Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
so i scored a super nice Cannon printer,scanner,copier yesterday on the cheap

unopened ink cartridges even....SCORE!

now the color on my laptop screen is on the fritz again :cuss:



Well-Known Member
Lmao when doesn't Andy Dick get kicked out of VIP I'm so looking forward to going
Camp on the polo field if you can, but get there early and protect your space that first night. Late arrives will pitch a tent right in front of your door flap if they can.


Well-Known Member
<checks bud jar>One day left. :(
<checks wallet>Moths attack
<checks bills>auto ins. due
<loads a fresh vape whip>at least I'm baked now.

Crotchcrabs'llkillya - nah....festivals aren't my thing.

I'm a Burning Man kind of person. I'd rather labor, at my own cost, then pay too f'n much money to go out to the desert while providing my own everything. Then spend my time busting my ass on my camp and miss most the fun.

That's my kind of event. I'm just masochistic I guess. That and I hate buying food/drinks at festivals.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
hmmm, we aren't there yet. only two states. Hell mmj has been legal for close to two decades now in cali and it still isn't legal in half the states. I'd say we have a long way to go.


Well-Known Member
True, true...

Change of thought. Anyone else having their mind completely blown by the fact that cannabis prohibition is pretty much in it's death throws right now.
My kids are never going to know life with prohibition. I can't believe it's real.
Well I know that Andy Dick is gonna have to be a lot more disruptive than just lighting up a joint to get thrown out of VIP these days. But I have faith that the kids of today will find a reason.

I wouldn't dance on prohibition's grave just yet. What is done can easily be undone. I hope not. But as I have said before, I get uneasy when America gets progressive.


Well-Known Member
How do I add a quote to my sig I tried copy and past and it was a no go
Click the "Reply With Quote" button, click in the box, select all of the text (hit control+a) copy the text (control+C), go to edit your sig, paste the copied text in (control+v) and save your sig.

Now, make the directions your sig, to help the next person.


Well-Known Member
How do I add a quote to my sig I tried copy and past and it was a no go
Hadda lookitup. First, pretend you were going to reply with a quote to the line you want in your sig. Select and copy the html block. Go to my Rollitup in the upper right and then "edit my sig". Then paste it and save.


Well-Known Member
Well I know that Andy Dick is gonna have to be a lot more disruptive than just lighting up a joint to get thrown out of VIP these days. But I have faith that the kids of today will find a reason.

I wouldn't dance on prohibition's grave just yet. What is done can easily be undone. I hope not. But as I have said before, I get uneasy when America gets progressive.
Second that partly because I can't stand younger generations and their lack of interest in their education

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Click the "Reply With Quote" button, click in the box, select all of the text (hit control+a) copy the text (control+C), go to edit your sig, paste the copied text in (control+v) and save your sig.
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