Well-Known Member
Was he supposed to wait until the guy got close?
Used kung-fu?
Fuck that.
I'm not going to shoot a motherfucker for property....more than likely...not for any major concern over the thief, mind you, but just to avoid the g'damn legal hassle. However, I've got NO problem whatsoever for those that would, in jurisdictions where it is indeed legal to do so.
I would rather see dead thieves than ripped off citizens.
Hell, the g'damn government will send men with guns to try and lock you in a cage if THEY don't get "THEIRS", and if you resist, they'll shoot your ass dead. If it's good enough for the government, it's good enough for citizens trying to defend themselves, their families, and their possessions.
Except the one running towards him angled away enough to get shot in the back. The plainclothes cop on the scene actually said they both "took fire from the rear". The cops were on the way; there was already one there. Presumably, he was awaiting backup and then saw some dumbass come out with a gun and start yelling at people. Had he actually let the police do their damn job, this could have played out entirely differently. They would have likely been arrested and had their day in court. This guy acted as a vigilante when there was absolutely no need to. He wanted to be a hero when there was no need. So now two guys are dead because he left his house to confront two people who were not a danger to anyone. He had no reason to suspect anyone was in danger. Nor was anyone threatening him before he armed himself and decided to play dirty harry.