Yeah zander, I've just finished a run with some 10-15Ltr fact just taking the Root Balls out of Pots now(ROLS)n they do seem to improve Root structure..lots of little white shoots....made it more of a pain to recycle...LOL(worth it though) I used plenty of Perlite & Clay pebble in the Mix and with the AirPots never had a over/under watering problem...though did have to adapt how I watered/Fed plants though ~ can't just tip/pour it on willie nillie...I started doing it in stages(same time) just less ml and in intervals..
300ml Alg - then leave half hr
300ml Grow - then leave half hr
and so on..I find after the first short break the plants uptake of Feed/Water is better and don't piss out of the Holes..
Def worth a go though mate..