Ordering seeds online?


Hi, guys. So my plan is to try to order some seeds online.I Live in estonia and importing cannabis seeds is illegal.Should i order or not? tell your experience with ordering seeds.


Active Member
True.. my bad... but 10000 of these come in people just ant answers instead of doing the research... im just sayig to save time you could easly look up info...

i mean what would be worst case for u if they got confiscated sure you mail has to go thru a customs??? ... im not sure what rules/laws apply there....

also anyone else u know grw incanedo style get some beans or clones from..


Active Member
just do a quick search bro... im sure you be fine it looks like... everone sweats about seeds in the mail anyways.

attituted seeds is discrete with there shipments..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Ask God, maybe you'll get your seeds.
I was thinkin' and askin' about a DVD player the other night. Guess what, one turned up free the next morning:)


Active Member
I know Herbies is good about answering questions. I would email them directly to ask about your location. Couldn't hurt.

I was hearing talk of customs in Chicago confiscating seeds. I emailed Herbies about that and they told me their packages come in through New York.


I know Herbies is good about answering questions. I would email them directly to ask about your location. Couldn't hurt.

I was hearing talk of customs in Chicago confiscating seeds. I emailed Herbies about that and they told me their packages come in through New York.
I did ask them they say they ship to estonia, well il try to order seeds then.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it man, order them. If Herbies will ship them I'd say you're safe. Pay for the guarantee and stealth.


Active Member
I don't know anything about Estonia. Will they cut off your hand if they intercept the seeds?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
From Wikipedia's cannabis laws by country:
Possession: Illegal (Decriminalized)
Sale, Transport, and Cultivation: Illegal.
Consequences: Up to 10 grams is considered an amount for personal use, and is punished with a fine. Large amounts and distribution are criminal offences, and are punishable with a fine or by up to 5 years in prison

From the peanut gallery (me): Seems like the laws could be a lot harsher, definitely doesn't seem as sketchy as some southeast Asian countries like Indonesia where you can get life for possession. Depends on what enforcement is like where you live, and what you are comfortable with. I have been a long time smoker but I never grew until I got my medical card and could do it legal because I'm paranoid and I don't like having to keep secrets, it's bad for the blood pressure.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If you haven't any criminal history they won't search the package. If the law in estonia is anything "like" Mississippi, ask the almighty for help, guidance and protection from persecution due to unfair and unjust laws, but most of all your seeds:) To obey unjust laws is irresponsible.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You should further check into the law of Estonia. In Canada 2-6 seeds that will sprout is considered cultivation, max 2 years where 1 seed is not an offence. More than 6 seeds that will sprout is considered cultivation for the purpose of trafficking, max 7 years imprisonment. One good seed can grow an untold amount of mj. Most people only get a fine or community hours. If they're really bad 2 months in jail over weed in Canada. I've done a total of 84 days throughout the years.