Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Dank here is my babies now i saved them from the ph issue. you can see it affected some (stunted). They are now 32 days from seed and i decided to remove the cfl's and add my ufo in also now i have 172 watts of actual led power on them. i might rig up some cfl's also it cant hurt.
View attachment 2993406 the back right one "BigBertha" didnt give a shit about ph issues she just wants to grow fat and big. All are blueberry but the front left one is unknown.


Well-Known Member
holy shit batman im beat just got done shoveling the driveway fucking wore out over hear oh well guess its time for a cyclone and some kolins, we got like 10inches of wet snow the worst that means tonight everything going to frezze


Well-Known Member
Hey stew can you or Dank point me in the direction of some spyder auto pics if u guys got any? Mines just starting to throw pistils. Around week 4 I believe. Tried paging through for like an hr and didn't see much. Too many damn pages lol but seriously.
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