"Race-Baiter" is the new "N-word"

Political correctness gone mad......



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On TV, if someone is white and they don't like a black person bringing up race, even when it is relevant. They will call them a "Race Baiter".

If race is your "bait" then you're a racist. You don't use apple slices to bait fish, and you don't use hot sauce to bait deer. If I mention race relations, and you see it as "bait", you are a racist.
You also don't call fishing "Worm Baiting". The phrase does not refer to race being used AS bait, but instead race being used as the thing being baited. It is derived from the phrase "Bull Baiting" where you are indeed trying to bait a bull into attacking you. So a "Race Baiter" is someone who is trying to instigate other races into argument, not someone who is using race as a bait to catch something. Nomenclature is important, and it negates your argument when you start it on false premises.
Race baiter isn't the n word, it's more like police entrapment.

I'll give you an example my dad says he witnessed in the 1960's.

He grew up in a town that was about 20 percent black. They were segregated, but he said the got along fine. The town had a race track where they had auto racing most Saturday nights. There was a place where blacks usually sat, and where the whites usually sat, but no one was forced to sat anywhere, and there was limited mingling between the races.

He said one Saturday a bus pulls up, it's full of white college kids from up north. There were also a few black people they brought, mostly young men.

He said the white college kids mostly protested the segregation and stuff. The black people they brought went and sat where all the white people were.

He said two young black men sat down just a few rows in front of where he was sitting, next to a white family. He said the black men were there for one reason only, to instigate. They did this by being overtly sexually disrespectful to the white women. He said they were grab-adding young white girls and wives.

Naturally, some white men didn't take to kindly to men, black men at that, talking dirty to their wives and daughters.

Eventually a boiling point was reached and some physical violence broke out.

All of a sudden, when they were forcefully removing the black dudes who had been acting inappropriately towards the women, the white college kids broke out the cameras. The next day the paper said "blacks beaten and thrown out of local race track for sitting in white section."

I wasn't there, but I have been told about this incident by more than one person. I don't know how many, if any, more times instances like this occurred.
OMG I think I found a picture of your dad online!!! I just can't tell if he's the one on the right or the left....
"race-baiter"?! the fuck is that. i never heard such a word and i've been called an alien before.

Its like if you call my flat-tracker Sportster "slow" or a "girls" or "beginner" bike compared to your fancy CVO.....in which case I say "wanna race for pinks?" Bam I just race baited you.
A - Don't try and deflect stormfrontBUCK*. After 50,000 posts spelling is the only thing you get right*, so you've come a long way!

B - I wasn't part of any white supremacy group nor am I a member or reader of stormfront.

C - You're stormfrontBUCK* for a reason, your account over there says it all. Some of the topics you were involved with have some dubious titles at best according to google. The interwebz rememberz....

If there's one thing I hate more than a racist, it's a closet racist.

I wasn't part of any white supremacy group nor am I a member or reader of stormfront.


in this group, four member, nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1 engage in holocaust denial, white supremacy, planning white "revolutions" and the like.

Originally Posted by NietzscheKeen

Lots of good stuff being discussed. Glad we have a place cuz face it... storm front has a shitty set up and we get to talk about cannabis and everything else as well.

woooooops! it backfired on you...again.
Its like if you call my flat-tracker Sportster "slow" or a "girls" or "beginner" bike compared to your fancy CVO.....in which case I say "wanna race for pinks?" Bam I just race baited you.
I thought race 'baiting was when we all sat in a circle and raced to masterbait the fastest... No wonder that guy in the Ferrari looked at me weird when I pulled my dick out

in this group, four member, nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1 engage in holocaust denial, white supremacy, planning white "revolutions" and the like.

Originally Posted by NietzscheKeen

Lots of good stuff being discussed. Glad we have a place cuz face it... storm front has a shitty set up and we get to talk about cannabis and everything else as well.

woooooops! it backfired on you...again.
Nice! That was like watching the video of the guy smack the horse's ass and getting bucked in the face hahaha

in this group, four member, nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1 engage in holocaust denial, white supremacy, planning white "revolutions" and the like.

Originally Posted by NietzscheKeen

Lots of good stuff being discussed. Glad we have a place cuz face it... storm front has a shitty set up and we get to talk about cannabis and everything else as well.

woooooops! it backfired on you...again.

Post a single quote from me or have any of the threads re-opened - i had no involvement with any white supremacy group.

You on the other hand are a member of stormfront and actively participate in discussions over there.

It's no wonder you post links to that shit and call it "empirical evidence" LMFAO...

StormfrontBUCK* is as StormfrontBUCK* does...
I thought race 'baiting was when we all sat in a circle and raced to masterbait the fastest... No wonder that guy in the Ferrari looked at me weird when I pulled my dick out

Circle Jerk? Makes me say Wooooo Shit Mutha Fucka

\i had no involvement with any white supremacy group.

then why do you admit to joining it?

It started as a group intended to piss you off and it has achieved this goal. It clearly bothers you that you didn't get an invite and were not able to infect every section of this board with your limited means. Have another drink bucky boy, you deserve it!

and if it was intended to piss me off, why did you guys delete the "white nationalists and white separatists group" and become the "tacoburritonacho" group instead?


then why do you admit to joining it?

and if it was intended to piss me off, why did you guys delete the "white nationalists and white separatists group" and become the "tacoburritonacho" group instead?



It was never a white nationalists and white separatists group as you claim. As i've said, please post some citations of my involvement. You seem to be able to bring up others at will? I've asked you many times but as with your picture you keep coming up short... If you can quote beenthere, etc, i'm sure one post supporting your claims shouldn't be too hard...

Starting another failed poll was pretty silly considering you're a member of stormfront under the same handle as your RIU name, posting hearsay just reaffirms your deep seated narcissism.