You could do that but why to cut your tent ? Bend them or top them..Okay I know this is a crazy question haha but if you needed more room for your light to go up could you cut top of tent off to hang the lights from the ceiling or would that be a bad idea.. Lol
Yeah I topped them, only once though and I really don't wanna cut it lol so does it matter what size pot you grow in? I'm growing in five gallon right now if I cut down to three gallon will that affect how tall they get. I'm thinking I should just lst next time.You could do that but why to cut your tent ? Bend them or top them...Much easier.Have you read Uncle Ben's topping technic?
True first time growing didn't know what to expect from bagseed lolYou could do that if your ok with ruining your tent and its purpose. Best thing to do is just grow plants the right size for your tent. Your roughly going to know how tall a plant tops out at by its strain so 2 minutes of thinking and planning you wont even come across this problem.
Where did you top ? At which node ? You can always tight her down anytime.Pot size does matter.Larger root mass supports larger plant structureYeah I topped them, only once though and I really don't wanna cut it lol so does it matter what size pot you grow in? I'm growing in five gallon right now if I cut down to three gallon will that affect how tall they get. I'm thinking I should just lst next time.