Well-Known Member
I am not arguing that drugs are safe. They obviously are not. However, nobody has ever shown that the cost of using drugs exceeds the cost of arbitrary legislation criminalizing their possession and use.
We have a philosophical difference. I think the legislation works against the "people with lower social consciousness". I don't want a totalitarian nanny state as the consequence of protecting people from bad choices and their consequences. You may think me cruel for this, but hard experience is a much better and more instructive teacher than a protective policy. Jmo.
It's cheaper to fine a murderer or rapist than it is to incarcerate.
Have you seen what some people will do for LEGAL prescription amphetamines, stimulants, and opiates?
And, I'd argue, in your supposition that impulse crimes and drug abuse are different, that they are both overwhelming forces that create such a need in the brain that it's physically distressing for the person not to act on impulse. Psychotic impulses aren't something that can "be ignored." They overwhelm the sufferer every bit as much as withdrawal overwhelms the user.
Unless you can come up with a TRUE self-defense law, that allows for lethal force at any time when one's confronted by a person on drugs, the societal ramifications outweigh any claims to freedom.