Which foods do you grow indoors?

Nice those are sweet nice job! Any other pics of veggies y'got?:)


Another pic of a California Wonder pepper, but a few weeks ago, probably 2x the size now....
what did you just write down ? I know what permaculture is but.. the rest?

i was trying to make a point about plant propagation , Honestly exactly what that point was I forgot :bigjoint:
hugelkutur and fukuoka (and perm) are natural farming methods , Tons of great articles about hugelkutur it's a very intersting and effective technice
That's awesome, I can't wait to join you one day. I have a bunch of fig trees right now which I really enjoy as well as some different citrus varieties. All pot grown since I will be moving eventually.

Nothing like a big orchard though.

I've planted horseradish, ginger, potatos, and sweet potatos and different herbs from grocery store stock. It's fun sticking different kinds of potatos in water just for decorative purposes. Haven't tried growing grains though, that is interesting.

I have a $$$ saving tip for you instead of buying all the nussery stock varitys for things like apples, peaches, nectarines ,pawpaw, plum ect., ect. buy rootstock for 3.00$ and then make your own grafts from friends and neighbors trees , I hit up local farms every year . and ask for some of their puned matterial from cultivars I dont own or just want more of ,to start my own grafts . Most of the farmers/workers are very helpfull and a GREAT source of info. about specific varitys and how they fair in the climate conditions

Just dont tell them your selling them ..... You wont get nothing that way

I got several figs myself - they root realy eazily , and deer wont touch them

With the potato's

be aware of verticillim wilts (root fungus) , potatos are espically prone to this ,and once you have it will be in the soil forever. this is why few people save their own seed potatows and buy certified disease free stock. Bleach is one way of reduceing the odds

Sweet potato (Not Yams) greens are eatible and a fair source of protien and very rich in anti-oxidants
i was trying to make a point about plant propagation , Honestly exactly what that point was I forgot :bigjoint:
hugelkutur and fukuoka (and perm) are natural farming methods , Tons of great articles about hugelkutur it's a very intersting and effective technice
I'l be googling :) thanks man !
I have a $$$ saving tip for you instead of buying all the nussery stock varitys for things like apples, peaches, nectarines ,pawpaw, plum ect., ect. buy rootstock for 3.00$ and then make your own grafts from friends and neighbors trees , I hit up local farms every year . and ask for some of their puned matterial from cultivars I dont own or just want more of ,to start my own grafts . Most of the farmers/workers are very helpfull and a GREAT source of info. about specific varitys and how they fair in the climate conditions

Just dont tell them your selling them ..... You wont get nothing that way

I got several figs myself - they root realy eazily , and deer wont touch them

With the potato's

be aware of verticillim wilts (root fungus) , potatos are espically prone to this ,and once you have it will be in the soil forever. this is why few people save their own seed potatows and buy certified disease free stock. Bleach is one way of reduceing the odds

Sweet potato (Not Yams) greens are eatible and a fair source of protien and very rich in anti-oxidants

Excellent suggestion. I have not considered making my own grafts. Luckily I co-own a large nursery and get most plants/soil for free or next to nothing :)... We have many grafted fruit tree's with 4 varieties per tree, I'm sure you have seen these with your experience.

And you know what, your right about deers and figs! Never noticed but they don't touch my figs at all which is weird because they are my biggest problem next to squirrels. I have had deer eat entire hibiscus bushes, anything succulent and juicy like impatiens or coleus they just tear it up. I don't mind though cause they are actually pretty picky and they stay away from my more important crops.

I don't mess with potatoes too much but if I do, I grow them in haystacks. Helps with root fungus and also makes them easy to harvest. The deer devoured all my sweet potato I tried growing last time so I haven't given it much of a second thought.
And you know what, your right about deers and figs! Never noticed but they don't touch my figs at all which is weird because they are my biggest problem next to squirrels. I have had deer eat entire hibiscus bushes, anything succulent and juicy like impatiens or coleus they just tear it up.
consider annual vinca. most herbs and anything with a felty, hairy leaf like lamb's ears. and you can use them as companion plants. it has worked for me.
my apple seeds sprouted, have 2 little apple sprouts in soil and growing good. have 3 more seeds that have a good tap root and will be going into soil in a week or so.

hopefully my lemon seeds sprout, this will be attempt #3 i dont have any hopes of fruit just wanted to try growing actual trees, i may even try maple next winter after collecting some seeds this fall.

ill toss up a pic of the garden in a couple weeks once things start to look a little more like plants and less like seedlings. but all in all i think i have 9 5 gal buckets and about8 3 gal pots with veggies or herbs in them.
my apple seeds sprouted, have 2 little apple sprouts in soil and growing good. have 3 more seeds that have a good tap root and will be going into soil in a week or so.

