The Dawgs 600 Watt SGS-160 Grow

Thanks, p! I've been eyeing a certain 4" fan for a while do that's good to know I can find an adapter.

Brother dawg, this may seen like a dumb question, but what are the pre-filter packs used for and are they necessary? The website could use some more details.

Puff, I would assume the pre-filter packs are used to stop dust so it doesn't clog up the filter element.

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app
Hi Dawg! Your ladies be looking mighty fine!

I thought I couldn't "like" because I'm new. Didn't know they removed it entirely til you mentioned that Coco. Now if they'd only fix the mobile app and make the site work better on mobile devices...

Brother Gaius I Dont Know How I Missed This.Thank You Brother And Welcome :peace:
Thanks, p! I've been eyeing a certain 4" fan for a while do that's good to know I can find an adapter.

Brother dawg, this may seen like a dumb question, but what are the pre-filter packs used for and are they necessary? The website could use some more details.
Brother Puff Aka The Impostor Lmao.I Have E-mailed You Questions To Bob.However Im With JimJim On This One And I Belive They Are Nessary,I Also Belive Your 4 Inch Fan Will Do A Great Job.Now What 4 Inch Fan Do Your Eye On.The Reason I Ask Is With This Filter I Could Save Space In My 2x4 By Swaping Out My 6 Inch For A 4.

Puff, I would assume the pre-filter packs are used to stop dust so it doesn't clog up the filter element.

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app
That What Ive Always Understood The White Wrap Was Used For Also Brother.Oh Welcome And Grab Some Popcorn Brother
A Sunday school teacher has her kids in class. She asks, "Who can tell me the meaning of Easter?"

Little Jimmy raises his hand, and says, "Easter is when this big, fat man dresses up in a red outfit and gives presents to all the good boys and girls."

The teacher says, "No, that's not right."

Little Suzie raises her hand, and says, "Easter is when all the boys and girls dress up in funny and scary costumes and go collect candy from the neighbors."

The teacher says, "No, that's not right."

Little Johnny raises his hand, and says, "Easter is when Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and he was buried in the tomb, and three days later, the stone was rolled away and he came out from the dead..."

The teacher says, "That's right, Johnny."

Then Johnny says, "And if he sees his goddamn shadow, it means six more weeks of Fucking Winter!" :eyesmoke:
.....Little Johnny raises his hand, and says, "Easter is when Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and he was buried in the tomb, and three days later, the stone was rolled away and he came out from the dead..."

The teacher says, "That's right, Johnny."

Then Johnny says, "And if he sees his goddamn shadow, it means six more weeks of Fucking Winter!" :eyesmoke:

Love Johnny jokes!

Hey Dawg, so u r gonna run two 190s in a 2x4?
I am debating two in a u got me questioning my plan, dangit.

Also, what is your opinion on the 190 versus the think any bennefit from the red LEDs on the 160 are outweighed by the higher wattage of the 190?

I always wondered if you can put too much led lights.
I'm waiting but I know another led is my next purchase.
Area 51 should make tents.
A Sunday school teacher has her kids in class. She asks, "Who can tell me the meaning of Easter?"

Little Jimmy raises his hand, and says, "Easter is when this big, fat man dresses up in a red outfit and gives presents to all the good boys and girls."

The teacher says, "No, that's not right."

Little Suzie raises her hand, and says, "Easter is when all the boys and girls dress up in funny and scary costumes and go collect candy from the neighbors."

The teacher says, "No, that's not right."

Little Johnny raises his hand, and says, "Easter is when Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and he was buried in the tomb, and three days later, the stone was rolled away and he came out from the dead..."

The teacher says, "That's right, Johnny."

Then Johnny says, "And if he sees his goddamn shadow, it means six more weeks of Fucking Winter!" :eyesmoke:

I dont get it..
r u implying jebus is a ground hog? Because if you are.... Then thats funny as shit!!!
Love Johnny jokes!

Hey Dawg, so u r gonna run two 190s in a 2x4?
I am debating two in a u got me questioning my plan, dangit.

