Well-Known Member
Its to break you.
How can one. Handle war if they cannot handle getting yelled at?
How can one. Handle war if they cannot handle getting yelled at?
Why do we even HAVE to go to war? Can't we be MEN and come to logical decisions? I guess not huh?Its to break you.
How can one. Handle war if they cannot handle getting yelled at?
War is a bitch,, it's brainwashing...They prey on your emotions and call you "worthless" over and over.
"The reason we have "smart" weapons today is because we place so much value on human life. That drone and traditional aircraft has sensors on it that make your little ps4 look like cave man shit.
little kids and innocents do get killed, unfortunately...not becuase U.S. military are evil...because the cocksukin enemy uses them as shields and hides in their midst. THEY have no regard for human life. They are snakes.
The stories I could tell would shit yourself and scream for your mommy."
oh please tell us the stories.... with your biased opinions... Please do....
a civilians kills a murderer and gets sent to prison... a marine murders over 100K innocent people in war, and they are awarded metals... tell me there isn't irony in this... you can't
So, let me put this scenario out there... a foreign nation, due to how much we have oppressed other nations, decides to kill off roughly %40 of the US population. Is this deem'd a necessary evil?War is a necessary evil
If its not us that's starts it
Then it will be someone.
I really do believe some men and women are made for war and to be primal is in our nature.
Yes war is natural look at animals they all fight.
They may not have guns but they sure try.
I agree that we can debate, but let's be LOGICAL and respectful as well. After all, I am all about showing you BOTH sides of the coin. Not just one as some do... A mind is a terrible thing to waste.War is a bitch, man.
Military is a necessity because the world is fucked up. NOT TRUE!!! What does war solve? Anyone??? And don't say "freedom". If that is the case, we should go to war with our government, right? I mean, they are taking our OWN freedom away
You can have a military protecting you that is less fucked up than another, with people that are for the most part good.
Or you can have the opposite. There is the second amendment for a reason you know.... I can give you a hint. It's along the lines of killing our government when they get out of control.
It does not matter if you agree or disagree with the military and what they do, it is necessary. HOW is it necessary? Or we are brainwashed to think we have enemies left and right, hiding under our beds? Kind of like the bogeyman? Are we that delusional/naive
Condemning people in the military and the military in general as a blanket position is not based in reality because we do not live in utopia. The reason we do not is.... DING DING DING we are too paranoid and think EVERYONE is out to get us (brainwashed)
Policies of a government and the people that swear to defend you are two different things.
That post I made and the statements I made were more emotional than was constructive to the thread.
My sensitivities to the subject are no less passionate than those that oppose my view and I could have used more discretion in the words I used and the way I used them.
I have asked for and received forgiveness from Minnesmoker for my agressive and negative demeanor, I extend that request to any others that might in the future read this thread and feel threatened or slighted by it.
For those that agree with my position and previous words, let this conversation be an example of how opposing thoughts and beliefs can still be expressed without spiraling into a place that is negative and unconstructive.
For me to adress your particular points at this juncture could possibly "stir the pot" more, so I respectfully decline to engage further.
War is a lie, its evil and death to innocents. Smedley Bultler two time medal of honor winner and the only man to one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.
In 1935, Butler wrote a book titled War Is a Racket, where he described and criticized the workings of the United States in its foreign actions and wars, such as those he was a part of, including the American corporations and other imperialist motivations behind them. After retiring from service, he became a popular activist, speaking at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.