The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, how's everyone this morning? Got myself a Darth Vader bath robe! Fuvker was over 50 in Argos but their down to 19! Score!! If only id known how fluffy the dark side was id have spent to 50 on it. Hope my reverse arrives today cuz these ladies don't wanna stop growing...not the worst of problems I know but fook me atleast an inch of growth daily but I've em nicely tied down but fook me U can only tie down so much!!


Well-Known Member
welcome along new member, something tells me i already know you, but i won`t go into it, either way its great to have you along (again), love the setup and the results, and you got the perpetual down too, this we shall have to discuss... ;)
Thanks bro, ha..ha.. Yea there is a chance of that alright...
Been doing my best to catch up on the thread.....only another 2400 pages to go....fuck that. Yep I'm always up to discuss the perpetual, it has it's perks and strain variety is everything


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, how's everyone this morning? Got myself a Darth Vader bath robe! Fuvker was over 50 in Argos but their down to 19! Score!! If only id known how fluffy the dark side was id have spent to 50 on it. Hope my reverse arrives today cuz these ladies don't wanna stop growing...not the worst of problems I know but fook me atleast an inch of growth daily but I've em nicely tied down but fook me U can only tie down so much!!

An inch a day.... That's a lot of tying down...Your gonna need more string!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
im loving the new lappy ae ended up getting this

fuck its nice, already downloaded shit loads of the latest games free of course lol nd they playing real nice on it.

nice looking machine that... and fast your say, i like a decent speed on a lappy, i put photoshop on a friend of her`s computer the other day and holy fuck was it slow as a wet week....

what games you play on it? never been a gamer per say, but the kids a bloody whizz at them, he does be on xbox for hours with the headset on... used to play gran turismo way back when and i can drift a car around "most" objects (i have hit a few hahahahaha) but played forza i think its called and couldn`t get off the start line hahahaha...

been just out to check the girls and again plant a is awesome, and the stink... phew... great colour and has begun to both stretch and flower with vigour, plant b is how can i say a cheap imitation still got flowers and so on but its very narrow and pale in comparison.. seedlings have begun to now start the journey upwards, with there first signs of leaf development and the stem has begun to thicken, i`ve a feeling its the soil i got thats been the problem, and by problem i mean lacking in nutes, first time i`ve had this problem tho, normally its the other way round and its too hot ....


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, how's everyone this morning? Got myself a Darth Vader bath robe! Fuvker was over 50 in Argos but their down to 19! Score!! If only id known how fluffy the dark side was id have spent to 50 on it. Hope my reverse arrives today cuz these ladies don't wanna stop growing...not the worst of problems I know but fook me atleast an inch of growth daily but I've em nicely tied down but fook me U can only tie down so much!!
Evening all, Desperate shaggin rain again, it's torrential here now. Darth Vader robe indeed, lucky for you you already have a girlfriend:)
hows everyhthing you end mate? just saw a post there on another thread that attitudes new promo is out so be sure to check it out lads.
I got the notification this morning, I think it's G13 labs this month. They have such a selection there, last time I bought from them I spent over 100 quid, could have easily spent another ton and still not have all the seeds I'd want. No like button still, is it gone permanently does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
nice looking machine that... and fast your say, i like a decent speed on a lappy, i put photoshop on a friend of her`s computer the other day and holy fuck was it slow as a wet week....

what games you play on it? never been a gamer per say, but the kids a bloody whizz at them, he does be on xbox for hours with the headset on... used to play gran turismo way back when and i can drift a car around "most" objects (i have hit a few hahahahaha) but played forza i think its called and couldn`t get off the start line hahahaha...

been just out to check the girls and again plant a is awesome, and the stink... phew... great colour and has begun to both stretch and flower with vigour, plant b is how can i say a cheap imitation still got flowers and so on but its very narrow and pale in comparison.. seedlings have begun to now start the journey upwards, with there first signs of leaf development and the stem has begun to thicken, i`ve a feeling its the soil i got thats been the problem, and by problem i mean lacking in nutes, first time i`ve had this problem tho, normally its the other way round and its too hot ....
Glad to read of the stink in the shed ae, tis definitely always a good sign.
What have you down again?


Well-Known Member
Evening all, Desperate shaggin rain again, it's torrential here now. Darth Vader robe indeed, lucky for you you already have a girlfriend:) I got the notification this morning, I think it's G13 labs this month. They have such a selection there, last time I bought from them I spent over 100 quid, could have easily spent another ton and still not have all the seeds I'd want. No like button still, is it gone permanently does anyone know?
pffft, someones jealous haha im not gonna buy anything for a while.

@ae atleast you got the one mate!

@ guitar yeah man its a serious little tune lol when im as stoned as I am now I just sit back with the dog by my aide n Loren to tunes n smmmmoooookkkkkeeee

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@ fred, they that good, beans ar something i`ll have to stock up on, might even try an auto, i`ve still an ass load of hazes here but i`m sick of the long flowering time so an 8 weeker could be handy...

@r3... robot chicken starwars is epic, you should check it out if yor into that sort of thing... (i also am ito that sort of thing hahahaha)...


Did I read something about a Darth vader bath robe? Do you also have a C3PO Bong :-P

Done another batch of seeds, decided to do a paper towel germ and should be moving them tomorrow into rockwall again, second time lucky :cuss:

Just finished putting nearly 200 CD's into iTunes picked up from the outlaws when moving them, some awesome visits to the 80's and 90's plus some great collections like Bob Dylan the bootleg series, lots of Marley, AC/DC and all sorts including some real shockers -

Nice pick up over all, always happy for donations to the media library