Random Jibber Jabber Thread

The influx of retarded members isn't helping.

Maybe I'm just noticing them more with all the regular posters gone. :-?

I've noticed it, and asked a couple others to see if I was just being jaded.

My thoughts too. I think political bleed over is killing us. Nobody likes them - so they're used to this. Thriving now I think.

Click the little triangle with the exclamation point. When it belongs in Politics, put that in the reason. If it's hate speech, racism, illegal activities, or in any way attempting to distribute drugs, report that. They violate TOS. The post will be deleted, assholes will be drop-kicked back to /b/ and the board will get more productive.

Yup. It's been fun while it lasted. As the politics spill in and the racists become more apparent and the heroin lovers see no harm in distributing a painfully addictive substance to the mentally ill this place becomes something I don't really want to be apart of.

Junk It Up everyone

Please use report. I see "questionable" posts in my section, I'd love to delete 'em, but I need a report for some of them. Same is true in TnT. Mods aren't gods, can't delete everything. We NEED to have a reason. If it's reported we have a reason. We look at it, and moderate it according to the TOS.

yeah the idiots are there... but normal Decent members mask the smell of the idiots..

It appears that the idiots are still in the minority -- but they've mastered "vocal majority."

I don't think the latter conversations have been offensive. I think they were an offshoot of Philip Seymour Hoffman's death. They stand out more in light of the fact that normal topics and interesting posts are few and far between.

Maybe a good time for a sabbatical. I get the feeling that banging my head against the wall here might effect my long term experience. Not meaning to seem over dramatic, but the experience has suffered more than I would have ever guessed.

The junk conversations started before that dude killed himself. This is a Medical Marijuana forum (originally, it's evolved as the laws on pot have evolved.) A lot of us use MMJ for pain, because we know the road that opiates (the LEGAL ones) lead down.

Talking about heroin should be done on a junkies forum, not a medical marijuana forum. Even in a place like "Toke-n-Talk."

And that is why the DSM should not be shared with the masses, le sigh.

The sheer hubris of thinking prohibition on cannabis is bad but prohibition on something else is good tells me precisely why we won't make Kardashev 1.

Let me see if I can explain this. If you tell an adolescent child, still thinking in mostly in concrete operations, they can't have something what do they do? RIGHT!! That's a lot of my point.

One more try how did prohibition on Alcohol work? Remember the Vollstead act?

Prohibition is a failed public health concept. Addiction is a public health issue not a criminal one. Criminal acts from whatever causal factor belong in the legal system but not the simple act of addiction. We need to stop creating new prison classes or else when they come for you YOU will stand alone!

This is artificial class creation for the money makers and no one seems to see beyond their own personal issues and THAT is what *they* are counting upon.

For anyone that doesn't believe this. I beg you to read this, "Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent" by Harvey Silverglate an activist, federal bar enrolled, constitutional scholar. This isn't annie being a wingnut folks this is how they are rolling all of us up.

I care kinetic, that's the problem, I care about the humans and their condition. I am cursed. I am Cassandra.

Annie, I'll agree that we legalize all drugs, because it takes away the fascination and stigmata attached. But, I'll need a couple stipulations. You see, others have "urges" that are medically documented, and cannot be controlled. In legalizing all drugs (since we'll be giving a carte blanche license to poison yourself) we MUST also legalize all "impulse" crimes. We'll restrict it only to the junkies and tweakers, that way the problem will be self-policing and self-correcting.

There's a very real difference between making a pharmaceutical (heroin) illegal and making a plant (marijuana, or even opium producing poppies) illegal. There ARE things that people shouldn't have. I don't think that my old neighbors should be allowed to stockpile Uranium and Plutonium. I don't think people should have access to methamphetamine, heroin, crack, cocaine, etc. Although I agree on personal freedom, and the unfairness of restricting it, I also think that if we will restrict freedoms due to direct interference with other's rights (crimes like assault, rape, robbery, murder) than we should also restrict freedoms based on serious indirect interference with other's rights.
And that is why the DSM should not be shared with the masses, le sigh.

The sheer hubris of thinking prohibition on cannabis is bad but prohibition on something else is good tells me precisely why we won't make Kardashev 1.

Let me see if I can explain this. If you tell an adolescent child, still thinking in mostly in concrete operations, they can't have something what do they do? RIGHT!! That's a lot of my point.

One more try how did prohibition on Alcohol work? Remember the Vollstead act?

Prohibition is a failed public health concept. Addiction is a public health issue not a criminal one. Criminal acts from whatever causal factor belong in the legal system but not the simple act of addiction. We need to stop creating new prison classes or else when they come for you YOU will stand alone!

This is artificial class creation for the money makers and no one seems to see beyond their own personal issues and THAT is what *they* are counting upon.

