The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What's the Craic lads? Tis kite weather out there boy, fierce windy. Came home to walk the dog on my break, fuvking soaked...need to water my girls but lights not on till 6 n im back at 4 gonna check em now n see if I can leave it till ten when I get home...fingers crossed.@ae, man hang around the childrens ward dressed as the grim reaper haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahaha now that would scare the be jasus outa them hahahaha.... even the nurse was like "uuummm it looks ok...."

don`t care i`m done and have a shit load of dressing tape and gauze so i`m going back to work as soon as i can get a set of keys to the yard, will meet the boss later and hopefully be on the rota tomorrow..

how much watering are they getting each? why not toss on a third and leave the rest until your home, only if your worried about them drying out that is...


Well-Known Member
You really wanna be working out in this? I feed em till I get a little runoff so between 1-2ltr per plant if its just a water 1.5-2 if its feeding time I give em about 1ltr but pre water with say 250ml just so I dont get 2 much nutrients running off...any suggestions/pointers? I said id chance it n wait till I get home before I feed em...oh n their in 6ltr pots


Well-Known Member
I know you're probably not out of the woods but that is great news ae.
Good to see you're raring for road work wise, we all hate work at times but sometimes it is handy to be able throw yourself into something regardless of the reason.

Definitely time to baton down the hatches here, wind and rain for the night, Cork is gonna get a doing again apparently.

R3l@x, do you know of any software that I can use to make my email address appear not in use anymore, like if you emailed an address but the user closed the account? I tried googling it but for the life of me couldn't come up with proper search terms.
Just out of curiousity are you measuring ec or ppm?


Well-Known Member
I know you're probably not out of the woods but that is great news ae.
Good to see you're raring for road work wise, we all hate work at times but sometimes it is handy to be able throw yourself into something regardless of the reason.

Definitely time to baton down the hatches here, wind and rain for the night, Cork is gonna get a doing again apparently.

R3l@x, do you know of any software that I can use to make my email address appear not in use anymore, like if you emailed an address but the user closed the account? I tried googling it but for the life of me couldn't come up with proper search terms.
Just out of curiousity are you measuring ec or ppm?
no idea mate, ask ghostdog hes the IT guy but im sure u can block certain email addresses. At the start I did, have an tds n ec pen thing but tested it once n all was fine so didn't anymore n probably wont till I have a problem...why do you ask?


Well-Known Member
no idea mate, ask ghostdog hes the IT guy but im sure u can block certain email addresses. At the start I did, have an tds n ec pen thing but tested it once n all was fine so didn't anymore n probably wont till I have a problem...why do you ask?
Cheers anyway, I'll ask GD when he's on.

No reason for asking really, was just curious cos of the 6L pots


Well-Known Member
hahahaha prob will yeah... easier fix that tho, simple wet rag over the fan cover will humdify the place... sods law tho there`ll be a bit more too it than that, have to say i love opening up and getting that warm bang of weed...

last time to visit the hospital today, got the results and seems they got all the tumor with clean flesh to within a mm of the nearest boundry of the removed section, going around scareing kids now with the bandage removed hahahaha....
Thats really good to hear dude. Cant keep a good man down dude.


Well-Known Member
R3l@x, do you know of any software that I can use to make my email address appear not in use anymore, like if you emailed an address but the user closed the account? I tried googling it but for the life of me couldn't come up with proper search terms.
Just out of curiousity are you measuring ec or ppm?
Depends on what you are trying to do. If you have a main address and you are trying to hide it, its not possible. What you can do is create a disposable/anonymous email addy. You then use this when you dont want people tracking you down. You can then link the anon addy to your real one and filter what passes in between. That is you can send an email as main@email, it passes through your anon@email, and the person that receives it only see's the anon@email. Is this what you mean?

If there is something specific you want to do let me know. You can allways set up an auto responder for your main@email. That means that any whenever you receive an email it auto sends back a reply. You could say something like "This mail is no longer in use" but that message would be sent to anyone and everyone.


Well-Known Member
Man the weather going nuts down here. Scariest car journey home ever. I was going to sleep overnight so that I can sit my cert exam tomor. Now, I will have to get up at six and drive a 3 hour loop on a journey that takes 30 min.

Anyone heard from @md in a while?


