High times cannabis cup in Flint July 26th-27th

2k to enter and another 5k to win.. I guess if you are a dispensary owner with shitty
meds it would worth it for marketing. Places with good meds probably would not find it

Am I reading this right? You would have to shell out $2,000 to enter your strain, and have to pay an additional $5,000 if you win??

WTF is the incentive to win if it costs you more money?
5k to win, I was kinda joking. I am sure the figure that they pay in Amsterdam to fix judges is much higher.
It seems like the judging in the states is more ethical.

I am just doing my mourning ritual of spliff+coffee and talking nonsense, don't mind me!
The Perani Arena aka the IMA would be my hope for a location, located right alongside I69 and the building has two arenas if they wanted to split and have a separate patient/caregiver/medicating area. Flint seems logical for holding an event like this and I would expect to see cooperation with local leo, perhaps even off duty for security and hopefully EMTs. The DA certainly isn't interested in locking up patients, caregivers, dispensary owners etc. Local radio has no problems advertising for grow shops, it was a radio ad that led me to an expo that was in Davison last year. While I understand a fee is used to help weed out entry's, hopefully it doesn't stave off too many but still doubt the 2k would make some people flinch.

It would be nice to have an area that showcases and sells genetics from Michigan breeders, we certainly have a lot of notables.

Very much looking forward to it
it is a curcus that make bank of the events its all money for realz its all about that dollar bill for realz.. people were holding underground cups last few years because they thought the judging was unfair???? true shit lets see what happends...Los Angles people were holding thier own under ground cup because they thought the judging was rigged for realz.. why havent the strongest strains made the cup the shit that realy is FIRE AND ALWAYS SELLS OUT?? KING LUI OR RASCAL WHITE FIRE??? im still shocked im still woundering is it real...
I don't know.. I personally try to stay out of flint, crimes horrible around there.
I would love to see it in Grand Rapids, Mi
But the Devos' s would shut it down I am sure.
I agree Traverse City is beautiful, I don't understand why they wouldn't have it there.

I think the reason why they are hosting it in Flint is the exact reason why it is not being held in TC or GR. I predict few to no issues from the surrounding community, that includes residents, elected officials, the county prosecutor and leo. "Aint nobody got time for that"

TC and GR may have less crime, but safe from whom? is why I feel a whole lot better driving around in Flint than I do driving around in Grand Rapids.

FLINT- 14 times in the last nine years, Michigan voters have been given the option to relax or remove marijuana penalties in a local election. 14 times they have said ‘Yes’, and after November’s trio of victories 1.3 million Michigan citizens will now live in cities with either decriminalized or legalized adult use of marijuana.

Legalized adult use laws remove all criminal penalties for the use or possession of small amounts of marijuana; most cities define adult as 21 years of age but in Flint the age is 19. Some cities have legalized transfer of marijuana between adults. A decriminalization law changes those use or possession of small quantity penalties from criminal status to a civil infraction issue, handled with a citation or a ticket instead of a misdemeanor charge. Neither program allows impaired driving or access to marijuana by minors.

Plus Flint has Halo Burger. :-P
halo burger sucks now man...... its still pretty good but it truly isn't anything like it used to be.

we do have freakin unbelievable burgers now tho! craft beer with craft burgers! corruna road between dye and linden across from patsy lou. its AMAZING! super top shelf food. they got jalapeño poppers with this raspberry vinaigrette sauce..... OMG SOOOOOO GOOOOOD! drive through and everything! I'm pretty sure someone who medicates came up with the menu cause its one of a kind and its awesome. i recommend checking it out anytime your in genesee county its that good!
halo burger sucks now man......

As I sit here eating a 1/2 lb with olives in this parking lot on Fenton Rd, I dare say sir that I think you are nuts. ;-)

we do have freakin unbelievable burgers now tho! craft beer with craft burgers! corruna road between dye and linden across from patsy lou. its AMAZING! super top shelf food. they got jalapeño poppers with this raspberry vinaigrette sauce..... OMG SOOOOOO GOOOOOD! drive through and everything! I'm pretty sure someone who medicates came up with the menu cause its one of a kind and its awesome. i recommend checking it out anytime your in genesee county its that good!

Freakin is in Flint Twp and until they change the lame discotech music that they pump indoors and out, drive thru only for my family. I get the music match's their flashy LED lighting, but we've sat down inside 3 times and each time it's been the same loud untz untz untz. Very goood burgers though.

Would like to add that GR does have an incredible burger spot, Stella's was awarded Best Hamburger by GQ Magazine. Their Stella Blue is phenom, whether you like the Dead or not.

Cannabis Cup in Flint, booooya :leaf:
i havent been to the one on fenton road in a while just the one on miller so IDK? beef jus tastes different to me. its got that reheated taste ALMOST. idk its just tastes a little different to me.

THE MUSIC DOES SUCK SO BAD ! I've only ever ate inside there once due to the massive herd of hipsters hanging out inside. can usually get your drive though in a matter on minutes so no reason to stay for me!

in the area what defines flint? is it linded road? dutcher? dye even? i knew it was flint township i guess i just didn't think about it. its really close to flint regardless!
On Corunna Rd Flint begins/ends at Ballenger Hwy

The only thing I know that has changed at Halo Burger is they dumped Pepsi and picked up Coke.

I have never been to a cup, and although I don't expect it to have the size/polish of cups held in Amsterdam, LA or Denver, I believe that Flint offers a good location for an event that will not have the problems the Detroit's 2011 cup had, namely strong arm police interference.
ya the cops aren't gonna fuck with it so long as it goes smooth its just not those guys i worry about. if they host it at the IMA aka the Peranni arena it will be a HUGE venue for it, i cant think of anywhere else that could actually even hold it in flint? anyone? theres a couple decent halls and whatnot but nothing big enough for HTCC is there? gotta be some big ass warehouse maybe?
The IMA does offer the best location and venue in Flint, especially with the fenced in parking lot and parking booths at the entrance, it is a secure location and right along I-69 with an easy on/off exit. We'll see.

In 2011 it was held in October in Detroit, but 2014 will be July 26th-27th, good time to be outdoors.

I don't know about medicating indoors, but if that isn't possible it would be cool if they used the drive loop I have marked as a fenced in corral for medicating with booths and what not as well as one of the indoor arenas for more booths, stage, etc. There are doors from the arena that go right to that circle drive. Or they could use the front parking lot for the same thing.


High times indeed :bigjoint:


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