For anyone that doesn't believe this. I beg you to read this, "Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent" by Harvey Silverglate an activist, federal bar enrolled, constitutional scholar. This isn't annie being a wingnut folks this is how they are rolling all of us up.

I care kinetic, that's the problem, I care about the humans and their condition. I am cursed. I am Cassandra.
I agree completely with you about prohibition and it's ineffectiveness. I would agree that drugs should be decriminalized. I also understand how opiates, amphetamines and other like compounds are extremely effective for certain medical issues.

it is a tricky situation in my limited understanding though as the side effects/withdrawal from some are horrendous...and often deadly.

The public..and especially children should not be able to go to cvs and buy a bottle of heroin or similiar substances. Simply because society will not allow it due to the immediate rise in deaths/od's. Most people are sheep....they need herded.

Hell i'll go out on an unpopular limb here and say that I think maybe it SHOULD be available. I didn't always think this but upon further contemplation. I am now thinking that YES, there would be a sharp increase in deaths and od's but after this short term loss I wonder if the death/od rate wouldn't drop substantially. I mean not only due to the "thinning of the herd" effect weeding out the immediate weak willed souls. But more long term as future generations probably wouldn't see these drugs as party favors and respect them for what they are....medications. Medications that kill if taken improperly.

I mean our species has managed to thrive for a couple millennia (at least) without gov't restrictions on what we can or cannot ingest. Eventually our species figures it out. Nightshade grows abundantly throughout the US and except for minesmoker (knucklehead) lol. I know of few people who eat it regularly. WHy? because it fucking kills you. Maybe nightshade does have some medicinal effect that i'm unaware of IDK. but I think you get my point.

The biggest problem I see initially with decrim. would be the overwhelming burden put on our social welfare systems due to the massive influx of addicts or od's. If it were 200 yrs ago it wouldn't be a problem as the thinning of the herd effect would happen quickly. A few generations and we would be out of this mess. Now, everyone gets healthcare, and noone goes hungry. I honestly don't believe our gov't structure could support such a massive shift in resources. I mean we would have to pull most of our overseas expenditures and put them to work at home. and there is no money to be made on this. Therefore this will never happen imo.

so in my laymans opinion there is a need to "control" certain substances...to an extent. To "save the people from themselves" so to speak. I coined that phrase long ago concerning the out of control state police in my area. It applies to this subject as well.

that's not to say the system in place is perfect. Far from it obviously. There is no viable alternative at this point in my humble opinion.

I will check out that book though.

Plan on making a 14x14x8 covered Green House for about 100$

using 10 Concrete sidewalk mesh and a few tarps.... new law here requires a 4 walled GH with a roof... does not list the materials you must use.. jsut asks for 4 walls and a roof..

will take 8 of the side walk mesh pieces then make a Box frame with a curved roof

any recommendations of the type of tarp I should use?

double jj uses those carports on the cheap cheap. They seem very easy to setup too I'm thinking the less hauling/building the better for your shoulder eh?

edit: and I see minesmoker commented on it before I finished my reply. I like your last paragraph brother. Specifically the first sentence.
I find myself not wanting to be on RIU... seems the likes were the only reason I was here...

Is it just me or is this place really starting to suffer from likelessness?

The influx of retarded members isn't helping.

Maybe I'm just noticing them more with all the regular posters gone. :-?

My thoughts too. I think political bleed over is killing us. Nobody likes them - so they're used to this. Thriving now I think.

Yup. It's been fun while it lasted. As the politics spill in and the racists become more apparent and the heroin lovers see no harm in distributing a painfully addictive substance to the mentally ill this place becomes something I don't really want to be apart of.

Junk It Up everyone

I've noticed it, and asked a couple others to see if I was just being jaded.

Just wanted to say, hey.

Fear not, I will be back in full force in 2 short weeks! :bigjoint:
Plan on making a 14x14x8 covered Green House for about 100$

using 10 Concrete sidewalk mesh and a few tarps.... new law here requires a 4 walled GH with a roof... does not list the materials you must use.. jsut asks for 4 walls and a roof..

will take 8 of the side walk mesh pieces then make a Box frame with a curved roof

any recommendations of the type of tarp I should use?

A transparent one.
The junk conversations started before that dude killed himself. This is a Medical Marijuana forum (originally, it's evolved as the laws on pot have evolved.) A lot of us use MMJ for pain, because we know the road that opiates (the LEGAL ones) lead down.

Talking about heroin should be done on a junkies forum, not a medical marijuana forum. Even in a place like "Toke-n-Talk."

Yeah, you're right. They did.

I didn't even know this started as a medical MJ site. Go figure.
I've noticed it, and asked a couple others to see if I was just being jaded.

Click the little triangle with the exclamation point. When it belongs in Politics, put that in the reason. If it's hate speech, racism, illegal activities, or in any way attempting to distribute drugs, report that. They violate TOS. The post will be deleted, assholes will be drop-kicked back to /b/ and the board will get more productive.

