5000K, 9000 luminous flux
Good thing I'm rockin' two monitors... I pulled up Cree's 3070 .pdf on one screen, and Mouser's 3070 page on the other screen. Scratched my head for a while, then started applying filters. I asked for 5000K, then highest luminous flux, which was 9000.
Here's what I
came up with. Mouser appears to stock 4 that meet those criteria. If any of the LED experts have got a minute, are all four of those good choices?
In 2700K, the highest lm available appears to be 7390 (?) Here's
that page. Same question I guess - are those good choices for covering the warm end of the spectrum?
Here's the spectrum chart from Cree:
View attachment 2995033
To my untrained eye, a mix of 5000K and 2700K oughta do the trick?