Another State Of The Union, Who Will Obama Blame?

and yet the slow erosion of inflation, which is designed into the system gradually reduces any "investment" to near zero value unless you have a big enough wad of cash to buy a large piece of a real asset that turns a profit regularly.

the "investment" of "savers" is always vanishing.
Not a big pay out but it is zero risk. again not to be used as your only retirement plan
So if MRA crashes will the govt. bail it out?
Still can't afford to put MY money in it.
The Prez should use his pen to take money from the evil rich people to fund MYRA
Not a big pay out but it is zero risk. again not to be used as your only retirement plan

NEGATIVE returns will be achieved fairly easily since you would be loaning the feds your money to spend on more bullshit that reduces the value of your money in exchange for a tiny % more less valuable money, in addition to your less valuable principle.
NEGATIVE returns will be achieved fairly easily since you would be loaning the feds your money to spend on more bullshit that reduces the value of your money in exchange for a tiny % more less valuable money, in addition to your less valuable principle.

or you can just get your whole check and buy weed. Fuck saving
did anybody notice barack obama totally avoided marijuana legalization in the state of the union?

he didn't pay enough attention to the widening gap between the super rich and...well everybody else.... the 'stuttering' economy is a joke... its the rich manipulating markets to make things seem worse than they really are so they keep getting big paychecks.

profits are at record levels, companies have never beaten wall street expecations the way they are doing it now.... and somehow the economy is 'struggling'....
Dude you showing again what you don't know. The accounts will be SOLELY invested in government savings bonds. Back by the US goverment. What risk on your principal investment ??? There is none. Not saying this should be anyones sole retirement plan but it sure can't hurt. Why do hate the USA.

Ok then, they're the greatest thing since sliced bread, how's that?
Why all the snide remarks dude, I love our country, I just can't stand our government at the moment.
During his State of the Union remarks on Tuesday, President Barack Obama remarked, "Today, Women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it's an embarrassment.

A woman deserves equal pay for equal work." However, as the president made his demand, women who work at the White House continue to make less money than their male counter-parts. According to the D.C. based American Enterprise Institute, female White House staffers are paid less than 87 cents for every dollar paid to men who work at the White House. This is a significant gender wage gap of more than 13 percent AEI notes.
This wage gap at the White House is not new. The UK's Daily Mail reported in 2012:

The gender differential has been noticed outside of the White walls, and Dee Dee Myers- the first female press secretary who worked under the Clinton administration- feels it is not doing Mr Obama's team any favors.
'Women are Obama’s base, and they don’t seem to have enough people who look like the base inside of their own inner circle,' Dee Dee Myers told The New York Times.

The hefty salaries, like Ms Jarrett's, were not the norm, however, as the median salary for women in the White House is $60,000 which is 18 per cent less than their male peers whose median salary was $71,000.
Regardless of these salary numbers at the White House, President Obama commented during his remarks it was time to "do away with workplace policies that belong in a Mad Men episode."bongsmilie
Pointing out the disparity between rich and poor is not class warfare. Why can't you folks figure that out? This disparity is as large as it has ever been in modern times and it shows. So far as republicans being blamed? They came out and stated that they would not cooperate, nor would they compromise, they have had the most unsucessful term ever when it comes to reasonable legislation.

Who shut down the government again? Who held Obama and his agenda hostage to foolishness and stupidity? Republicans. He has a right to blame republicans for all sorts of problems we are currently having.

Tell me, if Republicans had the helm, what would be different? how would it be better? lower taxes for the rich? health care that works? or would it be them blaming Democrats for everything, which seems to be what they are doing currently, which seems to be ALL you ever blame.

