Random Jibber Jabber Thread

at first i thought you were writing it.
than i thought it was spam for a wolf shirt so i almost banned your account ,
than i realized it was a joke for a product ad
and now im laughing hysterically
I got it from amazon there are 2,755 more reviews like it
A little southern facing window action. Sun is finally getting up in the sky a little more as we progress towards spring!


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Yea we are:p if that sun starts to make the days longer and sit higher in the sky it's not far away in my book. Although I can remember a winter where I was pitching for highschool baseball and it was snowing! It was April 16, I even remember the date...I got rocked that game, arm just couldn't warm up in that cold chit!
I have my little urban garden space. I'm debating weather to use it like last year because we may be moving sooner than later. I'm debating weather to just turn it into a flower garden before we move.
I have my little urban garden space. I'm debating weather to use it like last year because we may be moving sooner than later. I'm debating weather to just turn it into a flower garden before we move.

I enjoy the growing of all plants, I love my ganj garden, but the same energy I feel from that garden I feel in any garden that I keep. Flowers or ganj it's just an enjoyment to grow things and keep them happy!
my new place sucks so bad for light there's no light in the kitchen cause the house next door is soooo close and the main window is so big which is nice but any plants get eaten or knocked over by the pets
my new place sucks so bad for light there's no light in the kitchen cause the house next door is soooo close and the main window is so big which is nice but any plants get eaten or knocked over by the pets

Yea every now and then I'll catch jr on the table where violets are. Actually you hear him cuz he pops the bubble wrap I put down to protect the chest they sit on lol.
Lol gotta love your animals but hate that they do things to mess with stuff

Exactly and it seems they mess with the stuff at the worst time. I went to get some potatoes out of the basket for dinner last nite and jr was sleeping on them...he kinda looked like a chicken hatching eggs, I got good laugh out of it!