Help with my skinny buds


New Member
Hi Guys,

Hope can you help me on some issues im having with my buds. This is my second crop and the first was even worse at this stage!!!. im growing blues( or so the cutting are suppose to be ) and had the plants on grow for 6 weeks and started to flower 8 weeks ago. i have a 1.2mtr x 1.2mtr x 2mtr high tent and im using canna coco media and feeding using the same brand. ive got 2 600w sodium lights, 4" air flow in and out, when lights are on the canopy temp is around 80-85 degrees and 65-75 degrees when lights are off depending on ambient temps. ive also been using anget-attachment.jpg exhale bag for good measures!!. My problem is that im a little giddy game show when it comes to removing the fan leafs. in my stupidity i removed a lot of the fan leaves from around the bud itself well into flower thinking this would give the bud chance to fatten up. Is that the problem?
My friend also had same cuttings similar set-up and has produced much bigger and fatter buds.
I would love any advice or remedies and can answer any additional questions.
Please see attached pictures taken today.
Thanking you in advance.


Well-Known Member
I also did that (tool off tons of leaves) on my first grow and it definitely doesn't help, especially with flavor. There are people out there that talk about how "the buds need light" but Ive never read anything saying that buds photosynthesize. The fan leaves are definitely the workhorses of the plant.

How many plants do you have under the light? What's your watering schedule like? And do you have a ppm and TDs meter?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Rules of thumb:

1) Remove only dead or dying leaves.
2) Remove only dead or dying leaves !
3) Remove only dead or dying leaves !!

Repeat as necessary.


New Member
i have 5 plants under the two lights, 2 are cropped and 1 femed the others are normal, i feed once a day with about 20-30% drain off (i drain every day) i dont have a ppm meter or TD, dont even know what TD is ! LOL. i originally have these cutting in a NFT which was two cold on their roots so i transfered them to soil, this process set the grow stage back by maybe 2-3 weeks.



Well-Known Member
you have a Potassium deficiency going on.
Your leaves are way to lush green.

You want to grow bigger buds?
You have to learn to read your plants leaves.
study all you can.

Good Luck on Your Grow


i have 5 plants under the two lights, 2 are cropped and 1 femed the others are normal, i feed once a day with about 20-30% drain off (i drain every day) i dont have a ppm meter or TD, dont even know what TD is ! LOL. i originally have these cutting in a NFT which was two cold on their roots so i transfered them to soil, this process set the grow stage back by maybe 2-3 weeks.

id say that thats your problem is you way to often!! IMO....
do you give the medium any time to dry out???

suprised if this is the case that you dont have alot more and bigger problems


Well-Known Member
the only way you can water daily is if you are using a system for it like "air injection soil"."hydro soil" these systems supply air to the roots from the bottom of the pot and air rises up to the top soil and then back into the air. you need to let the plants dry so they can get oxygen to the roots. you could be having some root issues starting big time. I would recommend letting them dry allot. then water with water and h2o2 if you use 3% h2o2 add 1 oz to 16 oz of water. this will give oxygen to the roots kill anything bad like bugs/bad bacteria ect. its getting kinda late in the game and you dont want them not to make harvest. the h2o2 will also help the use the nutrients better. i use it 2 times a week. you can research using h2o2 on google. also you need to use bloom and bud nutes to help your buds grow better.
lvoe and peace


Well-Known Member
id say that thats your problem is you way to often!! IMO....
do you give the medium any time to dry out???

suprised if this is the case that you dont have alot more and bigger problems
he is using coco which is better kept moist. I water mine eeryday as well using head formula and can say that is surely not your problem.


Well-Known Member
you guys leave you fan leaves on. and keep working your day job. my leaves are coming off ! im not working .


Well-Known Member
too much n will cause skinny buds and IMO the leaves seem to be very shiny and green which makes me think your a little heavy on the nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
how far away is the light from the plant ? very common problem to far away no yield . should be about 10 to 16 inches air cooled .


Well-Known Member
Meh, could be genetics too.....can you elaborate on what "blues" is exactly? You said this was the 2nd grow...same strain?

Did you get "blues" from someone who grows bigger buds than yours?

Cereal box

Active Member
I've personally never had good experiences with removing green fan leaves. I did it thinking it would help, and that the buds needed light. I had two of the same strain running side by side one with removed leave and one with no leaves removed. The buds on the plant with missing leaves had very little buds. Whereas my plant with all it's leaves had much bigger buds. It also yielded a significantly smaller amount and overall wasn't as good.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I should elaborate.
I never remove undamaged leaves if they are in (or above) the canopy (Scrog).
I will however remove considerable foliage if it isn't getting any light for air flow under the canopy.


Well-Known Member
I've personally never had good experiences with removing green fan leaves. I did it thinking it would help, and that the buds needed light. I had two of the same strain running side by side one with removed leave and one with no leaves removed. The buds on the plant with missing leaves had very little buds. Whereas my plant with all it's leaves had much bigger buds. It also yielded a significantly smaller amount and overall wasn't as good.
he is right the only time to remove leaves are when they are dead or dieing period. they do the work to feed the buds. but go ahead cut/rip and tear them off and when your weed sucks you know why.
peace and love

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
the only way you can water daily is if you are using a system for it like "air injection soil"."hydro soil" these systems supply air to the roots from the bottom of the pot and air rises up to the top soil and then back into the air. you need to let the plants dry so they can get oxygen to the roots. you could be having some root issues starting big time. I would recommend letting them dry allot. then water with water and h2o2 if you use 3% h2o2 add 1 oz to 16 oz of water. this will give oxygen to the roots kill anything bad like bugs/bad bacteria ect. its getting kinda late in the game and you dont want them not to make harvest. the h2o2 will also help the use the nutrients better. i use it 2 times a week. you can research using h2o2 on google. also you need to use bloom and bud nutes to help your buds grow better.
lvoe and peace
h2o2 is okay if you need emergency oxygenation but in addition to killing the bad bacteria, it will also kill the good bacteria. If your soil is healthy you will have an entire ecosystem of beneficial bacteria and fungi living in the soil, working in symbiosis with the plant's roots. In fact in soil you don't even really feed the plant, you feed the soil which then feeds the plant. Watering with h2o2 will destroy this ecosystem, and force the plant to rely on the roots absorbing nutrients directly, essentially turning the "Soil" into a glorified hempy bucket. Not a bad thing per se, but it kinda defeats the purpose of using soil in the first place. IMHO, h2o2 should be a last resort, as the damage it will do the the health of the soil will be huge.

EDIT: Realized OP said he was growing in canna coco, which isn't really soil. But it is designed around Trichoderma fungi colonizing it so it's essentially the same thing for these purposes

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
he is right the only time to remove leaves are when they are dead or dieing period. they do the work to feed the buds. but go ahead cut/rip and tear them off and when your weed sucks you know why.
peace and love
I second this :) The light that they are "blocking" is light the plant is absorbing. Cutting off leafs to let more light get to the buds is sorta light trying to fatten up your arms by cutting out your stomach and injecting food into your veins. It doesn't really work that way


Well-Known Member
i have 5 plants under the two lights, 2 are cropped and 1 femed the others are normal, i feed once a day with about 20-30% drain off (i drain every day) i dont have a ppm meter or TD, dont even know what TD is ! LOL. i originally have these cutting in a NFT which was two cold on their roots so i transfered them to soil, this process set the grow stage back by maybe 2-3 weeks.

its probably just the strain. You should be producing way more under those lights. Get new genetics and start somthing else. Unless theres massive grower error then you should have more.