Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill follow that new fashion :) This year is all about Dog's, Lemon Skunk, Goji Og and db x livers.
Seems like the clone curse is long gone :)
Oh and im gonna wash for a friend this weekend! He says he has a dwc system for me, when i have a cannoli for him. Healla nice


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill follow that new fashion :) This year is all about Dog's, Lemon Skunk, Goji Og and db x livers.
Seems like the clone curse is long gone :)
Oh and im gonna wash for a friend this weekend! He says he has a dwc system for me, when i have a cannoli for him. Healla nice

Sounds like a good trade to me!


Well-Known Member
I have a question.
Popped some Engineer Dream s33ds (R),4 were female, vegged a couple of months, took a few clones each, and threw the plants from s33d into flower, took down @71days, which turned out fantastic.
I vegged the first set of clones a couple months , took some clones, & then threw the 1[SUP]st[/SUP]set into flower, seems the [SUP]1st[/SUP] set decided to all turn into boy's (pic).
Grew along side a few XXX's from s33d, same tents, cloner,feed ,sched, light and they are all well & female. I was really looking forward to running ED again.
My question is will the clones,( 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] set), now in cups in veg be male, female, or he-she's?


Tnx, bob


Well-Known Member
Im guessing the mother plant was mislabeled and was actually a "father" plant. Thats just my guess, Im having a hard time imagining a female plants clones all being full on males? ANY chance the donor plant was mixed up on accident?


Well-Known Member
Four diff plants ( all flowered, drying now), 3-5 clones from each plant.
No chance of mis-lable
All turned 100% male, no female flowers at all.
Good news is my BB order showed up yesterday,

im tossing the suspect clones & mom/dad's..
and popping some Dog & Fireballs


Well-Known Member
That is a total mystery, never seen that happen, and especially so out and out male....crazy stuff, Bob. Would have been interesting to throw one of the others in just to see if it did the same.
I have a question.
Popped some Engineer Dream s33ds (R),4 were female, vegged a couple of months, took a few clones each, and threw the plants from s33d into flower, took down @71days, which turned out fantastic.
I vegged the first set of clones a couple months , took some clones, & then threw the 1[SUP]st[/SUP]set into flower, seems the [SUP]1st[/SUP] set decided to all turn into boy's (pic).
Grew along side a few XXX's from s33d, same tents, cloner,feed ,sched, light and they are all well & female. I was really looking forward to running ED again.
My question is will the clones,( 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] set), now in cups in veg be male, female, or he-she's?

View attachment 2991434

Tnx, bob


Well-Known Member
Frack Doob, I felt compelled to pull two of my four T-8s in my Veg closet.

I need to get out of "Tier 4".


P.S. I will buy T-5s in the future. My two T-5 lamp is very cool at less than 100W.


Well-Known Member
And suddenly it makes sense why local police are so willing to help the DEA.... they get to keep the money from the shit they take. Makes me think of papapayne. :(

But the vast majority of drug enforcement money comes from ‘asset forfeiture,’ a system that allows cops to seize any property—a house, a car, cash—associated with drugs and allows them to keep, sell, or auction it. The DEA keeps 20 percent of the proceeds and returns 80 percent to the local authorities in cash. According to Justice Department, assets forfeited in MJ cases from 2002-2012 accounted for $1 billion of the $6.5 billion from all drug busts. “Local cops are addicted to asset forfeiture,” says Bradley, who once saw a cop take $1,000 from someone with pot, get a money order from the bank, mail it to the feds for reimbursement and receive a check for $800 in the mail. “They get all excited when they calculate the value of the property they seize. They look at it like shopping.” Both Colorado and Washington where pot is legal, are down $18 million in revenue, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal, because they are no longer seizing grows and the assets associated with them.

That cash incentive also had the unintended effect of perverting crime prevention. Nate witnessed this firsthand in 2007 while investigating a scam in which a prostitute and a high school principal were teaming up to rob and extort johns. When he requested additional men to help with a sting operation that could lead to an arrest his superior told him that the department didn’t have the budget for overtime. Fast forward one month when Nate was called to investigate a massive 800-plant pot garden in someone’s back yard. Thirty deputies were paid overtime to chop down and destroy the plants. “I saw this and thought, ‘Two of those guys could have helped me close my case,’ but we had no funds for that. A garden takes priority because the DEA grants are there.”

Read more:


Well-Known Member
IMG_4420.jpgSome ice from my friend. Gets the job done, but no way near "oh la la" :)
IMG_4423.jpgLemon Skunk(Left)SnowLAnd(Right)
IMG_4431.jpgSome early taken down soil dog :)


Well-Known Member
We're lucky about electricity rates.
They are by KW/hour and by time of day (reduced rates after 9pm, which is when I run my light during flowering).
Crazy how much some of you have to pay for power.

*on a happy note (cue angelic choir of castrati):

my next post here will be my 5,000th, so I'm finishing up a quick vid to celebrate it.
Which, as we all know, means I will be lurking until it is done.

**on a sad note (cue dramatically devilish ditty by The Four Tenors):

I have lots of chores to do, too. :-(

But am going to multitask like a mofo and will have it all finished by tonight.

And, when I return, I will be one step closer to total world domination as I am elevated to Super Stoner status and am brought one secret ring closer to exposing the still beating heart of the "Cannabinatti", WHERE, no matter HOW many millions of $U.S. GBP, Euros, or Euro hookers they will throw at me, no matter HOW many casks of 100 year old single malt Scotch they send me to loosen me up, nor how many free plasma induction light fixtures they choose to set me up with, I will ALWAYS remember the countless little people I stepped on and crawled over to get where I am today!

Time for some hits from the bong,
as I work on my project.

Getting fucking high
is my aim,
it's my object.

Listen to this tune,
while we all smoke the chronic.
Weed from Oscar Goldman
is always bionic.

Bubbles in the glass
look like sweet milk,

Pull up the fucking stem,
suck it in like raw silk,

knock you on your ass you must always clear the glass.

I'm running out of rhymes,
flying high and running low,
on times....

... something about "French mimes"...

... merde...

... here's some real rap... :-(


I'll see you all later today/tonight (will be lurking)!!!


*edit: what THAT guy rapped, too! \/\/\/