The Left, Their Love Of Regulating And Their Hatred Of Capitalism


I used to do interviews to hire for my dads company.

Until you got your big boy job at subway?

Second, as smart as he was, he was a horrible interview.

Didn't laugh at any of your racist jokes?

I got a feeling god here is in for a rude awakening when he gets out of college and tries to impress people with his smarts and starts interviewing for big boy jobs.

Like subway or being a junkie?

Look at me instead, despite me being a former drug addict, and you thinking I'm dumb,

You are not a former addict. You always will be. Statistically speaking, you are quite likely to return to your life of drug addiction. Think of your opiate use as being on pause.

The reason you struggle with being such a fatty is your brain still craves that dope and you satisfy those cravings with sweets.

People don't think you are dumb. You prove how dumb you are everyday you post.

How pathetic.

We think so too.

Not to long ago I was offered a "crazy check" for $900 a month, plus my food stamps, and government housing for under 100 including utilities monthly. Only condition, I couldn't work.

It won't be long before you wish you would have said yes.

Have a nice day fat boy.

I used to do interviews to hire for my dads company.

I had one guy tell me he wanted to work for me so after a year he could take everything he learned from me and go into medical equipment sales. Fresh out of college, he was, as was I. But I knew better.

First off, a year of selling SMAT (what we sold) to nursing homes and hospitals will not land you a job selling MRI machines. Second, as smart as he was, he was a horrible interview.

I got a feeling god here is in for a rude awakening when he gets out of college and tries to impress people with his smarts and starts interviewing for big boy jobs.

"name a challenging situation you've overcome"

"well, there was this racist one time on a pot website...."


God here, you can see your future in uncle buck.

Look at me instead, despite me being a former drug addict, and you thinking I'm dumb, I might make 100k this year, I will within two for sure.

Beenthere is, from all accounts, pretty damn successful.

Sirgreenthumb appears to be making some decent money.

There is that guy servicing a bunch of dudes a day for $20 bucks each, depending on overhead that's pretty good money.

But you progressives have it all figured out, you just got to elect the right guy to give it to you.

How pathetic.

Not to long ago I was offered a "crazy check" for $900 a month, plus my food stamps, and government housing for under 100 including utilities monthly. Only condition, I couldn't work.

I said fuck off.

I have a great job right now, one I could drop out of college and work if I wanted to. But I'd rather live up to my potential. I'm glad to see I really got through to you though.
STFU about your risk's asshole, Bankruptcy was invented for those risk takers, how many times has trump or many other wealthy people filed chapter eleven. Risk's, give me a break.
The Bankruptcy Act was to protect insolvent businesses from creditors, most of which, were other businesses.
With bankruptcy protection, millions of workers would be unemployed, moron.

I see nothing wrong with the examples in the OP, Did the little girl selling lemonade know how to properly handle and sell food to the general public? what if she had gotten 1000 people sick from that lemonade, What would you be saying then, oh well that's capitalism? Grow a brain. You had to get a food handlers card before you started your career in sandwich making didn't you? You mention unions like they are a good thing, then why do you support the people that try to break them up with right to work laws?

Of course you see nothing wrong with the OP examples, you're a progressive, you people love government regulations.
You bring up "what if" 1000 people got sick from a little girl making lemonade, lets see some examples to back up your "what ifs"
I can't recall any mass lemonade poisonings growing up, and kids lemonade stands were all over the place.

If, if, if LOL
If my aunt had balls, then I'd call her my uncle.
You people are a bunch dopey sheep living in constant fear.

The aftermath of cheerleaders washing cars... Thank God the city planners were able to save San Jose from this.
on average, earning a degree is more lucrative overall. the more degrees you get, the better. in other words, nothing like the "walmart greeters" that you imagine college graduates to be.

I wouldn't be so sure it's more lucrative. For the amount it costs to attain a degree, the money would have grown FAR larger if it had been invested in an average fund. Add in the interest cost and now only those Diploma'd people who go onto have jobs that make at minimum 6 figures are the ones who truly get ahead.

Unless you can pay for it by working or through scholarship, I see no need to attend college and have to borrow the money to get it. There are other ways to attend for free too, the military is one way, so is a retraining program that some states offer. College was EASY to pay for 20+ years ago. A part time job covered the tuition and expenses and even gave a bit of spending money too. No longer, even a full time job won't do that.

