Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)


Active Member
...cuz the only thing males are good for is to pollinate females to make seeds.

If you don't remove a male among your females, the females WILL get pollinated and your buds are full of seeds.

Energy that COULD go toward building buds and glands and trics, etc goes to producing seeds.

You can selectively pollinate buds by hand so as not to seed all your buds.

You can also save male pollen for future use.

It's a matter of debate if males have any THC content, but we can assume if they DO, its real low and probably not worth the effort, space, time, etc.


Well-Known Member
Because ALL your females will seed if in the company of a male....If you have a spot outside and far away, you can let it grow, remove some pods, open and collect some pollen...keep it in fridge and later you can take a small paint (models) brush and paint a couple of lower flowers with it to get seeds...If you do be gentile..that shit will get into the air easily and don't want that..:o


Well-Known Member
if its your only plant let it grow and smoke it if you got more plants kill it fast male plants do produce thc and cbd just not near as much i had a buddy who smoked a male and he said it got him high but that had to suck to smoke a male hopefuly u got more plants oh ya i had a plant a few years ago it poped out one male sack out of the middle of the stalk not even close to a node and i picked it and never had another male flower on it .kinda odd anyway good luck


Well-Known Member
as for ny those are way fat nodes looks like there ready for some waight i couldnt realy tell for shure look at 2 nodes or 3 down from the top and look for hairs


Active Member
Please tell me if this is a male or a female. I am currently growing three plants. I am posting pics of the two plants that I think are males. They look similar. I know for sure that the other plant is a female. I purchased feminized seeds. They are three weeks into flowering as of yesterday, July 17th. Please help!



Active Member
Three weeks into flowering? Are you sure cause it should have alot of bud sites and i dont see any! Maybe three weeks into veg! It is almost ready to take some clones but im just a newb to so dont hold anything against me. Looks pretty healthy anyways good luck:leaf:

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Still too early. But remember the females are usually slower to show sex. Indoors at 12/12 I usually see hairs in 5-10 days.