Ultimate grow room setup!!


This is the exact topic that got me kicked of THC farmer but here it goes... After I harvest I will be setting up 1 or 2 4x8's witch I hope will be the pinnacle of technology. I will post what I'm looking at right now. if you are growing 4 pots in a closet that is great!! please do not hate. I will have about 20k-25k for the setup so I have options.

here are the links to what I have been looking at. any advice is greatly appreciated but lets keep it to facts.

here is the fogger I want to run. all the perks of aero but the simplicity of ebb and flo.


and the product website.


If I go standard HPS I will go with this hood. they are coming out with a dual bulb reflector of the same dimensions.


this is the intellidose. I'm not sold on this because I will be using advanced nutrients grand master line and this is only an 8 part.( looking for options like running 2)


they also make the intellaclimate. its dated but I cant find anything better.


for cooling I will be running the complete icebox setup with liquid cooled co2.


looked into aquaponics but only seems viable for veg. looking into supplemental uvb.(lighting options?)

I'm really liking the double ended HPS but the hoods are lacking. I'm trying to get 1'' off bud.



Thats all I can think of right now. I know there is more to post but I have to get to work on the garden.


Well-Known Member
well u love me
i was working on the same thing ..............rent a house and turn the whole basement into a grow set up where i only need to access 1 once a week
i know what u are missing

your watering system do u have a large barrell as the fill chamber ...........this is important
u set up where the washing machine is so u can tie into the cold water line and add a float valve filling unit .........this feeds the res u have feeding the the plants with the float valve in there u do not need to do anything fills when it gets low

now your res is running and we all know what happends the PH drops due to the water lowering and the feeding of the plant .............this bad boy here takes care of the PH and adding the feed during the week...............it will do what u tell it to and has alarms

so with the alarms u use this camera ............it has motion and sound dections along with built in mic and speaker....sees in the dark and is linkable to your phone computer tablet with a free app ............aslong as u have the program running in the back ground your phone will alert u if any alarms sound or anyone enters the area........this can be wireless or hard lined into your home network

if it is a friend doing u a favor they can contact u on your camera and u can talk help do it correctly ..........this needs a internet to work (i have 3g so 4g might work like the net) but for me to talk and hear the person i need wifi on my phone ...............

now this s where i get stumped ..............i can set up a netwrk system to only allow certin computers and devices to access it so this allows me to controll the system once i find the correct program to handle it all ................i am looking for ppl with skills i am dyslexic so programing is not a strong point for me code takes me hours on hours


LOL yea I was looking at the ph doser also. problem is even with the PH doser I would still have to run 2 Intellidose systems at 4k a pop and program them individually(going to be running advanced nutrients grand master line). I have been emailing kelly at AMhydro. she is the guru for intellidose(and also is in the youtube vids). she just went to work for Auto grow systems directly. I am trying to work with her to make what I want but she says the intellidose 2 is still 2015 or beyond. there working on the multidose but is only for green houses right now. as for res. I will start of with the econojet 4x8 ebb and flow. I'll add the fogger into that so if the fogger ever fails the ebb and flow pump kicks in. RO feed from its own source in to a self leveling res. got it. security taken care of(paranoid vet).


Well-Known Member
if u got the hook up

tell her the amish fucker needs some goodies too..........i can supply grandpa cureall

AN is a good line i have everything but that package running test on soils and hydros

have u accounted for possible power fails to the system ...........gen/battery back up is going to be needed...............oh your LED skip the new ppl u got the funds get the ones u know does the jobs Black Dog led.........they are the top of the list of trusted proven good systems from my LED looking


Well-Known Member
humity controll .......along with feeding the leaves with a fine mist of goodies targeted to them


Well-Known Member
Okay im not a hater i do tell it like it is. you are trying to be new tech and then use old style. humm. okay the fogger is excellent but here is the problem. you are gonna super mist and make it tropical, well sure do this if you gonna grow pineapples. slow down. mold and weed isnt good. just remember this KISS it stands for keep it simple stupid. im not calling you stupid but to grow weed we need to remember to be stupid as far as what works and what doesn't. if i could build a room i would have hps up high and blast in led from 4 sides to include uvb and ir. i htink you are dreaming a bit and the phsics dotn apply to MJ growing. Good luck
Love and peace.


I will have a battery backup of some kind. I am not using the fog for humidity. I'm using it a a super fine aeroponics setup. you guys are looking at the links right? my humidity will be controlled be the intelliclimate using fans in less someone can show me better.


Well-Known Member
well u are big enough

this here will cover your feed tank keep it bubbling ..............u might look at the tea keepers they have a foutain pump system to keep stuff from settling ......the hydrofarm system use air to make the drip rings for that could be a back up system for the plants /feed keep from going foul

my work
battery back up is only good for a short time unless u go for something major ..............gens are great but u need to account for the premits the wiring the fuel tank
the best answer i have come up wth is going off grid with a wind turbine (cost a butt load to put up but rebates and programs the cost goes to about 15% u got to put the money up then get it back with paperwork.......a large enough one u can pump unused back into grid.....my area it would make me whole in 2.2 years after that is profit)


well u are big enough

this here will cover your feed tank keep it bubbling ..............u might look at the tea keepers they have a foutain pump system to keep stuff from settling ......the hydrofarm system use air to make the drip rings for that could be a back up system for the plants /feed keep from going foul

my work
battery back up is only good for a short time unless u go for something major ..............gens are great but u need to account for the premits the wiring the fuel tank
the best answer i have come up wth is going off grid with a wind turbine (cost a butt load to put up but rebates and programs the cost goes to about 15% u got to put the money up then get it back with paperwork.......a large enough one u can pump unused back into grid.....my area it would make me whole in 2.2 years after that is profit)
Thats something I haven't looked to much into. you think thats the best pump? not worried about aeration because of the fog. just need to circulate nutrients to keep them from settling. I have a one year lease for this house. we will be getting land within the next 2 years. off grid is the way to go.


Okay im not a hater i do tell it like it is. you are trying to be new tech and then use old style. humm. okay the fogger is excellent but here is the problem. you are gonna super mist and make it tropical, well sure do this if you gonna grow pineapples. slow down. mold and weed isnt good. just remember this KISS it stands for keep it simple stupid. im not calling you stupid but to grow weed we need to remember to be stupid as far as what works and what doesn't. if i could build a room i would have hps up high and blast in led from 4 sides to include uvb and ir. i htink you are dreaming a bit and the phsics dotn apply to MJ growing. Good luck
Love and peace.
No worries mate. I have no problem with proving people wrong. if it fails, at least I'll know.