[h=2]More than a third of recent college grads with jobs are working in positions that don't require a degree. Which Kinda sucks when you are gonna spend the next 20 years paying for something you didn't need.[/h]
oh, so you must know what an average is then.

see, i was confused by your description of college grads as "walmart greeters" and "paint department reps at home depot". because that seems to imply they would make less than someone who seems to despise the very idea of college like you.

on average, earning a degree is more lucrative overall. the more degrees you get, the better. in other words, nothing like the "walmart greeters" that you imagine college graduates to be.

There is a pretty good explanation for why those with degrees succeed that goes beyond the intrinsic merit of holding a degree.

Folks who are going to succeed in life are pretty much funneled into colleges. They are told all throughout high school that they have to go to college, so they go.

There are plenty of people who go, and yet fail at life. There are people who go, drop out, and succeed.

The drive and ambition that is inherently a part of what it takes to succeed is what makes folks go to college to begin with.

Since I graduated my degree has gotten my foot in the door at places, but I didn't get to keep the jobs because of it, I had to work hard and perform well while there.

Imagine being called into your bosses office because your sales have been lacking, and you defend them how? Your degree makes no benefit at this point.

There are several professions that require a degree.

Can't be a doctor without med school.
Can't be a nurse without nursing school.

You CAN be a lawyer in some states without law school, oddly enough, but bar passage rates in the one state I know of without a law degree is much lower.

Most degrees, however, do not have a corresponding profession to go into after college.

Prticularly the liberal arts degrees, are only worth a damn when they are terminal degrees, and then only good for becoming a professor, or adding a masters to it in another field, often something a community college teacher would do.

They do open doors for you, but you got to do all the walking.
The Bankruptcy Act was to protect insolvent businesses from creditors, most of which, were other businesses.
With bankruptcy protection, millions of workers would be unemployed, moron.

Of course you see nothing wrong with the OP examples, you're a progressive, you people love government regulations.
You bring up "what if" 1000 people got sick from a little girl making lemonade, lets see some examples to back up your "what ifs"
I can't recall any mass lemonade poisonings growing up, and kids lemonade stands were all over the place.

If, if, if LOL
If my aunt had balls, then I'd call her my uncle.
You people are a bunch dopey sheep living in constant fear.

A little girl in CA made lemonaide and some pesticide got into it and killed 30 some people.

That is why every single exterior water supply line is now required to have an anti-siphon fixture. Your government at work...
A little girl in CA made lemonaide and some pesticide got into it and killed 30 some people.

That is why every single exterior water supply line is now required to have an anti-siphon fixture. Your government at work...

Never heard of the mass killings by lemonade, but the anti siphon valves on everyone's home makes perfect sense. It's now impossible for lemonade to back flow from your garden hose to the drinking water in our homes. No more polluted lemonade contamination.

Thanks government.
There is a pretty good explanation for why those with degrees succeed that goes beyond the intrinsic merit of holding a degree.

Folks who are going to succeed in life are pretty much funneled into colleges. They are told all throughout high school that they have to go to college, so they go.

There are plenty of people who go, and yet fail at life. There are people who go, drop out, and succeed.

The drive and ambition that is inherently a part of what it takes to succeed is what makes folks go to college to begin with.

Since I graduated my degree has gotten my foot in the door at places, but I didn't get to keep the jobs because of it, I had to work hard and perform well while there.

Imagine being called into your bosses office because your sales have been lacking, and you defend them how? Your degree makes no benefit at this point.

There are several professions that require a degree.

Can't be a doctor without med school.
Can't be a nurse without nursing school.

You CAN be a lawyer in some states without law school, oddly enough, but bar passage rates in the one state I know of without a law degree is much lower.

Most degrees, however, do not have a corresponding profession to go into after college.

Prticularly the liberal arts degrees, are only worth a damn when they are terminal degrees, and then only good for becoming a professor, or adding a masters to it in another field, often something a community college teacher would do.

They do open doors for you, but you got to do all the walking.

you know that you were one of those college graduate "walmart greeters" and "subway sandwich makers" that spandy was talking about, right?
I wouldn't be so sure it's more lucrative. For the amount it costs to attain a degree, the money would have grown FAR larger if it had been invested in an average fund. Add in the interest cost and now only those Diploma'd people who go onto have jobs that make at minimum 6 figures are the ones who truly get ahead.

that would be true, if not for the fact that the government doesn't just hand out money so that you can invest it, like they do with money so you can go get an education.

it's nice to see the right hasn't stopped their crusade against facts and reality though.
that would be true, if not for the fact that the government doesn'I

it's nice to see the right hasn't stopped their crusade against facts and reality though.

