The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan. Any idea yet what you gonna grow?

Hey @R31. How is the plastic baging going? When the local election come around, steal a few of those plastic cardboard type posters and stick them up in window. Everyone just think you are political. Just dont stick one of Ming up. Gives the game away lol.
I'll go with Black skull seeds speed haze, some seedmakers critical, seedsman WW and barneys lsd, I have a few freebies as well, humboldt lemon thai kush, th seeds ultrasour and kannabia faraono.

@ae the site is the pirate bay with a different name, did you watch the wolf of wall street yet?


Well-Known Member
I'll go with Black skull seeds speed haze, some seedmakers critical, seedsman WW and barneys lsd, I have a few freebies as well, humboldt lemon thai kush, th seeds ultrasour and kannabia faraono.

@ae the site is the pirate bay with a different name, did you watch the wolf of wall street yet?
I've a LSD to pop next run so keep me posted. Wolf of wall street is THE BEST MOVIE IVE SEEN IN A LONG TIME.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I'll go with Black skull seeds speed haze, some seedmakers critical, seedsman WW and barneys lsd, I have a few freebies as well, humboldt lemon thai kush, th seeds ultrasour and kannabia faraono.

@ae the site is the pirate bay with a different name, did you watch the wolf of wall street yet?

saveing it for when i get some weed... this hash is crap, but suppose any hash hasn`t got the zing of the ould weed... can`t wait too see monuments men tho, right up my street that..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@hotpresser... just be a shame to burn the tips now, and again dude... awesome grow, just goes to show with some patience and a bit of work a small spot with some cfls can produce....


Well-Known Member
Great stuff Hotpresser and Exodus, can nearly smell them here.
I had LSD out last year, mould ripped into one as soon as the buds started to form, the other was more of a sativa and lasted for about 5 weeks into flowering, the smoke was fairly strong considering and was laden with trichomes although they were small, I found them slow to start but they really took off once the roots formed.


Well-Known Member
saveing it for when i get some weed... this hash is crap, but suppose any hash hasn`t got the zing of the ould weed... can`t wait too see monuments men tho, right up my street that..
When you get used to decent weed the street hash doesn't even compare.
Have you found Monuments Men anywhere?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
getting better out there, had some slight up rise in leak he other dy but it was sheets of rain so i accept that..

not got it down just yet tho, i`ll have to incest a few quid to get it right but to be honest i just want to get this grow through first and have the "motivational tools" required hahahahaha... serious tho i always do a better job when i`m stoned, i just seem to focus on what im doing like you wouldn`t beleive...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
When you get used to decent weed the street hash doesn't even compare.
Have you found Monuments Men anywhere?

no, and i love the whole free movie from download but ffs.. they still haven`t even got a moshi monsters one up yet, these guys need to up there game hahahahaha...


Well-Known Member
no, and i love the whole free movie from download but ffs.. they still haven`t even got a moshi monsters one up yet, these guys need to up there game hahahahaha...
Don't talk about moshi monsters, I never heard of them until the sis in law asked me to download it along with the lego movie.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Hope your shed survived last night @ae.

Man the weather is mental here. Got all the kids and missus up to go down to the sea. Massive waves breaking over the wall and both nearby villages flooded. Just mailed school to say I be late. I hope they mail back to say not to bother.

Planty looking ok considering. Still no big dank smell and slow to get going with the frosting. Just getting impatient now is all.


Well-Known Member
Morning lads,
It's just stopped raining here, it was teeming all night long.
Limerick got a fair doing especially round the Island.


Well-Known Member
What's da story lads, got a shit load done so after my workout imma get stoned off me tits. Limerick deserves it...cowboys!


Well-Known Member
The lad on the radio was funny, he was asking who was going to pay for his plasma, xbox, ps3 and stereo.
Compared to the Cork people who were flooded the Limerick people complain a lot more.


Well-Known Member
Would that be considered an act of "god" when it comes to claiming from the insurance company?
No one living in Kings Island has insurance, not for the house or the car:)
I'd say you could be right, That's some scam with the insurance co's just to avoid paying out

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
afternoon fellas, pissing rain here, so nothing to do until it stops... on the other hand the house is spotless hahahahaha... not been out to the garden yet, can`t imagine things have changed that much over night (slow as a wet week these plants)....

insurance is a scam... the cunts will try wiggle out of paying out anytime, seen it first hand, feel sorry for those people that genuinely have lost everything and been outted from there homes, i know if it happened here i would be fucked for sure, no insurance on this house, couldn`t afford it..

and when we did have the last house insured, they wouldn`t pay for a double glazed unit for the door, or the oil tank when it was damaged, the excuses came quick enough tho...

so what you lot up to for the day??? hopefully i can get an easy day today, still don`t feel the best so can`be arsed to do anything, might pop over to the dads failing that its the couch for as long as i can get away with it...