My first grow. outside


Well-Known Member
Not lookin bad at all man. Very well done, I dont really have any advice, looks like your fine to me. Rep for you.


Well-Known Member
just read thru ur grow dude. cheers for stoppng by at mine. urs has come on loads since the 1st pix. just need to sit tight and wait i guess.hope she is a she!!!
not growing outside indoors under 400w hps and looking sweeeeeeet. :lol:
will be looking for ur updates.
gd luck.
puff puff pass.


Well-Known Member
keep up the good work 2hi4u, as for the clone question you wanna take one closer to the bottom of the plant because it will grow the roots easier, but if ya look it up in the faqs or search tags for cloning there is a ton of ways u can do it, just look it up and good luck + rep for ya


Well-Known Member
never really seen sativa growing so ur journal's dead interesting from that point!
how high do u reckon it'll get?
looking good tho bro!!


Well-Known Member
lol unless your in a damn hot and dry state or wherever, dont be watering it all the time yourself, only do that when it NEEDS it, not because of the time
its called nature?
i like leaving them in pots too, the roots arnt long enuff yet so just get a sharp ass knife and start cuttin holes in your pot,(stab it, sping it in circles until a hole appears)
i had a pot fill to the top this year with mudweater and shocked my plant
it was under for 3 days straight
but its alive now BOOYAH and its hilarious i have so many seeds ima just go plant some more today, i know its late but ill only lose veg time, so just shorter plants
gonna leave this year with at least 10 pounds but ur shit looks good, LST isnt the best way to get size outdoors, its a way for indoor small spaces to max node count and therefore buds
i would be bonzaiing it from now on (not a circle, branch it out slowly branch by branch like an upside down tee pee with w/e ur using, dont just run it in a circle around the pot. I may be mistaken, buti doubt that, your pH level? your growing outdoors and your au naturelle right now, your ph is fine believe me


Well-Known Member
Looking good, looking good. I would suggest since its an outdoor grow, make sure the light gets to the side branches. Nothing like an LST without any good results. How much direct sunlight does it get per day? And also, it's only one plant?

I would go with at least 2 or 3.

Only the female plants make buds to smoke, the males are useless.

If you grow 1 plant, you have 50% chance of getting nothing.
If you grow 2 plants, you have a backup in case the first one is nothing.
If you grow 3, then it's very unlikely that all your plants will be male.

Other than that, I'll check back every couple days to check your grow journal out! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
LST isnt the best way to get size outdoors, its a way for indoor small spaces to max node count and therefore buds
i would be bonzaiing it from now on (not a circle, branch it out slowly branch by branch like an upside down tee pee with w/e ur using, dont just run it in a circle around the pot.
I agree.

I would focus on getting your plant as big as possible since it's an outdoor grow. Taller = more chance at getting good sunlight when the sun isn't directly overhead.