Do you know any surprising facts/events/mysteries that will blow our minds?


Well-Known Member
I heard Joe Rogan claim that there is an "island" of trash floating in the Pacific the size of Texas. And after looking it up, it's absolutely true. It make me wonder about what other crazy shit I don't know.


Well-Known Member
This blew my mind when I found out - The human bladder has evolved so that it is impossible for someone to pee themselves intentionally.


Well-Known Member
According to the average of several studies my penis is 20% larger than the average American's and 50% larger than the average Chinese.

Bet you didn't know that.


Well-Known Member
My fact: I am going to ruin this thread....

I read this this morning:

"The act creates a disincentive for people to work."​
- Douglas Elmendorf, CBO Director Talking about the ACA....


Well-Known Member
there was over 40 miles of invisable fungi
in a teaspoon of soil on the record.
(or something like that)
youtube video soil food web.


Well-Known Member
Whats really amazing is everyone who voted for obama thinking he would change things for the better.
I saw a documentary with GWB in it last night and some of his speeches are golden. I was rolling laughing at some of the absurd things he said in such a serious tone.


Well-Known Member
The closest star to our sun, is over 4.2 light years away.
When you look into space, you are looking into the past and the future, by at least 4 years in either direction.


Well-Known Member
I love sun facts.
it takes 1000 years for the heat in the center of the sun to make its way to the surface. The only 8 minutes to reach the earth.


Well-Known Member
The closest star to our sun, is over 4.2 light years away.
When you look into space, you are looking into the past and the future, by at least 4 years in either direction.
light years are crazy to me.
186.000 mph for a year


Well-Known Member
Thomas Jefferson was the architect of the Indian Removal Act that Andrew Jackson gets credit for because he implemented it.