Well-Known Member
"I only tossed salad once and it was dark and it was an accident"-May 11
What were you locked up for?
"I only tossed salad once and it was dark and it was an accident"-May 11
Gandalf, get the he'll off here and go get some poontang lol jk .I'm sure there are some stoner chick's that will go nuts over your shit , haha well got to go guys . I'm tired and I need to get to work. P's had some girl scout cookies, I think it's over hyped personally. Damn good looking though.
Come to South Africa. Everybody here tokes aside from squares. You will be hard pressed finding a Cape Town chick that doesn't know Haze from Cheese.Man if I could only find someone who I like who smokes. I am not kidding. My ex is a fucking prude when it comes to that shit. I always hated her for that and she always hated me for medicating. Fucking bitch. I have been wishing terminal illnesses upon her as of late. Dont think for a second that I dont mean that shit either. I love you guys. You all are keeping me alive these days.
Man if I could only find someone who I like who smokes. I am not kidding. My ex is a fucking prude when it comes to that shit. I always hated her for that and she always hated me for medicating. Fucking bitch. I have been wishing terminal illnesses upon her as of late. Dont think for a second that I dont mean that shit either. I love you guys. You all are keeping me alive these days.
Hey, rookie question. My last batch ended up smelling like hay and not tasting much better, I thought this was from not giving a dark period before chopping and light during the drying process. On my current batch I gave over 24 hours dark before chopping and have had them in the tent for a week. As of today the wonderful stink I had is gone and now I have this hay like smell again... What am I doing wrong?
either dried too fast or not dried enough when buds were put into a jar.
Hey, rookie question. My last batch ended up smelling like hay and not tasting much better, I thought this was from not giving a dark period before chopping and light during the drying process. On my current batch I gave over 24 hours dark before chopping and have had them in the tent for a week. As of today the wonderful stink I had is gone and now I have this hay like smell again... What am I doing wrong?
By the sounds of it you have too much leaf on the bud. Dry leaves smell like straw. Give the bud a manicure right up to the calyx, every leaf off including the frosty ones. A day later and you should smell good bud.
I didn't trim 100%... I cut all fan leaves and big/easily cut ones as well, leaving some in the larger bud areas so i wouldn't screw with them. Also I thought removing all leaf had a negative effect on the bud?? I know its kinda flimsy info but it was brought up in a documentary I watched.
Def not drying too fast, I'm drying in a cooler area which i read will slow down the drying process and gives better results. I'm on my eighth day since chopping and they're still slightly moist to the touch. They haven't hit jars yet, think they need a few more days...
Now that the perv myco is away we can talk dank![]()
Wonder, I'm wondering how you dried. You really should save that wonderful trim and get a set of some bubble bags!
What are you wondering about my drying?
I do keep my trim, I don't have the bags though... I made some oil with my last trimmings but I'd really like to start making hash.
Also matt rize. A hash is only as good as the water you use.