i have heard several right wing folks tell me that nature has intentions lately.
you guys want to have at it for my amusement?
What do you mean by "intentionality" exactly?
i have heard several right wing folks tell me that nature has intentions lately.
you guys want to have at it for my amusement?
Intelligent design has attracted the christiansts who very often misrepresent it. Probably as a means to get theology taught in classrooms.
But one night listening to coasttocoastam I heard an atheist, who was an intelligent design proponent, and his arguments were very compelling.
i am not talking about intelligent design. if you want to be mocked for supporting that silly theory, then start a thread elsewhere please.
I didn't say I supported it, I said a guy made a good case for it.
I don't really think either of us are really qualified to say one way or another.
But srsly, if something like intelligent design does not fit the perameters of what you were wishing to discuss, then what else do you mean?
and tried to keep it simple for the walmart greeters and subway sandwich makers of the world.
And where are you currently employed?
the school of no knocks, everywhereville, USA.
did you have a point to make, or did the shiny flashy rhetoric just grab your attention?
Sorta thought you were still unemployed is my point yet you poke fun at people with low paying jobs.
At least they are trying.
oh, i get it. you just wanted to make things personal. and you don't think growing cannabis counts as "trying". on a cannabis website, no less.
do you just hate pot growers or something?
Hmmm, what would Bucky say?
"Citation needed" or some bullshit?
I see intention in the geometry. Idk. Something about the Fibonacci sequence just screams intent to me.
please go on.
It was me. From padas thread about global warming Ithink.
I said I see intention in the geometry. Idk. Something about the Fibonacci sequence just screams intent to me.
Buck would like to believe I follow jehovah or elohim or something Iguess.
What about dna? Nature no?
Ah No.
Buck just get caught in a loop of his own lies.
He's getting older and forgets what he posts.