Also, what is your opinion on the 190 versus the think any bennefit from the red LEDs on the 160 are outweighed by the higher wattage of the 190?

Hey Brother Balke Buds Whats Up?Yes Im Putting 2 Xgs-190's In My 2x4xl Actual Size Is 35x54.With My Grow Style I Use 1 Led Per Screened Plant To Get The Most Out Of My Light And Plant.As Far As The Reds Are Concerned The Sgs And Xgs Are Fairly Similuar In Spectrum.Where I See The Most Gain In Wattage Is In Veg.Sgs Vegs At 95 Watts As Where The Xgs Vegs At 130 Watts.
I always wondered if you can put too much led lights.
I'm waiting but I know another led is my next purchase.
Area 51 should make tents.
Yes Brother IMHO You Can Can Over Power A Tent
Could call them "Hangars".
Lmao Good One Brother

I dont get it..
r u implying jebus is a ground hog? Because if you are.... Then thats funny as shit!!!
Brother Fly Its A Joke Thats All :hump:

:hump:OMFG MY HUMPING SMILEY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOT WOOT:hump:
go dawg go ! how do I sub? I'm new to these forums I like to look at your grows I take a lot away from it.
go dawg go ! how do I sub? I'm new to these forums I like to look at your grows I take a lot away from it.
at the top in the blue bar, under "Thread tools" - subscribe. Then go to the "My Rollitup" at the top right of the screen when you log in, and it will list your subscriptions and new posts to same.
What up Brother Dawg. Good to see you loading up the 2x4. I remember Jeff being puzzled when I first told him how much light I wanted for my 2x4. I wanted two 240's at first but he talked me out of it. That would have been too much light.

I am thinking about adding SGS to my 3x3 that already has a 240 in it. More light = more better seems to be this years mantra.

Good to see things going so well for the folks at Area 51. Much deserved.
I are subscribed to this hear thread thingie. Thank you Mr. Dawg for providing entertainment & enlightenment
Hi Dawg, I tried to send you a few PM's but they don't appear to have gone through. If they have, sorry for the spam lol. Anyway. I'm building a cabinet (4' x 4' x 7') and want to put four A51 lights in there. Any reason you chose to use four SGS-160's as opposed to four XGS-190's?

Looking forward to this grow, man. Keep it up.
go dawg go ! how do I sub? I'm new to these forums I like to look at your grows I take a lot away from it.

Welcome Brother Yodaweed.I See Brother GreatBranch Has Already Answered Your Question

Alright! Another grow by brother Dawg! You got the best journals, Cap'n. Subbed.
Right On Brother Dave.Damn Glad To Have Ya Aboard

What up Brother Dawg. Good to see you loading up the 2x4. I remember Jeff being puzzled when I first told him how much light I wanted for my 2x4. I wanted two 240's at first but he talked me out of it. That would have been too much light.

I am thinking about adding SGS to my 3x3 that already has a 240 in it. More light = more better seems to be this years mantra.

Good to see things going so well for the folks at Area 51. Much deserved.
Kewl Beans Brother Rippin,However Brother Im Stuffing 4 Sgs In My New 4x4

I are subscribed to this hear thread thingie. Thank you Mr. Dawg for providing entertainment & enlightenment

Your Welcome My Brother.Pull Up Set And I Will Entertain Ya

Hi Dawg, I tried to send you a few PM's but they don't appear to have gone through. If they have, sorry for the spam lol. Anyway. I'm building a cabinet (4' x 4' x 7') and want to put four A51 lights in there. Any reason you chose to use four SGS-160's as opposed to four XGS-190's?

Looking forward to this grow, man. Keep it up.
Sorry Brother Apperantly My Pm Abilitys Have Faded Once Again Lol.Nope I Wanted To Run A 600 Watt 4x4 And This Summer I Will Probley Upgrade To Another 4x4 By Which I Will Run 4 Xgs In That Tent.Brother No Matter Which 1 You Buy You Will Be Happy Happy Happy