Well-Known Member
Ain't seen him for a while, hope hes ok...hes all legal with his grow I think so hes grand there.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
alright fellas, @r3, you seem to be dialled in feeding wise so why mess with it really.. if you feel like you might run a little short next time i`d simply add a tray under the pot and leave her full with water or feed etc, the plant will wick it up and might not throw your schedule out either...

storm hit here in more ways than one today.. lets just say coppers everywhere and all day... along with that then the weather has peoples bins everywhaer along with there shed roofs and various other things... there was a trampoline on its way down the road at tea time hahahahaha...

as for working, rang the boss and he`s reluctant to let me back just yet, think the fuckers stalling really, but fingers crossed by this day week i`m back at it, can get feck all done on the driveway ...

yeah few lads have droped off agin haven`t they, but i wouldn`t worry, they`ll be abou soon enough with there tales of adventure...;)


Well-Known Member
Well bar the underfeeding that you brought to my attention in pretty pleased so long as the shades weren't around ur gaff its all good. Been fucking crazy round here...dreaded walking the cunting dog lol checked on my girls n all was fine, just some slight droopage
on the og which I expected but my golly the dbxl 3 always amazes me with her growth. How are ur ladies n the little ladies?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
plant a (my bestie) is getting along now, proper flowering heads and buds the size of say three joints each along her stem, which is about right for conditions of growth, and they have been 12/12 from seed so there still only in the 18 inch region height wise...

smell has been slow to develop but its starting to make an apperance of late, and can be strong if the doors not been opened all day, plant b is a totally different animal, same i height but more spaced node wise, with fluffier buds or forms than her sister..

seedlings have been the same, slow to show new growth but i`ve a feeling th night time temps had alot to do there, now its wet more than cold were on our way...


Well-Known Member
@ae, maybe your boss is worried about you picking up an infection or something, he might be worried you'll faint even though you don't seem the type:)

@GD, I have disposable addy's now and with I can mask my email address but for the first 3 years I owned a laptop I was like a whore with my email addy so now I'm guaranteed 30 spams a day, I have filters in place but they don't work half the time.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Hope we are all ok tday.

@ae. Hopefully it will be all back to normal work wise for you next week. If not, maybe all this free time is a sign that god wants you to write your memoirs, or that film script you allways meant to do

@RL. Sound like plants coming along well. Hopefully the weather wont be too shite today for the dog to go for a walk. You finish bagging the curtains?

@Fred. Spam is a pain in the arse. About once a year I google myself and my email addys. I then spend a week unsubscribing from stuff, deleting profile and threatening website to remove my info or that I will be reporting them to comreg etc. Its boring but the results are surprising. My main addy is about 9 years old and I am down to about 9 spam mails a week now.

Right. I am off to sit my cert. Be good.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck ghost! I don't get any spam thank fuck lol this cowboy right here runs a tight ship lol. Gardens sweet ill upload a family pic later for the dog, the gf is off today so its hher problem now lol. Curtains are done thank fuck.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Morning all. Hope we are all ok tday.

@ae. Hopefully it will be all back to normal work wise for you next week. If not, maybe all this free time is a sign that god wants you to write your memoirs, or that film script you allways meant to do

@RL. Sound like plants coming along well. Hopefully the weather wont be too shite today for the dog to go for a walk. You finish bagging the curtains?

@Fred. Spam is a pain in the arse. About once a year I google myself and my email addys. I then spend a week unsubscribing from stuff, deleting profile and threatening website to remove my info or that I will be reporting them to comreg etc. Its boring but the results are surprising. My main addy is about 9 years old and I am down to about 9 spam mails a week now.

Right. I am off to sit my cert. Be good.
wish you luck in your cert dude.... script of my life thats a good idea now you`ve put it in my head...hahahahaha....


Well-Known Member
Passed cert today. Thank Feck.

Who you gonna get to play the role of yourself

Looking forward to pic's @R31. Although the RIU database been acting the tit lately.

Gonna go for walk on beach after cuppa with missus. Plantly smelling nice and pongy now. Hopefully not too long left.


Well-Known Member
Hi gents, fellow Irish grower here! I haven't been around RIU in a while but I'm back now so thought I'd drop in and say hi. Ye have a great thread going here lads. I have a perpetual grow so I have a nice lady to chop once a week (this ensures I never run out) so I'll make sure to drop in and give you some weekly bud porn.


Well-Known Member
Hi gents, fellow Irish grower here! I haven't been around RIU in a while but I'm back now so thought I'd drop in and say hi. Ye have a great thread going here lads. I have a perpetual grow so I have a nice lady to chop once a week (this ensures I never run out) so I'll make sure to drop in and give you some weekly bud porn.
Cool to have you back on board @guitar. Never say no to a bit of bud