cloud vape + iso + PG == sucess


Well-Known Member
Got my cloud Vape in immediately started testing low key solutions and presto... BEHOLD

Couldnt make much but this first batch is great...


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Can you bullet point your method?

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.

First step do some qwiso plenty of tutorial around here..

Next get a shot glass and fill it with a small amount of PG.

I did 1/3 bottle PG for .3 of qwiso.

Put the shotglass with the of in a vat of boiling water. And wait for it to heat up. Throw in the iso and stir until it resolves. Next I added some cinnamon flavoring to get rid of the smell..

Put in small bottle n it's ready to go. I can hardly see I'm so baked..

Note my bottles are small eliquid bottles so 1/3 is around 10 ML I think not sure.
glad its working and sounds straight forward. Last time I tried it
the thc wasn't broken down due to just
trying to vape a glycerin tincture.
Pretty sure the iso will cure that.
How is it on your taste buds and lungs?

Also was your qwiso purged and in its
finished state or did you purge in the shotglass with the glycerin. ?
since you weighed .3 im assuming
is was finished product you added to the

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.

Ive had lot of pens, this attachment is by far the best ive owned it fits the cloud and my micro G. Get this, skip the diluting, big, clean dabbs

I would have to disagree. Have you tried e-cannabis oil? Don't knock it till you try it. Personally I am not a fan of carcinogens. I am on the medicinal end of cannabis. I have tried many devices like the ones you mention. Electronic vapes are not meant for that and they never were. Until some ding dong figured he could push it as a good dabs device or electronic nail. Those things do more burning than vaping in my opinion, and do more damage than good when looked at from a medicinal angle. Please, show me that you have tried e-cannabis oil. Simply blend your concentrate with PG USP and put into an e-ciggarette pen vaporizing device meant for e-cigarettes. Like an iClear 16 by innokin. Here is an example. I have vaped ounces of oil straight and diluted with PG USP. The only device I have ever used that is capable of vaping straight oil to where I could give a half thumbs up on the medicinal quality is the Eclipse Vape and that is with non decarbed oil. It requires a torch and skill. I am not a fan of a two handed device. I will prove that I have experience with electronic dabbing and I am not a fan. This is just one device that I have tried. Keep in mind, I have tried many. Heating coils are not meant to be glowing red hot or orange. They are meant to be kept cool and moist like with e-cigarettes. That is what they were designed for originally. The PG USP is what makes it possible.

This is a KISS cart meant for the Persei. I had to get an adapter to get it to work with my high quality vaping device, the SVD. The SVD lets me fully adjust the voltage and wattage to tune in to the best vaping temperature. The KISS is a very high quality device, but I can't give it any thumbs up on medicinal value. I have not seen any electronic device that produce medicinal quality vapor with straight concentrates. I am still looking. Any suggestions? Otherwise, adding the PG USP is the best I have seen. Every patient that has tried my e-cannabis agrees.

KISS Cart by UP Tech 2-3-14 2 005.jpgKISS Cart by UP Tech on SVD 2-3-14 2 008.jpg

Seriously, you want to worry about chemicals? I would worry about what the FDA approves to be put into our food. Check this out, it may make you think twice before going to your favorite fast food joint. It focuses on one new approved chemical, there are many others.
In the past three days I have tested in various public places without raising a single eyebrow, even if I start to cough a bit! Its fucking great.

First step do some qwiso plenty of tutorial around here..

Next get a shot glass and fill it with a small amount of PG.

I did 1/3 bottle PG for .3 of qwiso.

Put the shotglass with the of in a vat of boiling water. And wait for it to heat up. Throw in the iso and stir until it resolves. Next I added some cinnamon flavoring to get rid of the smell..

Put in small bottle n it's ready to go. I can hardly see I'm so baked..

Note my bottles are small eliquid bottles so 1/3 is around 10 ML I think not sure.

I hope for your sake you left out a step, because the way it's written it appears you are vaping iso?

How are you getting rid of all the iso once it's in solution with the concentrate and PG?
I think he meant qwiso hash...
Its purged and no iso remains

Yeah I think I just read it wrong...that was my bad.

At first it seemed like he was dissolving the qwiso back into iso and mixing with PG over heat.

With my liquid I dissolve the concentrate into a small amount of PGA (pure grain alcohol) first and then incorporate this into the PG. It's safe to vape and I seem to be able to get more concentrate into a smaller volume of liquid doing it this way. I thought he had a similar way of doing it but was using iso instead of ethanol.

Some idiots drink the stuff so I figured it wasn't too crazy to see someone vaping it.