Nancy Pelosi looks like an alien-lizard.
Watch her eyes, but don't let her gaze lock on yours.
but David Icke didnt call that one. he claims The House of Windsor (The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) and the bush family (as well as anyone else who draws his wrath) are the lizards, who have been runing a long con for centuries, so they can power their extradimensional civilization on the energy extracted from children's screams (see the Pixar animated film Monster's Inc. for details, i shit you not. he is bugnuts crazy.)
Icke, as a well recognized Crazy Person, has zero credibility, but he makes alex jones seem almost rational.
Ick's short form CVA:
middle ranked footballer for a middleranked semi-pro english football club
short time snooker presenter (the guy who whispers about the "strategy" of snooker matches)
claimed to be the ACTUAL Jesus H Christ, and the prophesied "Second Coming"
did the rounds on the british crazy people chat show circuit
prophesied doom and declared "The End Is Nigh" for most of the 80's
did a few turns in the looney bin
came out of the nuthatch with a new delusion, wrote a shitload of nonsensical books
lost the rights to HIS OWN BOOKS and was sued for plagiarizing himself (and was found guilty lol)
made endless DVD's and interweb video productions expounding further on the shit he claimed in his books which he is not allowed to quote from.
got a little crazier
started revising his previous remarks with "New Revelations" after seeing the shitty movie "The Matrix"
further revised his remarks after seeing "Monsters Inc."
now produces web videos and DVD's for the tin foil hat crowd, full of thinly veiled references to "Dem Jews" who are apparently the lizard aliens who run the planet.