Overthrow the elites


Well-Known Member
Overthrow the elites.

This is a thread where we talk about devising a plan to overthrow the elites. Maybe the key to overthrow the elites is to expose them for what they are.

We should replace the elites with a one world ONLINE GOVERNMENT.

The Money Masters


Knowing is half the battle, right?

I had a dream last night, god told me I'm the second coming of Christ. I know this is true because if you add three to the first letter of my name and go up by 4 digits for each letter it spells "I'm Jesus".
Overthrow the elites.

This is a thread where we talk about devising a plan to overthrow the elites. Maybe the key to overthrow the elites is to expose them for what they are.

We should replace the elites with a one world ONLINE GOVERNMENT.

The Money Masters


Knowing is half the battle, right?


You mean devising a plan to overthrow capitalism. So you want to replace people with internet, i'm not sure the internet has the right blood type
I had a dream last night, god told me I'm the second coming of Christ. I know this is true because if you add three to the first letter of my name and go up by 4 digits for each letter it spells "I'm Jesus".

Its nice to meet you Mr. Jesus.

You mean devising a plan to overthrow capitalism. So you want to replace people with internet, i'm not sure the internet has the right blood type

I believe there is room for a type of capitalism.

I mean overthrow the top 0.0000001% of the population... you know, the elites of the elites, the utter rich and powerful. The ones that control us and enslave us, our "masters".

I want to create an internet based government.

Who needs the elites anyways? What are they good for besides enslaving the rest of the population?

I say we expose all of the elites and let the people decide what we should do with the elites. I could care less if all the elites went to prison for life and we all split up their money.

Who needs the elites anyways? What are they good for besides enslaving the rest of the population?

I say we expose all of the elites and let the people decide what we should do with the elites. I could care less if all the elites went to prison for life and we all split up their money.

revolutions like this tend to turn and turn in on itself. French revolution of the late 18th century comes to mind. The mob will start killing whomever it pleases. The elite are elite for a reason, usually.
Then why do you "endorse" the system? Especially if you are watching that Money Masters stuff that pegs the Fed as the source of it all.

Your endorsement allows the fractional lending.
Ah, but who are the elites?

I think every so-called elite power gets its' marching orders from the council of 13. Al Beliek was told by an insider that it is headed by a 9ft Draco. Meaning the actual controllers are nasty mofos from off world. Humans are irrelevant to their intentions for planet earth

Party on Garth
This is No way to address our hard working Moderators here at RIU.org, although they do get a new BMW, every Christmas as a bonus, they earn it I've been told ......lol
Ah, but who are the elites?

Esoteric Agenda


Im going to play another video later, if I remember.

I think every so-called elite power gets its' marching orders from the council of 13. Al Beliek was told by an insider that it is headed by a 9ft Draco. Meaning the actual controllers are nasty mofos from off world. Humans are irrelevant to their intentions for planet earth

Party on Garth

So youre unequivocally saying that a reptillian alien is running the world, no? Do you have any proof of this? I would like to watch a video about this, to be honest.

I do know aliens exist and are visiting the earth right now; I saw an alien but it might have been around 4 feet tall.

I saw an alien once, it was dark, but I think I punched him in the face. When the lights went on the alien magically disappeared, but bumped my little brother in the nose real hard in his haste to leave. Weird.