Do you have the health care you like Beenthere?

obama's agenda didnt deserve to be held hostage, that was wrong.

it should have been taken out to an abandoned railyard and shot.

obama and the left have an agenda designed to increase dependence on government, reduce prosperity and share more equally the misery they create.

obama refused to compromise on his agenda, and the right likewise refused to compromise on theirs.

that is conflict. the left's response to conflict is to blame, accuse and throw tantrums.

this is not helpful, it is childish.
did anybody notice barack obama totally avoided marijuana legalization in the state of the union?

he didn't pay enough attention to the widening gap between the super rich and...well everybody else.... the 'stuttering' economy is a joke... its the rich manipulating markets to make things seem worse than they really are so they keep getting big paychecks.

profits are at record levels, companies have never beaten wall street expecations the way they are doing it now.... and somehow the economy is 'struggling'....

bankingprofits, wall street expectations and super awesome growth in the non-productive moneyfingering "industry" are not the economy. they are the parasites that suck the juices from the economy.

you can have really healthy parasites when the host is near death, so your assessment is full of shit.

the economy cannot be healthy under the "service economy" model, since a "service economy" is NON PRODUCTIVE.

we need an industrial model, an innovation model, and a freedom model.

Barry Seotoro doesnt understand any of those concepts so he cannot help us restore the economy, and neither can MBA's, advertising executives, lawyers, bankers, insurance company bosses, the CEO of general electric, or any of the other moneyfingerers who have been squatting over our heads and shitting on us for quite a few decades.

sadly those moneyfingerers are the ones Barry Seotoro has appointed to be our mandarin overlords.

"it's not a 1% problem, it's not a 99% problem, it's an american problem, and the problem is patronage neoptism and cronyism"

why must i have no like button?? curses!!

InB4 bucky and see4 call them all sellouts and uncle toms.
did anybody notice barack obama totally avoided marijuana legalization in the state of the union?

he didn't pay enough attention to the widening gap between the super rich and...well everybody else.... the 'stuttering' economy is a joke... its the rich manipulating markets to make things seem worse than they really are so they keep getting big paychecks.

profits are at record levels, companies have never beaten wall street expecations the way they are doing it now.... and somehow the economy is 'struggling'....

The government makes jobs more expensive and then acts shocked when there are less jobs. Private enterprise will find a way to make money with less employees. Rinse and repeat...

I know... Lets raise the minimum wage... Lulz...
we need an industrial model, an innovation model, and a freedom model.

just like ginwilly, speaking a lot and never saying a goddamn thing.

what the fuck is a freedom model? an innovation model? words and terms are meaningless unless you define them.


seriously, just stop trying. go post on bircher sites or something, no one buys your meaningless word salad here.
just like ginwilly, speaking a lot and never saying a goddamn thing.

what the fuck is a freedom model? an innovation model? words and terms are meaningless unless you define them.


seriously, just stop trying. go post on bircher sites or something, no one buys your meaningless word salad here.

They're economic processes, ya dropout.
google search for freedom model is not bringing anything substantive.




does the freedom model have anything to do with action figures vacuuming sculptures?

makes about as much sense as anything else you righties bleat and whine about incessantly.
define the "freedom model" then, oh exalted one who refuses to meet me for lunch.

Free as in real free enterprise, get the federal government off the backs of business, less regulating (not zero) and more cooperation, we can't survice on service only.
Can you take industry from here?
Free as in real free enterprise, get the federal government off the backs of business, less regulating (not zero) and more cooperation, we can't survice on service only.
Can you take industry from here?

again, you're just speaking in empty, vacuous platitudes and saying NOTHING of any substance whatsoever.

the problem arises for you guys when you are pressed and forced into saying concrete things about what your empty talking points mean, that's when you guys start talking about blessed rape babies and giving grandma a coupon instead of guaranteed health care.

you guys are LOSERS.

wanna meet for lunch?
again, you're just speaking in empty, vacuous platitudes and saying NOTHING of any substance whatsoever.

the problem arises for you guys when you are pressed and forced into saying concrete things about what your empty talking points mean, that's when you guys start talking about blessed rape babies and giving grandma a coupon instead of guaranteed health care.

you guys are LOSERS.

wanna meet for lunch?

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