater than yours.

Big difference between coming into my home, stealing my things, and then getting shot while in my house and chasing after fleeing thieves who were robbing your neighbour, then shooting them in the back.

If you're in my home, you could very well pose a risk to me and my family, and should be dealt with accordingly. How did two black guys stealing a purse form a neighbour constitute killing them?

Way to create a strawman, jackass.
Fuck consideration for your fellow man if he's not presenting a risk of death or severe harm to a person, right?

Consideration of your fellow man? Shouldn't the thief think about that before breaking and entering?

I think many people lose sight of what is right and wrong. If the person wasn't slipping into homes uninvited, I imagine no one would ever have to shoot him.

Some people want to make the victim the criminal.
The punishment should be equal to the crime. If you don't believe in fair justice, you're an idiot too.

Far as I am concerned, coming into my home uninvited for ANY REASON is an act of terrorism. Terrorists don't have any rights, ask the president who has killed people for only belonging to a group.
Consideration of your fellow man? Shouldn't the thief think about that before breaking and entering?

I think many people lose sight of what is right and wrong. If the person wasn't slipping into homes uninvited, I imagine no one would ever have to shoot him.

Some people want to make the victim the criminal.

Right = no killing someone over a neighbours purse being stolen.

Wrong = shooting someone in the back that posed ZERO threat to you.
Big difference between coming into my home, stealing my things, and then getting shot while in my house and chasing after fleeing thieves who were robbing your neighbour, then shooting them in the back.

Perhaps you are confused, this thread is not about some guy who shot at a thieves coming from his neighbors home. Go back to the OP and read it, then come back and start making sense please.
Consideration of your fellow man? Shouldn't the thief think about that before breaking and entering?

I think many people lose sight of what is right and wrong. If the person wasn't slipping into homes uninvited, I imagine no one would ever have to shoot him.

Some people want to make the victim the criminal.

Except that in context of this argument, everyone was out of houses and posing a threat to nobody's life.

Well damn, it seems as if you advocate killing people who have no reasonable intent to kill you or cause bodily harm. How about that...
Perhaps you are confused, this thread is not about some guy who shot at a thieves coming from his neighbors home. Go back to the OP and read it, then come back and start making sense please.

We're discussing Joe Horn, atm. Did you not see those posts? Did you skip/forget them?

The guy who broke into the guys house and got shot, deserved to get shot. He very well could have been posing a threat to the homeowner.

Guy stealing your car from your yard? Not a threat worthy of murdering.
Guy stealing a hand bag from a neighbour? Not a threat worthy of murdering.
Except that in context of this argument, everyone was out of houses and posing a threat to nobody's life.

Well damn, it seems as if you advocate killing people who have no reasonable intent to kill you or cause bodily harm. How about that...

Read the OP, you are also confused.
We're discussing Joe Horn, atm. .

You are, not me.

Shooting your neighbors thieves might be a bit much, but in Texas looks like its ok.

If my neighbor was getting robbed, I would shoot those thieves too, but not call 911, no no, dig a deep hole and never worry.
Read the OP, you are also confused.

I already openly stated my stance on how people who have their homes invaded should react. Spoiler: It's surprisingly lethal. If you'd learn to read, we moved past the "home invader" point and had traveled solidly into folks outside your home.