New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


Well-Known Member
if thats an aphid^^ they may be. Its just i thought aphids gave birth to live females so they reproduce like crazy and are near impossible to get rid of. with the little brown bugs with the fuzzy white there only seems to be a few on at a time and the plants stay 100% healthy with them . Not sure what the name of the bugs are though. pretty crazy stumbling across the grow kiwi. I suppose the only way you would stumble across grows is if your out growing yourself.. no real other purpose of trekking out in the middle of nowhere unless you are just a trekker haha


Well-Known Member
well there you go passionfruit hoppers.. i have passionfruit growing right next to my plants so i guess thats where they come from. Cheers cooper


Well-Known Member
Yeah look at page 26 Snapper, those are on my plants. well maybe not anymore.

Cooper, that sounds good mate. I haven't checked my plants since I sprayed them with neem and flyspray. I think the Malawis will be taller than me by now, probably need to top them and tie them out to keep them under control. their wasn't too many bugs on the Malawis because of their health. I'll probably check them in the next few days, I might visit the other persons grow too just to see what they do - I can't believe someone put 50 plants in the middle of the track!.


Well-Known Member
Ah crap, and those little fluffy insects are their juvenile. I've been killing them all every time I visit and I've cleared all the grass/weeds from around her since those photos which seemed to stop them coming back as fast. There was about 5 when I visited today. Hopefully I'll be able to eliminate them.


Well-Known Member
aphids are the only insect to give live birth I think and spread like wild fire, those round things with the fluffy backs are different and turn into those passionfruit hoppers.


yeah there a pain man the aphids (little things with fluff on there back) turn into the passion fruit hoppers and they suck nutrients out of the plants and lay eggs in the stems thats why there just becomes more and more. for the life of me dont no what to do lol resorted to fly spray.. the organic sprays i used just didnt seem to cut it


haha yeah thats it ay im guesng they cant be expecting much just throwing a lazy 50 in a track if u want the results u usually have to put the effort in the prep? mine took ages to get sorted lol just wish i had better access to them


Well-Known Member
I thought aphids give live birth?. When you touch them do the instantly fly away in a flash?. we might be thinking of 2 different types of bugs, Snapper that pic you posted looks different to the bugs that are on my plants.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah thats it ay im guesng they cant be expecting much just throwing a lazy 50 in a track if u want the results u usually have to put the effort in the prep? mine took ages to get sorted lol just wish i had better access to them
Na bro they're puss plants that will only get 1/4-1/2 oz per plant. Properly prepared plants produce mass amounts, nutrients,rain crystals and lots of sun produce killer results ime.

Yeah true man, I keep forgetting this is Tauranga. So many fried people here


i cant even seen snappers pic on my mac lol stupid thing it won't let it show up. oh my bad crazy ive been calling those fluffy things aphids :s but yeah thats wat those fluffy things and the passionfruit hoppers do.. sorry guys. hoping to get to myn this weeknd too with a proper camera too hopefuli all is good usualy get a few surprises good or bad


Well-Known Member
You have to click the link to see the other pictures in case you weren't aware. Here are some from today :)






Her largest branch only reaches about 80cm tall at the moment :/ I placed the leftover kiwi seed raise mix which has a bit of slow release fert in the bottom of the hole I dug and gave her a good watering after the transplant.

Here are some better resolution pictures.


oh good man snaps i can see these pics lol. looks like u got it in the ground then definetly looks like it wants to thrive. whats the ground like u put it in? looks healthy hopfuli it gose crazy an shoots up ay


Well-Known Member
It was a bit solid so I made sure to dig the hole out a bit more than I needed to then fill it back up so there was some soft stuff for the roots to get into first. Found a few shells. All the other vegetation in the area seems to be thriving so I'm hoping it's good for my girl. It is surrounded by wetlands which I'm hoping means she'll have enough water.


Well-Known Member
It was a bit solid so I made sure to dig the hole out a bit more than I needed to then fill it back up so there was some soft stuff for the roots to get into first. Found a few shells. All the other vegetation in the area seems to be thriving so I'm hoping it's good for my girl. It is surrounded by wetlands which I'm hoping means she'll have enough water.
Hey snaps, plants looking awesome bro. You giving it any nutes? Mines in a swampy wetland aswell and it retains water pretty well. Were you located?