hopefully my lemon seeds sprout, this will be attempt #3 i dont have any hopes of fruit just wanted to try growing actual trees, i may even try maple next winter after collecting some seeds this fall.

ill toss up a pic of the garden in a couple weeks once things start to look a little more like plants and less like seedlings. but all in all i think i have 9 5 gal buckets and about8 3 gal pots with veggies or herbs in them.
Apple seeds ?!?!? You're germinating a tree seed ????? SO COOL !!
lol yeah. first one i have ever done so will see how it ends up.

as far as using leftover kitchen scraps to grow new food, i say compost those scraps and let them make a good fertilizer for your fresh plants...its possible but i personally feel its not verry ecenomical.

potatoes aare the only exception since they dont seed you need to use potatoes to grow new plants...just started one yesterday actually and have about a dozen spuds under the sink growing eyes for seed potatoes.
unfortunatly growing anything inside is really not economical if your running suplimental lights like HID. as your electric bill will probabally outweigh the money you save from buying them at the store. but its a hobby and like most hobbies its going to cost you some money to enjoy it..

if your looking to grow to be economical then the window gardens mentioned above is probabally the best bet but they probabally wont grow too much large fruit bearing palnts, but again thats dependant on the location of the window and where you live, the closer to the equator the more plausable it is, the further north or south in the hemishpere the less plausable, i live in northern northern US and the light intensity this time of year is verry weak and i dont have a large enough windo to allow good window light every day so i opt to spend a few bucks on electricity to grow my plants under 1k and 600w HID lights. right now im only running the 1k and soon ill dim the 1k down to 600 and run 600x2 but i will also have a rather large indoor veggie garden...something like 15x15
my apple seeds sprouted, have 2 little apple sprouts in soil and growing good. have 3 more seeds that have a good tap root and will be going into soil in a week or so.

hopefully my lemon seeds sprout, this will be attempt #3 i dont have any hopes of fruit just wanted to try growing actual trees, i may even try maple next winter after collecting some seeds this fall.

ill toss up a pic of the garden in a couple weeks once things start to look a little more like plants and less like seedlings. but all in all i think i have 9 5 gal buckets and about8 3 gal pots with veggies or herbs in them.

the trouble with apple seeds is that they don't breed true , 99% of the time you will wind up with something like a crab apple

quince's are closely related and breed 'truer' you will certanly wind up with something eatable off the tree at least

Persimmon's breed fairly true as well as paw paw's
the trouble with apple seeds is that they don't breed true , 99% of the time you will wind up with something like a crab apple

quince's are closely related and breed 'truer' you will certanly wind up with something eatable off the tree at least

Persimmon's breed fairly true as well as paw paw's

yeah like i said im not really interested in getting fruit, just want the tree. once i get some of my own property i will order seedlings that will produce good fruit. or i will just go to a local orchard and ask permission to take a few cuttings. most places wont mind as long as you dont harm the tree..
Tons of herbs, and green onions. Green onions are very easy to grow, just buy some at store and stick the bulb in water or soil near a window. They continue to grow the green stalk which can be re-used many times.
Building an ebb and flow system right now to grow some lettuce, basil, cilantro, and spinach.
I am going to grow a tomato in a separate DWC off to the side.

Got a 2x4x7 tent, Area 51 XGS, and several months to go before I move out to Colorado so I thought I could get some rabbit food for the dinner table in the mean time.

I just pulled a basil out of a coffee can bubbleponic today that had a stem thicker than a sharpie marker...wife brought her hibiscus plants in from outside and the basil got infested with some friggin mites so I tossed it in the compost pile.

Should compost the wife.

When I get the new system up and running I will post it up.

Building an ebb and flow system right now to grow some lettuce, basil, cilantro, and spinach.
I am going to grow a tomato in a separate DWC off to the side.

Got a 2x4x7 tent, Area 51 XGS, and several months to go before I move out to Colorado so I thought I could get some rabbit food for the dinner table in the mean time.

I just pulled a basil out of a coffee can bubbleponic today that had a stem thicker than a sharpie marker...wife brought her hibiscus plants in from outside and the basil got infested with some friggin mites so I tossed it in the compost pile.

Should compost the wife.

When I get the new system up and running I will post it up.

siiiiiiiiiiiick dude!! I don't know much about hydro but isn't feeding chemicals to your food hazardous for your health? Please don't be offended I just always heard that you couldn't go 100% organic with hydro but never really looked into it.