Please use report. I see "questionable" posts in my section, I'd love to delete 'em, but I need a report for some of them. Same is true in TnT. Mods aren't gods, can't delete everything. We NEED to have a reason. If it's reported we have a reason. We look at it, and moderate it according to the TOS.

It appears that the idiots are still in the minority -- but they've mastered "vocal majority."

The junk conversations started before that dude killed himself. This is a Medical Marijuana forum (originally, it's evolved as the laws on pot have evolved.) A lot of us use MMJ for pain, because we know the road that opiates (the LEGAL ones) lead down.

Talking about heroin should be done on a junkies forum, not a medical marijuana forum. Even in a place like "Toke-n-Talk."

Annie, I'll agree that we legalize all drugs, because it takes away the fascination and stigmata attached. But, I'll need a couple stipulations. You see, others have "urges" that are medically documented, and cannot be controlled. In legalizing all drugs (since we'll be giving a carte blanche license to poison yourself) we MUST also legalize all "impulse" crimes. We'll restrict it only to the junkies and tweakers, that way the problem will be self-policing and self-correcting.

There's a very real difference between making a pharmaceutical (heroin) illegal and making a plant (marijuana, or even opium producing poppies) illegal. There ARE things that people shouldn't have. I don't think that my old neighbors should be allowed to stockpile Uranium and Plutonium. I don't think people should have access to methamphetamine, heroin, crack, cocaine, etc. Although I agree on personal freedom, and the unfairness of restricting it, I also think that if we will restrict freedoms due to direct interference with other's rights (crimes like assault, rape, robbery, murder) than we should also restrict freedoms based on serious indirect interference with other's rights.

I currently disagree with the last two paragraphs. A drug i am putting into my own body is not comparable to an impulse crime.
If we make the hard drugs cheap, available and of known dosage and purity, what serious indirect harm is there? My body, my choice, my problem and nobody else's. I'm open to being shown wrong.
money and power = hit a cop free to go..


[h=4]Caroline Biden, here at an earlier Manhattan Criminal Court appearance, will have her case dismissed if she doesn’t get into trouble again[/h]


The judge accepted the deal in spite of her absence as her lawyers, Ira London and Liguori, presented a sworn affidavit indicating she would accept the offer.
Biden was charged with obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest and harassment for the rage-filled fit.
“I know my rights, I shouldn't be handcuffed. Don’t touch me!,” the petite blond shouted at her arresting officers.
Ligouri said she’s been seeking help at “out-of-state” facility. He wouldn't say where she's getting help but said her treatment was anger management focused.
“Obviously she's committed to getting better and we thank the District Attorney for the way they helped resolved this matter,” Ligouri said.
“She's truly sorry for what she did. There’s no question of what went on and she’s truly remorseful,” the lawyer said.
Bear, tell me what choice a crack baby has or an infant born into opiate withdraw? Tell me again how a mother with a crack addiction is great for society and should be condoned. Tell me how Markel was so addicted to cocaine in the late 1800s that he could no longer operate and that was a good thing. You think because it's legal that people still wont' spend their whole S.S. check on it and go rob someone for more? Whats the vetting process for the mentally ill? Or you just think pcp and bath salts should be available to schizophrenics and bi polar disorder affected people readily? Legislation isn't for the high minded, legislation is for the masses that operate on a lower social consciousness.

Also, your choice affects those around you..

Heroin is pretty damn cheap already btw, the problem is the addiction doesn't stop when your pay runs out.

I don't see all addicts as worthless at all. I do believe people deserve to be treated. I just don't think that putting up Crack-Mart is the best idea.
Bear, tell me what choice a crack baby has or an infant born into opiate withdraw? Tell me again how a mother with a crack addiction is great for society and should be condoned. Tell me how Markel was so addicted to cocaine in the late 1800s that he could no longer operate and that was a good thing. You think because it's legal that people still wont' spend their whole S.S. check on it and go rob someone for more? Whats the vetting process for the mentally ill? Or you just think pcp and bath salts should be available to schizophrenics and bi polar disorder affected people readily? Legislation isn't for the high minded, legislation is for the masses that operate on a lower social consciousness.

Also, your choice affects those around you..

Heroin is pretty damn cheap already btw, the problem is the addiction doesn't stop when your pay runs out.

I don't see all addicts as worthless at all. I do believe people deserve to be treated. I just don't think that putting up Crack-Mart is the best idea.

I am not arguing that drugs are safe. They obviously are not. However, nobody has ever shown that the cost of using drugs exceeds the cost of arbitrary legislation criminalizing their possession and use.

We have a philosophical difference. I think the legislation works against the "people with lower social consciousness". I don't want a totalitarian nanny state as the consequence of protecting people from bad choices and their consequences. You may think me cruel for this, but hard experience is a much better and more instructive teacher than a protective policy. Jmo.