Well-Known Member
There was the kiwi seed raise mix which had some fertilizer in it and I've been giving her worm juice (concentrate mixed with water) but I used the last of that today so I was thinking of getting some slow release fertilizer granule thingies. I'm in the BOP like a few others seem to be :) Any suggestions on what I should give her for nutes when I next go to feed her? I've used Blood n Bone liquid concentrate + Aunty Janes Flower and Fruit indoor but I had to use those once or twice a week and I don't really want to be doing that outside.

aussie originals

Active Member
Sweet as, Haze is more of a generic name for a sativa these days. A real Haze will have the skinniest leaves and will take forever to finish.
Did it go into early flower this season and had to reveg? how tall is it?. chuck a pic up bro.

Aussie, here's some indoor pics for you.

View attachment 2979602View attachment 2979603 Cotton candy just over 7.5 weeks
View attachment 2979604View attachment 2979605Uzbeki Hashplant - My new favourite pure indica.
Oh man Kiwi those uzbeki's look awesome. i have some Northern Lights x uzbeki hashplant i need to crack open.

im cracking a pack of dream beaver by bodhi tomorrow. if you havnt seen what this strain is all about you really should look into it. i know a few growers saying its the strongest they have ever had with some of the craziest smells to boot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah 10 is still pretty low for january, holy hell bro you guys got down to 3.7 degrees last night! - second coldest in the country lol. even in winter our temps don't usually get that low.
Well last year whakatane was disqualified because it wasn't reading right, I'd say 100=150 hours more at the most. pretty stocked with anything over 2,400 though.
2013 was NZ's 3rd warmest year since 1909. I don't really know any decent growers up here, I've never had outstanding ganja here but that would be down to genetics. The outskirts of Tauranga have better outdoors I reckon like Te Puke. There's a Local tauranga strain that has 2 phenos that I ran into.

Indicas are hard to describe bro, I had a pink afghani that had a deep pungent 'sweet' earth smell. you described hashplants in general "kind of earth, natural and unique" but each different one has different aroma, inidcas have the most out of it aromas that are too hard to describe. Sativa on the other hand are so much easier except Malawi lol.
Those Panama are going to be delicious,flavoursome hashplants and the Malawis are going to be rugged potent africans.

Today I went for a walk in the area that I grow but didn't go to my plants, instead I stumbled upon 45+ plants 10 mins away!!
They're about 1-2.5 weeks into flowering depending on pheno

View attachment 2978736View attachment 2978737 This is the main Tauranga strain, the indica phenotype. Amazing scent and it has pink stems and stigmas.
View attachment 2978756View attachment 2978757View attachment 2978758The more sativa pheno 1-2 weeks i'd say.

It's amazing what you can find when you do a bit adventuring.

not the best grower though, no protection,no potting mix and by the look of it no nutrients either - also they were planted in the middle if the 4wd track(hasn't been used for yonks though)
I might pollinate the pink/red pheno though - local strains are good for breeding. Looks like they just did a spur of the moment rushed plantation this year, 8-14 inch plants - amazing stealth if you can barely notice them, only a smoker or grower would notice them if they were really looking. I only noticed them because I bent down to tuck a shoe lace in.
Damn actual bro 3.7 that's shocking for this time of year! Very unusual down here. It can be from one extreme to another down here it can we really warm during the day then turn into a freezer at night. I reckon a pure indica would do pretty well down here, I might have to give one a go. You wouldn't be far of the most sunshine ours if not the most ae? I bet your Malawi will be some of the best outdoors in the region - Probably very potent compared to some grows.

