Dunn murder case in FL


Well-Known Member
A white man is waiting for the jury verdict on a shooting case in Florida. He unloaded a gun into the car of a black kid because his stereo was too loud. Then he went home, ordered a pizza, went to bed, got up the next morning and drove his fiancee 2 hours to where they lived and never called the police.

NOW, this guy should go to jail for a very very very long time.

Why arent people screaming about this case here???
After listening to the guys testimony over the past week I don't see how they haven't convicted him yet. Murdering young black men has became little more than sport in Florida these days.
suicide by running away from the creepy stranger that is chasing you, makes sense.

Running away by knocking the stranger down, straddling them and attempting to beat their brains out on the sidewalk.

Makes sense in Buckyworld... Not in the real world. Just ask the jury of MOTHERS about that...
Running away by knocking the stranger down, straddling them and attempting to beat their brains out on the sidewalk.

Makes sense in Buckyworld... Not in the real world. Just ask the jury of MOTHERS about that...

completely justified self defense by martin.

if some creepy stanger starts chasing after you in the dark, then grabs two flashlights and his gun to "look for an address" behind some houses (because we all know they put the addresses on the backs of houses), chances are he ain't there to bring you flowers.

and if you possess any self preservation instincts, you'll be fearing for your life at that point and 100% justified in defending yourself from this creepy stranger who is sick and tired of assholes like you always getting away.

but hey, at least the folks over at stormfront and n***germania agree with you and not me.
Pretty sure Trayvon didn't drop dead from his iced tea.

i've been calling the cops every time i see someone walking down the street since that verdict, telling them that there are strangers in front of my house with deadly weapons.

the cops ask what deadly weapon, and i tell them "the sidewalk".

for some reason they keep laughing at me.