Odds are, NoDrama was referring to working and saving to get the money to invest.
I kind of figured the working and saving part wasn't even a thought for you.
But boy, the easy money from government popped right into you mind, how predictable.:lol:
Odds are, NoDrama was referring to working and saving to get the money to invest.
I kind of figured the working and saving part wasn't even a thought for you.
But boy, the easy money from government popped right into you mind, how predictable.:lol:

college grads have more money to save and invest because they make more of it when compared to non-college grads.

want to meet for lunch?
and for the record, if godhere puts in the amount of ungodly work it takes to get a psyD, he'll never have to interview for anything besides a building to lease for his practice after he gets done with his post docs, and will pull at least $100 or two an hour for his services.

i'll take a buffalo chicken footlong, easy on the mayonnaise please.

$190 average in my area per 45 minute session. Man getting life advice from these jealous sandwich makers is just so rough.
I only had one of those radical leftists professors that really went way off topic in class to drive home socialism.

He was talking one time about a job he had when he was younger. He spoke of doing a lot of hard manual labor for little pay. Then he would see the owner drive up in his new truck, get out in his clean clothes, walk the job site, talk to the workers.

Py professor then talked about the resentment he felt towards this man. He expressed a thought he had; "here I am doing all this hard work, and this guy is making so much more money than I am."

He said this was terribly unfair.

I was the lone voice that spoke up to ask him what was unfair about it.

He chuckled and said, "it's pretty self evident, is it not?" and he continued on with something else.

I spoke up again, interrupting what he was saying, and asked him, to explain it to me, because I can't see an unfair situation. I said what I see is a man who took a bunch of money, invested it in equipment to start a business, and hired people to work for that business, at a wage both parties agreed to, so again, I fail to see how it is unfair.

My professor was obviously irritated. He said it wasn't a mutually agreeable wage, he said there was no possibility to ask for a raise, and that it was either take what he offered, or quit.

He continued with his lecture...

Again, I interrupt. I asked him if this man had people at his house, holding members of his family hostage unless my professor worked for this wage? He said no.

I asked if there was anoneone forcing him to work there against his will in anyway. He said no.

I asked if there was another job across town that paid significantly more, but for some reason he was not permitted to apply, he said no.

So I asked him again what was unfair.

He asked me to leave the class for being disruptive.

I have never been able to get an answer from a lefty about what is unfair about a situation like this.

Can you all enlighten me?

There is nothing unfair about the situation you describe, however, you seem to be imagining that all capitalist "situations" in America are simliar to your little scenario. They are not, and so your argument is moot.
Most of these "people" do not fit the definition of men where I come from. Little boys, perhaps.

Have you ever hired someone because you were impressed with how smart they are, only to find out they are a worthless employee?

Then you have an employee who isn't that bright, but he gets shit done, and done well because he puts everything he has into it.

Most employers aren't that impressed with intelligence, a work ethic and dedication will get you a lot further in this world than a high IQ. Having both is really nice.

I've met a lot of very successful business owners, and high ranking corporate folks.

None of them are what I would call dumb, but most of them won't blow you away with their intellect.

I have no doubt this ring of progressives here are intelligent people, but they are probably lacking in important qualities.

WE are all subject to the Peter Principle. If I am smart enough and lazy, then I will likely find ways to do things the most efficeintly. If I am industrious and stupid, then I will do things as they have always been done, working longer and harder hours in order to get them done - no innovation there.

Twenty industrious but not too smart guys figured they would dig a hole and so they worked and worked mornng till dawn till the hole was dug.

The smart man, all by himself, hired a bucket tractor, filled it with fuel, had that very same hole dug in half the time and at half the cost.

But you seem to admire the 20 over the 1.

I don't.
you know that you were one of those college graduate "walmart greeters" and "subway sandwich makers" that spandy was talking about, right?

I was for a few months. When you work your way up from the bottom, you have to start from the bottom.

I was fortunate in the fact that I had, prior to my addiction, ascended to some extent. That resulted in a quicker rise the second time around.