Im gonna have to just grow some hashplants one day and find out. I wanna grow some pure indicas and pure sativas and just learn the distinct difference between them. Itl be way easier to grow them and find out for myself :mrgreen: Thats real out of it how you ran into someone elses grow. Such tiny little stealth plants. That pink pheo is awesome mate you should defiantly polinate it lol Does the local strain have a name? Reckon youl get the red pheno with your panamas? Keen as to see that. I think were the only ones not flowering yet? Youl be last with your sativas and im not far away lol

I went and checked mine out today, gave it a little feed and water and its looking algood. The cold past few nights have defiantly slowed it down as you said but there is some real nice redy purples right up the leaves and stems which is pretty cool :mrgreen: Especially on the stems. I think ill give it one last decent dose of nitro soil then ill start considering flowering nutes. Will: Thrive Concentrate flower and fruit plant food be okay for flowering? Its NPK (6.2 : 3 : 10) plus i can use potash. Anyway i reckon its about to start flowering becasue the nodes just look different plus I can see dots on the nodes. Happy I topped the plant or else it would easily be 8ft by now lol Cheers!


Well-Known Member
There was the kiwi seed raise mix which had some fertilizer in it and I've been giving her worm juice (concentrate mixed with water) but I used the last of that today so I was thinking of getting some slow release fertilizer granule thingies. I'm in the BOP like a few others seem to be :) Any suggestions on what I should give her for nutes when I next go to feed her? I've used Blood n Bone liquid concentrate + Aunty Janes Flower and Fruit indoor but I had to use those once or twice a week and I don't really want to be doing that outside.
Im not to sure man are you in flower? Ive been using Nitro soil blood and bone NPK 8.3.6 for vegging but im gonna change it for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Damn actual bro 3.7 that's shocking for this time of year! Very unusual down here. It can be from one extreme to another down here it can we really warm during the day then turn into a freezer at night. I reckon a pure indica would do pretty well down here, I might have to give one a go. You wouldn't be far of the most sunshine ours if not the most ae? I bet your Malawi will be some of the best outdoors in the region - Probably very potent compared to some grows.

Im gonna have to just grow some hashplants one day and find out. I wanna grow some pure indicas and pure sativas and just learn the distinct difference between them. Itl be way easier to grow them and find out for myself :mrgreen: Thats real out of it how you ran into someone elses grow. Such tiny little stealth plants. That pink pheo is awesome mate you should defiantly polinate it lol Does the local strain have a name? Reckon youl get the red pheno with your panamas? Keen as to see that. I think were the only ones not flowering yet? Youl be last with your sativas and im not far away lol

I went and checked mine out today, gave it a little feed and water and its looking algood. The cold past few nights have defiantly slowed it down as you said but there is some real nice redy purples right up the leaves and stems which is pretty cool :mrgreen: Especially on the stems. I think ill give it one last decent dose of nitro soil then ill start considering flowering nutes. Will: Thrive Concentrate flower and fruit plant food be okay for flowering? Its NPK (6.2 : 3 : 10) plus i can use potash. Anyway i reckon its about to start flowering becasue the nodes just look different plus I can see dots on the nodes. Happy I topped the plant or else it would easily be 8ft by now lol Cheers!
Yeah that's low but as long as she doesn't get repeated abuse she'll be fine, hot as yesterday 27.5,27 today and you guys weren't to far behind either. It's been supreme weather up here bro, clear non stop sunny days. On the average year Tauranga always places in 1st,2nd or 3rd for most sunshine hours, the top of the south island get tonnes of sun too. If the Malawi grown in Nz can stack up to the original Malawian buds then it will be some of the strongest stuff ever, it's probably going to be the strongest stuff I've had in my life.

I reckon the Taskenti would be best for your climate, they can handle 3.7 degrees like it's nothing. If your plant isn't in flower yet it's safe to say it's sativa dominated.
I reckon just use potash, lots of potassium and phosphorus is good for finishing plants off but the nitrogen needs to be down to at least 3:1 ratio.
None of my plants are flowering yet and don't expect them to for another 2 weeks minimum, the taskenti will probably flower soon if not already.

Don't know if it has a name, probably just a bush strain acclimated to BOP - anyone from NZ or Tauranga ever had a pink haired strain that smells pungent and sweet? and is unmistakeable and unique. Kinda like a mayple syrup cinnamon with a pungent hash aroma is the best way to describe it lol. The other pheno just smells like you're typical NZ bush sativa.